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10 September 2017
17 September 2017
24 September 2017
On a cold wintry day a man saw a small girl standing at a street corner.
She was shivering with the cold and starving, for want of a decent meal.
The man got angry and said to God:
"Why do you allow this to happen?
Why don’t you do something about it?"
And God replied:
"I have already done something about it.
I made you.
As long as you did it to one of these, you did it to me."
These unforgettable words of Christ are at the heart of the Gospel. Every day during the year 2018, which we are beginning, you and I will get some chance to put them into practice.
May you know happiness during 2018 by bringing happiness to others.
Fair Trade Christmas Hamper: Many thanks to Kathy McWhirter (Bingo) winner of the Raffle Draw who very kindly donated the hamper to a family in the parish. True Christmas community spirit in action.
Thank You: Sincere thank you to Parishioners who prepared the Christmas Liturgy, decorated the Church, provided floral arrangements, joined in the general clean-up, erected the Crib, etc.
Mass New Year’s Day: Feast of Mary, The Holy Mother of God. Mass - 12.00 Noon only.
We return to usual times for Masses from Tuesday 2nd January
Thank You: Sincere thank you to Parishioners who prepared the Christmas Liturgy, decorated the Church, provided floral arrangements, joined in the general clean-up, erected the Crib, etc.
JPIC Meeting: Meeting of the Parish Justice & Peace Group on Tuesday 9th Jan. at 7.30 pm.
Parish Parish Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 18th January at 7.30pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler [Chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] or placed in the suggestion box at the back of the church before Thursday 11th January.
Senior Citizens Party – Saturday 27th January, 12 noon: The Senior Citizens Party will be held on Saturday 27th January at 12 noon. This is an open invitation to our Parish Senior Citizens to come along enjoy a four course meal, dance and good company.
Christmas Card Recycling: This year the Woodland Trust and their partners M & S are not collecting cards for recycling therefore, please use the Council's kerbside recycling service to recycle your Christmas cards. Thank you.
Gifts to the REH: Together with a Minister of the Eucharist I delivered your gifts to residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside, on Wednesday 20th December. There was a great sense of joy and appreciation from both the patients and staff. They asked me to the carry their thanks and good wishes to the generous parishioners of St. John Ogilvie’s.
Thank You: Together with a Minister of the Eucharist I delivered your gifts to residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside, on Wednesday 20th December. There was a great sense of joy and appreciation from both the patients and staff. They asked me to the carry their thanks and good wishes to the generous parishioners of St. John Ogilvie’s.
Anniversaries: Caroline Nessnau, Donald Lewis, Suzanne Anfry, Mary Ann Gordon, Francesca Peschiera, Miriam Livingstone, Maureen Payne, Nancy Ryan, Brother Cosgrove, OMI., John Payne, Fr. Walter Carolan, Margaret McDonald, Jane Heenan, David Lopes, Kenneth Tranent, Helen Burden, Catherine Holmes, Eileen Wasyliszyn, Louis Gibson, James Quinn, Betty Crow, Fr. Paul Winters, Isabel Geddes, John Prior, Nancy Johnston, Mary Duffy, Sr Mary Celine Ryan, Ross Graham, Rachel Conroy, Baby Connie Kimberley Wright and Agnes McWilliams.
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Saturday 23rd December - Vigil Mass, 6.30pm
Sunday 24th December - Morning Mass, 10.00am only
Sunday 24th December - First Mass of Christmas and Carols, 7.30pm
Monday 25th December - Morning Mass, 10.00am only
Daily Mass during Christmas week 12.00 Noon
Saturday 30th December - Vigil Mass 6.30pm
Sunday 31st December - Morning Mass, 10.00am only
Fair Trade Christmas Hamper: The Christmas Hamper was won by Kathy McWhirter (bingo) and the Chocolate Box was won by Agnes Rafferty. Congratulations to you both. Enjoy! Total raised from the Raffle amounted to £300 to be donated to an Oblate Refugee Project. Many thanks to everyone for your generous support.
Oblate Calendar 2018: The 2018 Oblate Calendar is available at the back of the church this weekend, take one for yourself and your friend. FREE.
Catholic Directory: The 2018 Catholic Directory for the Archdiocese of Edinburgh is available at the back of the church. Cost this year is £2.50.
Grant to all of us to spread the spirit
Of your Son, whose birthday we keep,
Through acts of kindness and words of goodwill,
This day and forever more.
May you and your family have Peace and Joy at Christmas.
Parish Bingo: On holidays until 16th January 2018.
Anniversaries: James Reid, Elizabeth McDade, Cissie Fairley, Katie Kerlin, Fr John Harding, Hughie Ward, Fr Ted McSherry, Peter Michael Martin, Melvyn Wood, Jill Paterson, Margaret O’Hare, Marilyn Leishman, Jim Byrne, George McFarlan, Margaret Oldroyd, James Butler, Eva Mather, Miriam Maher, Bill Stewart, John Carey, Thomas McCullagh, Margaret Lock, Hilda Findlay, Victor Rickis, Richard O’Rourke, Angel Pathmanathon, and John Boyle.
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Saturday 23rd December - Vigil Mass, 6.30pm
Sunday 24th December - Morning Mass, 10.00am only
Sunday 24th December - First Mass of Christmas and Carols, 7.30pm
Monday 25th December - Morning Mass, 10.00am only
Daily Mass during Christmas week 12.00 Noon
Saturday 30th December - Vigil Mass 6.30pm
Sunday 31st December - Morning Mass, 10.00am only
Christmas Church Clean: An Open Cleaning session will take place on Thursday 21st December between 10am – 12 noon. If you are free to help give the Church a good clean before Christmas please come along.
Fair Trade Christmas Hamper: Raffle tickets at £1.00 per strip remain available for the Fair Trade Christmas Hamper the proceeds of which will be donated to an Oblate Refugee Project. Draw will take place today after the 11.00am Mass. Good luck!
SCIAF Real Gifts: SCIAF Real Gift catalogues available at the back of the church.
Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist: Over the Christmas weekend there are changes to Mass times also some parishioners take a holiday. To plan for the Christmas Liturgy there are lists on the Altar, if you are available for reading or Ministry of the Eucharist you are invited to fill in your name for the times you are available.
Christmas Bingo: Parish Christmas Bingo will take place on Tuesday next 19th December.
Closed for Christmas Holidays and New Year Sales until restart on Tuesday 16th January.
REH at Christmas: The base of our Christmas Crib is now in place. On Sunday 17th December you are invited to place wrapped gifts in the crib for long-term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, I will take your gifts to the patients on the 20th December. Mark your present Male or Female.
Advent Penance Service St. Cuthbert’s: Tomorrow Monday 18th December there will be a Penance Service at St. Cuthbert’s, Sl;ateford Rd. at 7.00 pm. Six Priests available for confessions.
Anniversaries: Noreen Crossan, Michael Hickey, Julia Cairney, Ita McSorley, Dennis Gallagher, Nancy Butler, William McIntosh, Brian Clifford, Fr Christy Dunne, Flo Love, Bessie Woods, Bridget Davidson, Alex Inglis, Jean Roan, Fr. Terry Hynes, OMI, Catherine Taylor, Michael Kidd, Ina Turner, Fr Brian Flannagan OMI, Daniel Falsay, Jimmy Finn, Margaret McLaughlin, Margaret Munro, Thomas Heaney, Barry Greenan, Mary Tomaso, Betty McCarthy; Hugh Brady, John Ryan, John Bolan, Thomas Dooley and George Geddes.
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Cinema Trip – P3 and over – Sunday, 11th December: We are hoping to organise a trip to see "The Star" today, Sunday 11th December. This is dependent on the times of the film at the Odeon Cinema. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church if you are interested. The trip is for P3 upwards. Younger children would need to be accompanied by an adult. Cost would be £5 including snack and drink.
Fair Trade Stall/Christmas Hamper:
Thanks to everyone for your tremendous support at the Fair Trade Stall last weekend. Total sales amounted to £370.00.
Raffle tickets at £1.00 per strip remain available for the Fair Trade Christmas Hamper the proceeds of which will be donated to an Oblate Refugee Project. Draw will take place after the 11am Mass on 17th December. Good luck!
SCIAF Real Gifts: SCIAF Real Gift catalogues available at the back of the church.
Christmas Church Clean: An Open Cleaning session will take place on Thursday 21st December between 10am – 12 noon. If you are free to help give the Church a good clean before Christmas please come along.
Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist: Over the Christmas weekend there are changes to Mass times also some parishioners take a holiday. To plan for the Christmas Liturgy there are lists on the Altar, if you are available for reading or Ministry of the Eucharist you are invited to fill in your name for the times you are available.
Oblate Connections: available in the Church today, please take a copy - FREE.
REH at Christmas: The base of our Christmas Crib is now in place. On Sundays 10th & 17th December you are invited to place wrapped gifts in the crib for long-term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, I will take your gifts to the patients on the 20th December. Mark your present Male or Female.
Carols by Candle light service – St. Nicholas’ Sighthill, 10th December 7pm: You are invited to join St. Nicholas’ this evening at 7pm for their Carols by Candle light service.
Vocations MASS – Little Sisters of the Poor, Gilmore Place – 11th December: Mass for Vocations which will be held on Monday 11th December at 7pm at St. Joseph's House, 43 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh.
St. Augustine’s RC High School – 14th December: MYou are warmly invited to the School Carol Service and Concert on Thursday 14th December at 7.00pm.
Archbishop and Youth: I invite young people, aged 16-29, to the Cathedral each Friday in Advent (8, 15 and 22 December) at 7pm for a period of catechesis prepared and delivered by me, followed by a short time of prayer, and a period of socialising afterwards in the hall.
I would hope that you would draw attention to this in your parish, your newsletter and your internet presence in the run up to these events.
City Deanery Meeting: Last week the Archbishop met with the priests of the City Deanery. No decision on Clustering will be made before the end of the year. In 2018 the Archbishop will either advise the Diocese in a general communication or visit each area to meet with those affected by his decision.
Anniversaries: Frank Mitchell, Jane Douglas, Martin Redpath, Ena McLatchie, Sarah Daly, Mary Ferry, Baby Bohdi Callaghan, Hugh Grieve, Carol Freston, Winfred Curran, Charles Stewart, Jean Watt, Tommy Neilson, Marjorie Gordon, Annie Forester, Rita Brotherston, Br. Tim Ahern, OMI, Bridget Carton, Tony Flak and Mary Quinn.
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Advent Wreath: A Symbol of Advent is our wreath. Shaped in a circle to symbolise the eternity of God, the evergreen foliage expresses God’s undying love for us. The four candles, one for each week of Advent, represent those thousands of years when the people of God awaited their Messiah. They represent Salvation History – Creation – Covenant – Prophets – Mary – John the Baptist.
During Advent the reader will introduce the theme of the Mass each week and ask a parishioner or a family to come and light the candle.
Advent: New Mass Books available today for Advent Year B, Turquoise Cover. Please return your Year A Books 1 and 2
Advent Extra: "Advent Extra" is a booklet with a reflection for each day of December. Take a copy home to help you and your family keep focused on the main event as you journey towards Christmas. Special children’s section in booklet to help them get the true Christmas Spirit.
Christmas Fairtrade Stall and Hamper Raffle: A Christmas Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses this weekend, 2nd/3rd December. A chance for stress free Christmas shopping where you can purchase ethically produced gifts and goods to suit all. Please come over and have a look. Also available, raffle tickets at £1.00 per strip for our Christmas Fair Trade Hamper and Chocolate box.
SCIAF Real Gifts: SCIAF Real Gift catalogues available at the back of the church.
Blessing of the Nativity Scene and Carol Service: Today in St Andrew’s Square Gardens at 3.00 pm Bishop Cushley will bless the Edinburgh Crib. Carol singing will be led by the Origin Scotland Gospel Choir,
Cinema Trip – P3 and over – Sunday, 11th December: We are hoping to organise a trip to see "The Star" on Sunday 11th December. This is dependent on the times of the film at the Odeon Cinema. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church if you are interested. The trip is for P3 upwards. Younger children would need to be accompanied by an adult. Cost would be £5 including snack and drink.
Fresh Start Christmas Cooker Appeal: Christmas is a time for family and friends to share food, gifts, laughter and happiness. However, for those who have experienced homelessness it can be a time of dread. With little money a cooker can be a luxury they just cannot afford. Donation forms in support of the Cooker Appeal are available on the JPIC table at the back of the church for anyone interested in supporting the appeal.
REH at Christmas: The base of our Christmas Crib will be erected next weekend 10th December. On Sundays 10th and 17th December you are invited to place wrapped gifts in the crib for long-term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. I will take your gifts to the patients on the 20th December. Mark your present Male or Female.
Addresses for Christmas Greetings of Priests & Sister who served at St. John Ogilvie’s:
Frs. Michael O’Connor, John McFadden & Michael Phelan omi New Priory, Quex Road, Kilburn, London NW6 4PS
Frs Tony Clancy & Peter Clucas 118 Naas Road, Bluebell Dublin 12, Ireland.
Fr Tom Scully,omi Oblate House of Retreat, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland.
Fr Joe Daly omi, The Presbytery, 2 Rating Row, Beaumaris, Anglesey, LL58 8AL Wales
Fr John Lee St. Joseph’s, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7EG.
Fr Frank Gormley omi, Rushmere, 32 Allanson Road, Rhos-on-Sea, Conway, Colwyn Bay, LL28, 4Hl N. Wales.
Fr Leo Philomin omi, The Presbytery, Darndale, Dublin 17 Ireland.
Sr. Cecilia Conway Stella Maris Convent, Eaton Crescent, Swansea SA1 4QR.
A Celtic Christmas
Irish Youth Choir BYC
Presents -
Music, Stories and Songs of a traditional Irish Christmas
St. Catherine’s Convent of Mercy, 4 Lauriston Gardens
Anniversaries: Aggie Clarke, Maureen Gibson, Floyd Paterson, Christina Gallo, Donna Hall, Brigid Ferry, Mary Smith, Carl Scott, Margaret Risi, Heather Reith, Bridget Gaughan, Margaret Sowiak, Robert Gormley, Thomas Pettigrew, Michael Hickey, Mary Munro, Patrick Harrison, Mary Curran, Kami, Jess McKenzie-Wight, Baby Keigan Miller, John Hougen, Mary Nelson, Cathy McLeod, Annie Sharkey, Mary Watson, Ellen Sweeney and Sheila Ewen.
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From Archbishop Cushley: "During the three Fridays of Advent this year, I would like to start an initiative in the Archdiocese which aims to engage the young people entrusted to our care and to bring them into a closer relationship with the Lord. Inspired by St John Paul II’s vision for World Youth Day, this new initiative is based on relationships, namely, for all of us as pastors to get to know our young people by helping them get to know other young Catholics, which eventually should lead to a deepened and sustained relationship with Christ."
"I would like, therefore, to ask you ideally to bring, not send, some of your young people, aged 16-29, to the Cathedral each Friday in Advent (8, 15 and 22 December) at 7pm for a period of catechesis prepared and delivered by me, followed by a short time of prayer, and a period of socialising afterwards in the hall. I would hope that you would draw attention to this in your parish, your newsletter and your internet presence in the run up to these events, and encourage your young people to go, even if you cannot go yourself. Many thanks. + Leo Cushley"
Christmas Fairtrade Stall and Hamper Raffle: A Christmas Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses over the weekend of 2nd/3rd December. A chance for stress free Christmas shopping where you can purchase ethically produced gifts and goods to suit all. Please come over and have a look. Also available, raffle tickets at £1.00 per strip for our Christmas Fair Trade Hamper and Chocolate box.
St. Andrew: Thursday next is feast of St. Andrew, Patron of Scotland.
Blessing of the Nativity Scene and Carol Service: On Sunday next 3rd December, at 3.00pm, Archbishop Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene at St. Andrew’s Square Gardens, on the East side of George St. This Ecumenical Service will commence the religious preparation for Christmas.
Carol singing will be led by the Origin Scotland Gospel Choir. All who come along are invited to join in the launch of the Advent Christmas Calendar.
Origin Scotland: Steph MacLeod and Jordan Lang join some of Scotland’s Best Songwriters and the Origin Band, Choir and Orchestra for a night of outstanding Christmas music. At the USHER HALL, Saturday 2nd December
Tickets FREE from or call 0131-541-0117.
REH at Christmas: For the past 12 years parishioners donated gifts for long term patients in the REH at Christmas. As I have retired from the role of Catholic Chaplain at the REH I advised the PPC at our November meeting that I would discontinue this tradition. However, there was a strong feeling among the members of the PPC that we as a parish should continue to send gifts to the patients.
This year the Christmas Crib will be erected on the second Sunday of Advent December 10th and you are invited to place wrapped gifts in the Crib on the 10th and 17th of December, mark your gift Male or Female and I will take them to residents at the hospital before Christmas.
Mass Books: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. We enter Liturgical Year B. The new Mass Books are coloured turquoise. For readers, to facilitate preparation of readings, Year B Mass Books are available today. Please return Lemon colour books Year A Parts 1 & 2 for storage until year 2020.
Anniversaries: Fr. Andy Horgan, OMI, Nan Bolan, Mary McGinley, Steve Cassey, Jade Mason, Baby Rebecca Louise Young, Sr Mary Dympna, Jacquie Reid, Helen & Stephen Loftus, Joseph Cairney, Catherine Mazs, William O’Neill, Angus McDonald and George Fraser.
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Pastoral Fund- TODAY: Second Collection today in support of the Pastoral Formation in the Archdiocese.
Children’s Sacramental Programme: Next meeting of the children preparing for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion on Saturday 25th November at 10.30 am.
St. Augustine’s High School Parent Council – Saturday 25th November: A Christmas fair will be held in the school on Saturday 25th November from 12.00 - 2.00pm. It is free entry and there will be various stalls including tombolas, homebaking, Christmas Crafts, teas/coffees, hot rolls, raffles, kids games with prizes, Throw the sponge at the teacher and many more!! We would really appreciate it if you could encourage your parishioners to attend. All proceeds from the fair will go back into the school. (Signed: Liz McGarvey, Treasurer of St. Augustine’s Parent Council)
Charismatic Meeting: Meeting of the Diocesan Charismatic group at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 25th November at 10.30 am.
Friends of St. Eugene: Friends of St. Eugene is a Lay Association for people who wish to share in "Oblate Spirituality". If you are interested, Mary Tyrrell (OMI Associate) will be in Leith on Wednesday 22nd November 7:15 – 9pm with a view to setting up "A Friends of St Eugene" group.
Facing the Reality of a Changing Climate - This evening Sunday 19th November 2017: The Eco Congregation invite you to attend the above event on Sunday 19th November 7pm-8.30pm in the King's Hall, 41 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh where two world-leading experts Dr. Katherine Hayhoe and Professor Alastair McIntosh will discuss Climate Change, one of today's most hotly debated issues and ask what does this mean to us as people of faith and how we can respond. Entry Free. See notice board for details.
This is Scottish Prisoners Week [JPIC]:
During Prisoners Week you are invited to send a simple message of hope to those imprisoned because of their faith or standing up for human rights. Cards make such a difference to prisoners separated and probably far from family and home. Your messages bring hope, support and encouragement in the knowledge that someone knows and cares and that they are being upheld in prayer. Cards are available for posting on the table by the kitchen with details of the individuals. Please support this campaign by posting a card. Thank you.
Lord, you offer freedom to all people.
We pray for those who are held in prison.
Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist.
Support with your love: prisoners, their families and friends,
Prison staff, chaplains and all who care.
Heal those who have been wounded by the activities of others,
especially the victims of crime.
Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, to love mercy,
and walk humbly together with
Christ in his strength and in his Spirit,
now and every day. Amen.
Venerable Margaret Sinclair: To Pray for the Beatification of the Venerable Sinclair there will be a Mass on the First Monday of Every Month at 7.00 pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, EH1 1TQ.
Anniversaries: Margaret Rae, Stephen Brown, Brigid Ramsay, Mike Donnelly, Janet Devlin, Madge McGuire, Nellie O’Hagan, Edward Fraser, John McGlynn, Jackie Bryon, Kathy Grace, Betty Fraser, Tim Daly, May Michaud, Connie Hunter, Jean McKay, Louie Carberry, Catherine Linton, Mary Appolinari, Audrey Taylor, Danny Boyle, Robert Storrie, Mary Wilkie, Catherine McHugh, Mary Murphy, Francis Power, Margaret Brogan and Jessie Burnett.
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November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. Today, November 12th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura and Parkhead Residents.
November Mass - 17th November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us will be on Friday next, 17th November at 7.30 pm. If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.
Report from Liturgy Meeting: Christmas is a family time, we go to granny or granny comes to us. To help those who welcome other or who spend Christmas with relatives our Mass times over the Christmas weekend are as follows:
Mass for Vocations: Mass for Vocations will be held on Monday 13th November at 7pm at St. Joseph's House, 43 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh.
Pastoral Fund: Second Collection next Sunday in support of the Pastoral Formation in the Archdiocese.
St. Margaret of Scotland: Thursday next 16th November is the Feast of St. Margaret of Scotland. St. Margaret is the Secondary Patron of Scotland. Born in Hungary, where her father lived in exile, about the year 1046. After been shipwrecked on the Fife Coast she was rescued by Malcolm III king of the Scots, he married her and she bore him eight children. She was an Outstanding example of a true mother and queen, notable for her education of the young, care of the poor and sick. She died in Edinburgh Castle in 1093.
Charismatic Meeting: Meeting of the Diocesan Charismatic group at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 25th November at 10.30 am.
Children’s Sacramental Programme: Next meeting of the children preparing for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion on Saturday 25th November at 10.30 am.
Bonus Ball: This week a cheque in the sum of £1,000 was sent to the Brazil Mother and Baby clinic in the Oblate Parish of Goiania. Thanks to Lena who despite being on her knees for most of the past 12 months faithfully managed this charity.
Oscar Romero: Dr Jonathan Reyes of the US Bishops’ Conference, last week addressed the members of the Scottish Parliament, school pupils involved in the Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Awards, students at the University of St Andrews and the priests of the Archdiocese. In his address Dr Reyes highlighted those natural and supernatural qualities of Blessed Oscar to which we can all aspire. He concluded his talk with: "May the God of Peace help each of us to emulate the qualities for which Romero is rightly honoured: an authentic solidarity with those we serve, a generous, personal concern for those most in need, and unflinching courage in speaking and acting for justice and the genuine welfare of all."
St. Augustine’s High School: Mass of Remembrance in School Oratory Wednesday 16th November at 7.00 pm.
Anniversaries: Mary Watson, Jean Dignan, Mary Dixon, Bernard Reilly, Lennie Capavanni, Sheila King, Ronald Fusco, Betty Viscogliosi, Desmond McLaughlin, Brian Coates, Elizabeth Walker, Maureen Eadie, Elizabeth Somerville, Tom Hyde, Benny Heynes, Philip Donoghue, Frank Murphy, Betty Baird, Peter Skirving, Nan Lyons, William Bruce, Catherine Wyllie, Jim Ferguson, Tony Sweeney, Lilian Panton, Patricia Smith and Hazel Leetion.
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Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 9th November at 7.30 pm. Members of the Council please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.
November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. Next Sunday November 12th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura and Parkhead Residents.
November Mass - 17th November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us will be on Friday 17th November at 7.30 pm. If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.
Origin Scotland: Steph MacLeod and Jordan Lang join some of Scotland’s Best Songwriters And the Origin Band, Choir and Orchestra for a night of outstanding Christmas music. At the USHER HALL, Saturday 2nd December
Tickets FREE from or call 0131-541-0117.
Children’s Sacramental Programme: The Programme to prepare the children for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in November is scheduled for Saturday 4th November and Saturday 25th November 10.30 am to 11.45 am.
Liturgy Meeting: A meeting to prepare the Liturgy for Advent and Christmas will be held in the Sacristy on Tuesday next 7th November at 7. 30 pm.
Blessed John Duns Scotus: Wednesday next the 8th November is the feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus A Scott of whom we hear very little. Born around 1265 in Duns, Berwickshire, he entered the Order of Franciscans Minor in Dumfries. He was educated in Oxford and taught at the University of Paris. He had a considerable influence on medieval theology and philosophy, and was styled the Doctor Subtilis [Subtle Doctor] for the clarity of his thinking. He died in 1308 in Cologne.
Facing the Reality of a Changing Climate: As people of hope, how can we respond? Katharine Hayhoe, Evangelical Christian, Climate Scientist, one of Fortune’s 50 world’s greatest leaders. Climate change is one of today’s most hotly debated issues. But is the evidence solid? And what does it mean for us as people of faith? Come to this unique discussion between two world-leading experts, both of Christian Faith. Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, was named as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. Her associations include the UN IPCC, and she introduced Leonardo Di Caprio before the flood film with President Obama. Professor Alastair McIntosh, a Quaker, is Scotland’s celebrated author and human ecologist. Chaired by leading international mediator John Sturrock QC.
Sunday 19th November 2017
7.00pm – 8.30 pm
CCE the King’s Hall
41A South Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9NZ
Free entry
Cleaners Rotas: New Rota available at the back of the church. Please take your copy.
Anniversaries: Jean McGregor, Isobel Cocker, Molly Kerr, Helen Gilchrist, Tom McIntosh, Fr Jim Henderson SJ, Joe Stanislaus, Dave Parry, James Neilson, Maggie O’Donnell, Archie McCann, Esther Horne, 5 year old Reilly, Joe McKessick, Barbara Carroll, Marjorie Fullerton, Mary Boner, Rom Ziems, Br. Pat Murphy, OMI, Jim Clarke, Agnes Higgins, Rev. James McLeod, John Lowe, Nora Mitchell, Thomas Pullman, Agnes Toal, Fr. Joe Ryan, OMI, Maureen Loy, Hildegarde Ostwald, Joan Davidson, Frances Gallagher and John Todd.
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Welcome: Today we welcome to God’s Family Antony Kokoszka of Westburn Park. Congratulations to Tomasz and Monika Kokoszka on the birth of Antony, a brother for Olivier. May he bring much Joy and happiness to your family in the years ahead.
Solemnity of All Saints – Wednesday 1st November: Wednesday next 1st November, All Saints Day, is a holiday of obligation. Masses at St. John Ogilvie’s at 9.00 am and 7.30 pm.
Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 9th November at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary) or placed in the suggestion box at the back of the church before Thursday 3rd November.
November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.
Little Sisters of the Poor: We are holding our Christmas Fair at St. Joseph's Care Home, 43 Gilmore Place on 4th November 2017 at 1.30pm - £1 entry.
November Mass - 17th November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us will be on Friday 17th November at 7.30 pm. If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.
A Holding Place - a shelter for thought and reflection: An opportunity for people to share and explore being church:
Vigil Group Event: Saturday 4th Nov, 9:30am to 4pm,
Lauriston Hall, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh EH3 9DJ
Prayer for those Abused:
When One is Broken the Body Suffers - A time of prayer for people who have been abused whilst in the care of the Roman Catholic and other Christian Churches in Scotland.
Saturday 4th November 2017 at 2pm St Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street Leith EH6 6AW.
You are warmly invited to a service of prayer and reflection for anyone who has experienced abuse, for anyone who have been affected and for anyone who wishes to show their concern and support for survivors and their families.
The service will last about 40 minutes and there will be tea and coffee in the
hall afterwards.
Origin Scotland: Steph MacLeod and Jordan Lang join some of Scotland’s Best Songwriters And the Origin Band, Choir and Orchestra for a night of outstanding Christmas music. At the USHER HALL, Saturday 2nd December
Tickets FREE from or call 0131-541-0117.
Anniversaries: Patricia McKessick, Fay Smith, Stephen Harte, Peter Spencer, Kitty Summerville, Andrew McElvanney, Patrick O’Rourke, Madeline Parish, Jane Manzie, Cathy McCaskey, Patricia Smith, Flora Haddow, Christopher Norris, Hugh White, Mary Smith, Margaret Mary O’Donnell, Sarah Sweeney, Mary Hind, Douglas Bree, Christopher McKenzie, Anne Scott, Freddie Chalmers, Mary Guthrie, Mary Flannigan, Fr. Tony Farmer, OMI, Edith Nagel, Irene Martin, Robert Roberts, Pat O’Donnell and Quie Lawrence.
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World Day of Prayer for the Missions: Mission Sunday is the former "Propagation of the Faith" you may remember from your school days, when you paid a penny or a halfpenny every month. This is now replaced by an annual collection in all churches in the world. The second collection today is sent to the Pope who allocates it to the poorest missions.
Parish Pledge: In the month of October each year we invite you to donate your 2nd instalment to the Parish Pledge. This parish pledge was established in the year 2000 to take the place of the old annual parish fete, the idea being to pledge the sum of money you would expect to spend at the parish fete.
Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today. In 2016 income from this source came to £3,020.
November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.
November Mass - 17th November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us will be on Friday 17th November at 7.30 pm. If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the church notice board.
Fr Kevin Lowry: We regret to announce to death of Fr Kevin Lowry osa former Parish Priest of St. Joseph’s Broomhouse. Only 65 years of age, died of a heart attack last week and was laid to rest in his native Lancaster. May he rest in peace
CMS Race Night: Saturday, 28th October, St Mary’s Star of the Sea. Leith. 7.30pm. Tickets, £5 includes light supper, are available from Kathy Barclay, 0131 554 2482. To Sponsor Horses £3 contact Kathy Barclay (Parish Administrator).
Children’s Liturgy 11am Mass – P1 children upward: This is a reminder that the Children’s Liturgy at 11am Mass is for children in Primary 1 upward. This is due to restricted room and for the safety and comfort of the children.
Little Sisters of the Poor: We are holding our Christmas Fair at St. Joseph's Care Home, 43 Gilmore Place on 4th November 2017 at 1.30pm - £1 entry.
Prayer for those Abused:
When One is Broken the Body Suffers - A time of prayer for people who have been abused whilst in the care of the Roman Catholic and other Christian Churches in Scotland.
Saturday 4th November 2017 at 2pm St Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street Leith EH6 6AW.
You are warmly invited to a service of prayer and reflection for anyone who has experienced abuse, for anyone who have been affected and for anyone who wishes to show their concern and support for survivors and their families.
The service will last about 40 minutes and there will be tea and coffee in the hall afterwards. This is being organised by lay Catholics from different parishes.
For more information please contact Marie Louise Cochrane 0131 467 1449 or email
Oblate Advent Retreat – 8th – 10th December: Advent Retreat for Oblate Parishioners and Friends to be held in Oblate Retreat Centre, Wistaston Hall, Crewe from Friday 8th Dec 6pm – Sunday 10th Dec 2pm.
"Shout with a Loud Voice, Joyful Messenger"
Presented by Fr Brian Maher OMI and Sr Catherine Lavery HFB. Cost £99, to book a place, email: or see poster at the back of the church for more details.
Anniversaries: Dennis Brownhill, Catherine Kozubal, Neil McLean, Hilary Muir, Margaret Conway, William Foren, Patrick Hanley, Connie Wilson, Fred Menelaws, Tony Swain, Andrew Gillon, Noran McCann, James Christie, Cepta McMorrough, Colum Sharkey, Patricia Monaghan, Bill Robertson, Sarah Milne, Cissie O’Donnell, Patricia McKessick and Fay Smith,
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Three Vital Activities – Jean Vannier: There are three activities that are absolutely vital in the creation of a community:-
Jean Vanier was awarded the £3 million Templeton Prize which is an annual award made for "an exceptional contribution to affirming life's spiritual dimension, whether through insight, discovery, or practical works". The award was made for Jean Vanier’s insights and contribution to the lives of disabled people - founder of the worldwide Larch Communities. The above quotation which describes the outcome of his work is the best reflection on today’s readings.
Children’s Liturgy 11am Mass – P1 children upward: This is a reminder that the Children’s Liturgy at 11am Mass is for children in Primary 1 upward. This is due to restricted room and for the safety and comfort of the children.
November Mass for deceased: The November Mass for your deceased relatives and friends will be celebrated on Friday November 17th. If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the church notice board.
World Day of Prayer for the Missions: Mission Sunday is the old "Propagation of the Faith" you may remember from your school days, when you paid a penny or a halfpenny every month. This is now replaced by an annual collection in all churches in the world. Pope Francis writes:-
"Being Christian is living and witnessing to Faith in Prayer, in works of charity, in promoting Justice, in doing good. The whole of our life must pass through the narrow door which is Christ."
The second collection next Sunday is for the Missions.
Oblate Advent Retreat – 8th – 10th December: Advent Retreat for Oblate Parishioners and Friends to be held in Oblate Retreat Centre, Wistaston Hall, Crewe from Friday 8th Dec 6pm – Sunday 10th Dec 2pm.
"Shout with a Loud Voice, Joyful Messenger"
Presented by Fr Brian Maher OMI and Sr Catherine Lavery HFB. Cost £99, to book a place, email: or see poster at the back of the church for more details.
Eucharistic Ministers Rota: Available at the back of the church, your name is highlighted on your copy. Also, a few Readers Rotas remain on the table under the notice board awaiting collection.
CMS Race Night: Saturday, 28th October, St Mary’s Star of the Sea. Leith. 7.30pm. Tickets, £5 includes light supper, are available from Kathy Barclay, 0131 554 2482. To Sponsor Horses £3 contact Kathy Barclay (Parish Administrator).
Sr Aelred – Homeless Project: "I write to thank you and all the members of St. John Ogilvie’s most sincerely for the wonderful Harvest Fayre which was delivered to us for the Homeless Project." (See letter on the Justice & Peace notice board.)
JPIC: At their meeting last Tuesday our Parish Justice & Peace group expressed their thanks to those who came to the Oscar Romero Film, special appreciation to John Rafferty in his role as projectionist.
Anniversaries: Wattie Robb, Pedro Duffy, Gabriel Donald, Raymond Dunlop, Ewen McLeod, Michael Gallagher, Anne Manners, John Cleghorn, Kenneth Davidson, Jim Blaney, Charles Flynn, Catherine Doherty, Mary Martinez, John Murphy, Robert Dickson, Daryl McLaughlin, Drew Hornig, Ann Patterson, John Connolly, Annie Scott, Jean Rafferty, Helen Hunter, William Priest, James Clark and Steven Curran.
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Welcome: This weekend we welcome Beth Grace Gray to the Family of God. Congratulations to her parents Andy and Claire on the birth of Beth, a sister for Emma and Andrew. May she bring much joy and happiness to you in the years ahead.
Children’s Liturgy 11am Mass – P1 children upward: This is a reminder that the Children’s Liturgy at 11am Mass is for children in Primary 1 upward. This is due to restricted room and for the safety and comfort of the children.
Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation: Meeting of Parish JPCI In the Chapel House on Tuesday 10th October 7.30 pm.
Harvest Mass: Thanks to everyone involved in the preparation of the Harvest Mass last weekend; for the fresh produce from the local allotment and your very generous donations of tinned food for the parish food cupboard and St. Catherine’s Homeless. A special thanks to P3 children from Murrayburn Primary School for the wonderful artwork displayed in the church.
Fresh Start Newsletter: Latest newsletter available at back of the Church. Please take one.
Date for your Diary – Friday 17th November: The November Mass for our deceased relatives and friends will be celebrated on Friday November 17th. More details later.
SCIAF Acknowledgement: Letter from Siobhan Wright for our Lenten Wee Boxes which came to £666.24, official receipt posted on Notice Board.
Retirement: I called an old school friend and asked what he was doing. He replied that he is working on "Aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminium and steel under a restricted and constrained environment." I was impressed.
On further inquiring, I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife's supervision.
"Romero: Heartbeat of El Salvador"
Friday 3rd November – 7.30 pm
Sacred Heart Church Main Hall, 28 Lauriston Street, EH13 9DJ. Age 11 +
A play by RISE Theatre, in association with the Romero Trust, looking at the life and legacy of a man who chose to challenge those in power and stand up for social justice.
Tickets £10 can be purchased at or by contacting Andrew Cassidy on or 0131-229-9821.
Eucharistic Ministers Rota: Available at the back of the church, your name is highlighted on your copy.
Gillis Pastoral Centre, Staff Changes - Update from the Archbishop: "As some of you may know, Patricia Carroll [Director of Pastoral Resources] has accepted the post of Pastoral Coordinator for Evangelisation and Ecumenism in the Archdiocese of Dublin and will be leaving us on Monday 2 October 2017. I have personally expressed to Patricia my gratitude to her for all the good she has achieved in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh over the last nine years, and for her patience and hard work while with us. On your behalf, as well as in my own name, I would like to seize this opportunity to wish her every success in her new post."
Prayer for Vocations: Monthly Mass for Vocations will be held on Monday 9th October at 7.30 pm at St. Joseph's House, Little Sisters, 43 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh. Everyone welcome.
Oblate Connections: Autumn edition available at the back of the church today. Please take a copy.
Anniversaries: Alice Brownhill, Edward Scully, Mary Gallagher, Dominic Boner, Viv McKay, Sr. Margaret Connor, Angela Boyle, Charlie Gallagher, Annie Mcguire, William Loftus, Walter Stewart, Shaun Cooney, Alex Brown, Pat Cooney, Alice Smith, Kathleen McKinnon, Ann Ralph, Becky Hogg, Georgina Devlin, Bill Dignan, Ronald Nolan, Kathleen Ellis, Sandra Brownhill, Br. Peter Fitzpatrick, OMI, Patricia Kennedy, Barney McCarron, Thomas Eadie, Brian Dougan, Matilda Henry, Mary Boner, Bill Bell, Margaret Mills, Janet (Nettie) McGowan, Lawrence Higgins, Sarah Rigg, Marian Secka, John Higgins, Nora Masson, Margarida Cortereal, Charles Devine and Christian Janczuk.
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Annual Harvest Mass: Today we celebrate our Annual Parish Harvest Mass. This year's theme is "Journeying with God".
At the offertory of Mass you are invited to donate tinned food for our Parish Food Cupboard. We seem to be well stocked with pasta and rice at the moment so would ask if you could please donate for example, tinned soup, meat, beans and veg etc. and place your donations in the box during the Offertory. The fresh produce from the Harvest table will be donated to St. Catherine's Homeless Project. The art work is from the children of Murrayburn School. On Monday the children will come to the church to reflect on the Harvest Time with Fr. Tony. Your support is as always very much appreciated as Fr. Tony sadly continues to see a growing demand for food parcels from people who are struggling at this time.
Children’s Sacramental Programme 2017/18:
Meeting for parents and children who have registered a child to take part in the Parish Programme to prepare for Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, on Saturday, 7th October at 10.30 am.
We will begin with a short meeting for parents to discuss commitment to the programme and look at draft dates. The first class will finish at 11.45.
Readers' Rotas: New rotas for Readers are available at the back of the Church, please take your envelope.
A Tattie Talk by John Marshall – 2nd October: John Marshall an award-winning expert on the potato will give an entertaining talk on the history of the exotic and fascinating spud. Tattie Talk on Monday 2nd October 7.30 pm. Lauriston Hall, FREE donations to Mary’s Meals.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre – Tuesday 3rd October, 7.30 – 9.00pm:
Archbishop Fitzgerald, a member of the Society of Missionaries of Africa, and an expert on Christian-Muslim relations will explore 'Our Journey with Islam'. Archbishop Fitzgerald is the former President of the Pontifical Council of Interreligious Dialogue, Papal Nuncio to Egypt and Delegate to the Arab League.
Blessed Oscar Romero Film and Prayer Evening – Wednesday 4th October: The JPIC Group invite you to join them in the church on Wednesday 4th October at 7.00pm for a Film and Prayer evening to mark the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero. Oscar Romero was the Archbishop of San Salvador and a powerful advocate of the poor and voiceless. Archbishop Romero was assassinated on the 24th March 1980 while celebrating Mass in the chapel of Divine Providence hospital. Oscar Romero is considered a martyr of the church and was beatified in May 2015. We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you then.
St. Augustine’s RC High School Open Evening – Thursday 5th October, 4.30-6.30pm:
Talk by Headteacher in the Theatre at 4.30 pm
Followed by a guided tour of the school.
Parents and pupils will be able to see around the school and visit departments, speak to teachers and see some displays of work.
Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation – Tuesday 10th October, 7.30pm: Meeting of Parish JPCI group In the Chapel House.
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation - 2017:
"God of love, show us our place in this world as the channels of your love for all creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with you power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom Of justice, peace, love and beauty."
Rings: Two rings found in the church last week. Can be claimed after Mass from the ladies in the kitchen or from Fr Tony after the vigil Mass.
Anniversaries: Jessie Reid, Jim Gahagan, Janet Todd, Maisie Butler, Maisie McKay, Paul Boyle, Jane Halliday, Patricia Fletcher, Gilbert Russell, Andrew McCulloch, Catherine Ryan, Cathie Baillie, Alex Mazs, James Kane, David Scott, Fr. Larry Keogh, OMI, Robert Meriless, Canon Harold Parker, John-Joseph Mullholland, Dominick Boner, Fr. Eoghan Haughey OMI and Fr. Sean Hynes, OMI, Penny Clark, Harold Benert, John Smith and Susan Conway.
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Welcome: At the 11.00 am Mass today we welcome to God’s Family Larah Machado Martins daughter of Ricardo and Fernanda, of Clovenstone Drive. We congratulate Fernanda and Ricardo on the birth of their daughter and pray she will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Thank You: On Friday last you created a festive evening to celebrate my Diamond Jubilee. While I like a quiet life, nevertheless, I greatly appreciate your good wishes and expressions of gratitude. For five hours the prayer, the music and dancing were a wonderful experience. My thanks to the Parish Council who put many hours into preparation for the celebration, the Liturgy with input from various cultures, and the children, all with a sense of joy was very touching and a good expression of people who love to be here.
My appreciation to those who prepared a festive meal, those who physically changed the “temple” into a community of song. Our resident quartet. The many cards with good wishes and gifts, the floral arrangements in the church and the presence of parishioners who filled the church to capacity.
Members of my family who joined us for the occasion were in amazement at the collaboration of parishioners in changing the church settings, and relationship of members to each other, my brother remarked, no controller just all engaged in the whole operation out of a sense of ownership.
This is a community that will continue to prosper with or without a resident priest.
Children’s Sacramental Programme 2017/18:
If you have a child in P3 or P4 whom you wish to follow the Parish Programme to prepare for Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, please register during the next two weeks with Julia McGuire, Laura Lang or Trish Middlemist. These ladies will be available today and next Sunday after the 11.00 Mass.
Details required:
If you attend the vigil or 9.00 am Mass you can give the above details to Fr Tony.
Blessed Oscar Romero Film and Prayer Evening – Wednesday 4th October: The JPIC Group invite you to join them in the church on Wednesday 4th October at 7.00pm for a Film & Prayer evening to mark the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero. Oscar Romero was the Archbishop of San Salvador and a powerful advocate of the poor and voiceless. Archbishop Romero was assassinated on the 24th March 1980 while celebrating Mass in the chapel of Divine Providence hospital. Oscar Romero is considered a martyr of the church and was beatified in May 2015. We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you then.
Landscaping: You will have noticed the improvements at the church entrance. This enhancement is thanks to Norman and Maureen Gore who did the groundwork and Margaret O’Hare and Marie McDonald who supplied the pots, ground cover and foliage. Another sign of ownership. Thank you very much.
Annual Harvest Mass – Sunday 1st October: Our Parish Annual Harvest Mass will be held on Sunday 1st October 2017 and this year's theme is "Journeying with God". Once again you are invited to donate tinned food for our Parish Food Cupboard. We seem to be well stocked with pasta and rice at the moment so would ask if you could please donate for example, tinned soup, meat, beans and veg etc. and place your donations in the box during the Offertory. Once again the fresh produce from the Harvest table will be donated to St. Catherine's Homeless Project. Fr. Tony will welcome the children from Murrayburn School on the following Monday to discuss Harvest time and again this year the children will provide their art work to be displayed in the church. Your support is as always very much appreciated as Fr. Tony sadly continues to see a growing demand for food parcels from people who are struggling at this time.
A Tattie Talk by John Marshall – 2nd October: John Marshall an award-winning expert on the potato will give an entertaining talk on the history of the exotic and fascinating spud. Tattie Talk on Monday 2nd October 7.30 pm. Lauriston Hall, FREE donations to Mary’s Meals.
Anniversaries: Thomas Quinn, Andrena Hardie, Victoria Wallace, Boreis Liston, Sylvia Benert, Margaret Moriarty, Charlie McGonagle, Margaret Thatcher, Fr John Dunlea, Cathy Simm, Fr. Peter O’Neill, OMI, Jean Robertson, Susan Ward, Fr Brian Ivers OMI, Neily Boyle, Bridie Miller, Val Waugh, John Browne, Maria Jones, Beatrice McQuillan, James Sweeney, Violet Hudson, Janet Glen, Margaret Anderson, Mary Ferrier and Alan Kilmack.
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Welcome: At the 11.00 am Mass today we welcome to God’s Family Monika Agata Jagka daughter of Sebastian and Monika, of Calder Park. We congratulate Monika and Sebastian on the birth of their daughter and pray she will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Children’s Sacramental Programme 2017/18:
If you have a child in P3 or P4 whom you wish to follow the Parish Programme to prepare for Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, please register during the next two weeks with Julia McGuire, Laura Lang or Trish Middlemist. These ladies will be available today and next Sunday after the 11.00 Mass.
Details required:
If you attend the vigil or 9.00 am Mass you can give the above details to Fr Tony.
Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage 2017: 17th September: The National Pilgrimage for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair will take place today, Sunday 17 September at 2pm (Mass 4.30pm: Preacher Fr Richard Reid CSSR), St Patrick’s Church, 5 South Gray’s Close, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1TQ.
St. Cuthbert's Slateford Road – 21st September: Talk on the history and families of the Grassmarket by Mr. Tommy Carson on Thursday 21st September at 7.00pm in St. Cuthbert's church hall, which is situated in Hutchison Crossway, next door to the R.S.P.C.A. The cost will be £3 per person, payable at the door and this will include light refreshments. This is in support of a local charity Streetwork, which gives support and help to the homeless people here in our own city.
Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 6th to 8th October at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For details contact: Ros on 0131-669-0003 or email Completed Applications must be returned by Friday 22nd September 2017.
Communications from Archbishop: In August we received two letters from Bishop Leo Cushley on changes at the Gillis Pastoral Centre:
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation – September 2017:
"God of love, show us our place in this world as the channels of your love for all creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with you power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom Of justice, peace, love and beauty."
Anniversaries: Teresa Hoy, Anthony Fraghetti, Agnes Law, Fr Patrick McMahon, Susan Spencer, Olivia Watson, Jane Watson, Norrie Lamb, Denis Meenan, Darren Mills, Fr Gerard Clenaghan, Vera Smith, Michael Lundberg, Kenny Bush, Kathleen Eadie, Patrick McMahon, Sr Maura Carey, Bill Anderson, Anne McCaskey, Eddie Aitken, Allan Thompson, Rebecca Gore, James Davidson, Barney Law, Mary Monkman, Olivia Duthie (2 yrs), Thomas Pullman, Edward Goll, Margaret Ryan, Dorothy Grant and Fr Denis Cormican.
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Children’s Sacramental Programme 2017/18:
Notice for parents who have a child in P3 or P4
If you have a child in P3 or P4 whom you wish to follow the Parish Programme to prepare for Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, please register during the next two weeks with Julia McGuire, Laura Lang or Trish Middlemist. These ladies will be available today and next Sunday after the 11.00 Mass.
Details required:
If you attend the vigil or 9.00 am Mass you can give the above details to Fr Tony.
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund: The demand on this fund in recent years has greatly increased. In parallel with the increased longevity of the nation there are many more retired priests to be funded from this source. The Archbishop has decided to hold two collections each year in an effort to build up an investment fund.
The next special collection for the AICF will be taken on Sunday next 17th September. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, a special pink envelope will be available at the back of the church.
Your donation will be used to support the current needs of the aged & infirm clergy fund, some of the donations received will be used to create a new investment fund. In due course, the income from this fund will support the cost of retirement benefits that will need to be provided to priests that are ordained over the coming years, when they retire.
Father Tony’s Diamond Jubilee: Fr. Tony’s Diamond Jubilee will take place on Friday, 15th September. Celebrations begin with Mass at 6.30pm followed by a social event with music dancing and buffet.
For catering purposes could we please ask that only those staying on after Mass for the Social take a Free Ticket, available at Masses this weekend.
Some help will be required on the night, if you can help it would be appreciated.
Mass for Vocations: Monday 11th September at 7.30 pm at Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Joseph's House, 43 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh. EH3 9NG. Everyone is most welcome to join us in praying for this special intention.
St. Cuthbert's Slateford Road – 21st September: Talk on the history and families of the Grassmarket by Mr. Tommy Carson on Thursday 21st September at 7.00pm in St. Cuthbert's church hall, which is situated in Hutchison Crossway, next door to the R.S.P.C.A. The cost will be £3 per person, payable at the door and this will include light refreshments.
This is in support of a local charity Streetwork, which gives support and help to the homeless people here in our own city.
Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage 2017: 17th September: The National Pilgrimage for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair will take place on Sunday next, 17 September at 2pm (Mass 4.30pm: Preacher Fr Richard Reid CSSR), St Patrick’s Church, 5 South Gray’s Close, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1TQ.
Thank You: Sr Pennie MacInnes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary Congregation who appealed on behalf of her missions last Sunday asked me to thank you for the very genuine welcome and your most generous response to her appeal.
Second collection came to £447.92.
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation – September 2017:
"God of love, show us our place in this world as the channels of your love for all creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with you power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom Of justice, peace, love and beauty."
Anniversaries: Patrick McGoohan; John Stoddart, Marianne Stokes, Margaret McLaughlin, Martin Kelly, Terry Parkinson, Annie Clarke, Dan Rafferty, Sr. Maria Goretti, Eric Gallo, Doris Burrows, Bernard Conway, Margaret McBennett, Bill Clarke, Margaret Brown, Tina Armit, Fr. Ben Beary Ena oy, Pauline Rainsford, Albert McCurragh, Annie Hurry, Gerrard Paterson, William McIntosh, Fr John Delaney, David Campbell, Theresa McAllister, Sr. Raphael McAllister, Henry Doran, Kathleen Myles, Bridget Forker and Patrick McCarron.
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Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage 2017: 17th September: The National Pilgrimage for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair will take place on Sunday 17 September at 2pm (Mass 4.30pm: Preacher Fr Richard Reid CSSR), St Patrick’s Church, 5 South Gray’s Close, Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1TQ.
Welcome: Today we welcome Sr Penni MacInnes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary Congregation. Sister will share the mission of her congregation the second collection is to support their apostolate.
Alex Thomson:
Reception into St. John Ogilvie’s Monday 4th September at 4.30pm.
Requiem Tuesday 5th September at 11.00am
Burial at Rosebank Cemetery, Pilrig 1.00pm
Parish Council Meeting 7th September: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday next at 7.30pm. Members of the Council please collect your agenda and correspondence today after Mass.
Beginning Experience – 6th – 8th October: The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 6th to 8th October at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For details contact: Ros on 0131-669-0003 or email Completed Applications must be returned by Friday 22nd September 2017.
Father Tony’s Diamond Jubilee: Fr. Tony’s Diamond Jubilee will take place on Friday, 15th September. Celebrations start with Mass at 6.30pm followed by a social event with music dancing and buffet.
For catering purposes could we please ask that only those staying on after Mass for the Social take a Free Ticket, available at Masses this weekend.
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017 - TODAY:
In honour of Our Lady of
To consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Today, Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 3.00 pm
There will be very limited parking for private cars in the Grotto, in the car park of the Holy Ghost Fathers property and Our Lady and Saint Francis Primary School, both of which are directly across the road from the main entrance to the Grotto.
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation – September 1st 2017:
"God of love, show us our place in this world as the channels of your love for all creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with you power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom Of justice, peace, love and beauty."
Pilgrimage to Iona for young adults (ages 16–29) on September 9–10: See Poster on Church Notice Board.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched. But are felt in the heart.
Anniversaries: Margaret Lackie, Anne O’Driscoll, Margaret Conway, Jessie McGuinness, Matt McGuire, Terrence Spillane, Sr Mary Gilligan, Baby Kathryn Crawford, George Miller, Fr. Eddie Connolly, OMI, Charlie Gilligan, Mary Higgins, Michael Jackson, Josie McCormack, Marion Gillan, Anne Bryce, Reno Florean, Derrick Fleming, Gertrude Fleming, Alexander Muir; Caroline Campbell, Christina Leitch, Margaret Watson; James O’Hara; Jane Heaney, Catherine Dimmer, Fr Paddy Sheridan, Moira Hughes, "Rory", Robert Jones and Fr John Cribben.
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Baptisms: Today we welcome to God’s Family Anastazja Iwona Hajola from Wester Hailes Park. Congratulation to her parents Gregoz and Anna. May she bring you much happiness in the years ahead.
Today we also welcome to God’s Family Deniz Can Sinsek from Hailesland Grove. Congratulation to his parents Huseyin and Aneta, may he bring you much happiness in the years ahead.
Fair Trade Stall: Thanks to everyone for your tremendous support at the Fairtrade Stall last weekend. Total sales amounted to £303.50 and is much appreciated. Thanks too to the ladies who manned the stall at such short notice, true community in action.
Alex Thomson: It is with great sadness that we advise the death of Alex Thomson. Alex served the parish community as a member of the PPC, Eucharistic Minister, and groundsman. We offer our sincere sympathy to his wife Sandra and family. His loss will be very much felt by his family and the community. May he rest in Peace.
Requiem will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on Tuesday 5th September at 11.00am followed by burial at Pilrig cemetery.
Missio Appeal: The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary will be visiting the Parish next weekend for this year’s Appeal on behalf of their missions.
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation – September 1st 2017: In 2015 Pope Francis established September 1st as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, encouraging the Catholic community around the world to pray for our common home. Now, for its third year, the aid agency, CAFOD, provides a prayer in union with creation.
"God of love, show us our place in this world as the channels of your love for all creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with you power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom Of justice, peace, love and beauty."
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017:
In honour of Our Lady of
To consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 3.00 pm
Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th September: Next PPC Meeting is Thursday 7th September, if you have any items for the Agenda please please pass them to Anna Allen or Pat Saddler or place them in the suggestion box at the back of the Church by today.
Anniversaries: Elizabeth McKellock, Joe McGinley, Sr. Agnes Canning, Ian Ross, Johanna McGeough, Mgr. Michael Regan, Moira Stewart, Mary White, Ewen Bryden, Janet Allen, Eva McKay, David Whitelaw, Gillespie Munro, Paul Canning, Tommy McGregor Watson, Ina Stewart, Dennis Farrell, Ann Rogojinski, Peter Wilson, Mary Brown, Sr Josephine Secco, Paul McGuire, Lawrence McGowan, Ian Moyes, James Douglas and Patrick Donoghue.
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Children’s Liturgy: After the summer break the Children’s Liturgy at 11.00am Mass will commence again on Sunday 20th August for children in P1 – P7.
Fair Trade Stall: A Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses this weekend. Please come over and have a look- there will be goods to suit all and an opportunity to support ethical producers and farmers.
JPIC Meeting - Wednesday 23rd August: Meeting of JPIC this Wednesday 23rd August 7.30pm in Presbytery.
Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th September: Next PPC Meeting is Thursday 7th September, if you have any items for the Agenda please pass to Anna Allen or put in suggestion box at the back of the Church by 27th August.
Fr Tony’s Diamond Jubilee – Friday, 15th September 2017: Save the date in your diary. Further details of the Celebration will follow.
Thank you: Thank you once again to Fr Lylie for standing in for Fr Tony while he had a well-deserved holiday.
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017:
In honour of Our Lady of
To consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 3.00 pm
Principal Celebrant - Archbishop Philip Tartaglia [Glasgow]
Homilist - Bishop Brian McGee [Argyll and the Isles]
Pilgrimage to Iona for young adults (ages 16–29) on September 9–10: Come and join us on our journey to visit the island where Saint Columba lived, prayed and evangelised. Meet other young pilgrims from across Scotland, pray with your brothers and sisters, participate in Holy Mass offered by Archbishop Cushley. Details can be found on the Iona Pilgrimage poster. For more information, and/or to register, contact Sister Mirjam at or 0131 662- 923 8908
This pilgrimage for 16–29 year olds begins at 7:30 pm on Saturday evening 9th September with a welcome
to the pilgrims by Archbishop Cushley in Edinburgh. After dinner, Night Prayer and some sleep we depart for Iona on
Sunday morning at 4.00 am 10th September, arriving on Iona around noon. After Holy Mass at 4 pm we begin the
return to Edinburgh.
We’ll have dinner in Oban and will arrive back at midnight. Sign up before 24 August. Cost £20.
Anniversaries: Harold Greig, Ella Gray, Ian Smith, Kathleen Flynn, Jamesina Geddes, Mark Dale, Mary O’Donnell, John West, Jessie Gibson, Sr Mary Oliver, Sam Martinez, Nan Murray, Willie Devlin, Roy Geddes, Alan Thomas, Andrew Hynd, Jr, Sid Jones, James Barclay, Mary Gillespie, Angela Martone and Mira Fakhoury.
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Baptism: Today we welcome Luxia Niewiquowskz of Barn Park who will be baptised at the 11.00 am Mass. Congratulations to her parents Marcin and Ewa on the birth of their daughter. May she bring you much happiness in the years ahead.
Holiday of Obligation – Tuesday 15th August, Feast of the Assumption: Tuesday is a Holyday of Obligation. Masses will be at 9am and 7.30pm.
Fr Tony’s Diamond Jubilee – Friday, 15th September 2017: Save the date in your diary. Further details of the Celebration will follow.
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017:
In honour of Our Lady of
To consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 3.00 pm
Principal Celebrant - Archbishop Philip Tartaglia [Glasgow]
Homilist - Bishop Brian McGee [Argyll and the Isles]
Fair Trade Stall: A Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses the weekend of 19/20th August. Please come over and have a look- there will be goods to suit all and an opportunity to support ethical producers and farmers.
Children’s Liturgy: After the summer break the Children’s Liturgy at 11.00am Mass will commence again on Sunday 20th August for children in P1 – P7.
School's back – Wednesday 16th August
A Blessing for all children returning to school or starting school for the first time this week.
May you be blessed as you begin a new school year.
God’s blessing on your head that you may grow in knowledge and wisdom.
A blessing on your eyes that you may see things clearly.
A blessing on your ears that you hear the words of support, advice and encouragement given by those around you.
A blessing on your mouth that you may speak words of support and encouragement to others.
A blessing on your hands that you may be creative, productive and certain in what you do.
A blessing on your heart that you may have the courage and faith of the apostles.
A blessing of your whole person that you may realise your true value and worth.
Pilgrimage to Iona for young adults (ages 16–29) on September 9–10: See Poster on Church Notice Board.
Anniversaries: Ross Reid, Maire McGinley, Stephen Edgar, Cecilia Devine, John Manzie, Jim Ward, Doug Killin, Sean Ryan, Fr. Maurice Gallagher, OMI, Mary Wardlaw, Sally Wytaska, Hugh Hart, James Eagan, Ramsay Smith, Vincent Timoney, Bridget Evans, Anna Marie Boner, Bernadette Dixon, Frances McDougall and Irene Mowat.
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Baptism: Today we welcome to God’s Family Erin Selassei Dzokoto from Sighthill Drive. Congratulation to her parents Furry and Joyce. May she bring you much happiness in the years ahead.
Fr Tony’s Diamond Jubilee – Friday, 15th September 2017: Save the date in your diary. Further details of the Celebration will follow.
Christian Meditation: Experience the joy of God´s transforming and healing presence during traditional Christian meditation. Our group meets every Friday at 7.00 pm in the Romero prayer room in the Sacred Heart Church at Lauriston Street. Afterwards you are welcome to stay for tea and learn to know others. Enter through the black door on the left side of the main church entrance. Contact info mobile: 0771 777 2614 or email: Facebook:
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017:
In honour of Our Lady of
To consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 3.00 pm
Principal Celebrant - Archbishop Philip Tartaglia [Glasgow]
Homilist - Bishop Brian McGee [Argyll and the Isles]
Pilgrimage to Iona for young adults (ages 16–29) on September 9–10: Come and join us on our journey to visit the island where Saint Columba lived, prayed and evangelised. Meet other young pilgrims from across Scotland, pray with your brothers and sisters, participate in Holy Mass offered by Archbishop Cushley. Details can be found on the Iona Pilgrimage poster. For more information, and/or to register, contact Sister Mirjam at or 0131 662- 923 8908
This pilgrimage for 16–29 year olds begins at
7:30 pm on Saturday evening 9th September with a welcome
to the pilgrims by Archbishop Cushley in Edinburgh. After
dinner, Night Prayer and some sleep we depart for Iona on
Sunday morning at 4.00 am 10th September, arriving on
Iona around noon. After Holy Mass at 4 pm we begin the
return to Edinburgh.
We’ll have dinner in Oban and will arrive back at midnight.
Sign up before 24 August. Cost £20.
Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious. (Thomas Aquinas)
Anniversaries: Alice Cappavanni, Rachel Townsley, Bobby Woods, Richard Wisley, Anne Gall, Linda Thomas, Fr Martin Byrne, Beryl Douglas, Mary McLaaughlin, Alexander Donoghue, James Conway, Thomas Reilly Winters, James Mooney, Leao Guterres, David McLaughlin, Peter Donoghue, William Curran, Margaret Ward-Hood, Jackie Dunlop and Baby Ebony Millar.
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Welcome: Today we welcome Fr Lylie Fernando omi to St. John Ogilvie’s. Fr Lylie is no stranger to the Parish, he served here as Locum in 2015 when I was on summer holidays. He was made so welcome that he offered his services again. Since 2015 he completed a degree in English Literature and was conferred last month. Sadly in June he had to return to Sri Lanka as his mother died undergoing surgery. He is happy to come and supply at Wester Hailes for the next 3 weeks.
Christian Meditation: Experience the joy of God´s transforming and healing presence during traditional Christian meditation. Our group meets every Friday at 7.00 pm in the Romero prayer room in the Sacred Heart Church at Lauriston Street. Afterwards you are welcome to stay for tea and learn to know others. Enter through the black door on the left side of the main church entrance. Contact info mobile: 0771 777 2614 or email: Facebook:
National Pilgrimage to Carfin 2017:
In honour of Our Lady of
To consecrate our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 3.00 pm
Principal Celebrant - Archbishop Philip Tartaglia [Glasgow]
Homilist - Bishop Brian McGee [Argyll and the Isles]
Royal Edinburgh Hospital: In June,
Phase One of the development at the REH was completed.
It has finally brought an end to mixed wards and all accommodation
is en suite. This is a great blessing for long-term patients
who had to sleep in 4 – 6 bed dormitories, by August 70% of
patients will have moved to the new accommodation.
While that is all good news, the new block is a 12/ 15 minute walk
from the Chaplaincy. In summer time it may be a pleasant outing
for patients to come to Mass but the cold and rain of a Scottish
winter would deter many older patients. The new Chaplaincy Centre
will be in the administrative and Ancillary block separate from the
patients area.
I have served as Catholic Chaplain at the REH for the past 13 years,
9 hours per week. Lower back problems have restricted my walking
long distances, so reluctantly, I have written to the Archbishop
to inform him that for the wellbeing of patients I have decided to
retire from the Chaplaincy – to take effect from the 1st of
Aid to the Church in Need:
Portraits of Faith, Syria’s Christians Search for Peace
An exhibition of artwork inspired by the Syrian Conflict
St. Mary’s Cathedral York Place today 30th July 8.30 am to 7.30 pm.
Pilgrimage to Iona for young adults (ages 16–29) on September 9–10: See Poster on Church Notice Board.
Songs of Praise: Recording will take place at Stockbridge Church, 7b Saxe Coburg Street, Edinburgh, EH3 5BN, on Friday 4th August 7.00pm – 10.00 pm.
To apply: email
Anniversaries: Walter Liddle, Lawrence Mulligan, John Nicol, Fr Frank Dromey omi, Del Brownhill, Barbara Koerber, Jean Lordon, Moira Wilson, Peter McWilliam, Peg O’Shea, George Fee, Della McKenna, James McDonald, Guiseppe Gramazio, John Ramage, Julian Roginski and Robert McKenzie
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July, August: During these holiday months you may find yourself with time on your hands. St. Ignatius of Loyola founder of the Jesuit Order found himself at a loose end when recuperating from an injury he suffered in a gang fight between neighbouring villages. The only reading material available to him in his sick bed was the New Testament. It was while reading the Gospels that he faced the questions WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE and WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE. After making his decision he designed "The 30 Day Ignation Exercises" which all Jesuits and most religious engage in at some time in their formation. During this month of July, the Jesuits make this retreat available on their website - Though most of the month is passed you can still access the full programme. You can select written prayers, morning midday or evening; audio help with meditation. To be recommended if you are at a loose end.
Lourdes Pilgrimage: Erin Gordon and Maureen Gore returned from Lourdes last weekend. A photo of the pilgrims is in the church foyer. They also brought back Lourdes Water [available in the sacristy after Mass] and a replica of a candle which they lit at the Grotto asking God’s blessing on the people of St. John Ogilvie’s parish.
Try to be like the turtle – at ease in your own shell.
Spirituality: Today people are happy to announce "I am spiritual but not religious". True spirituality tells us that we are not alone; that God is not removed from our world. The task is not so much about getting out of our mess in order to find God, but more, much more, about bringing God into our mess. God meets us in our personal experience, in our relationships, dreams, hopes, pains and worries. (Ignatian Exercises)
Pilgrimage to Iona for young adults (ages 16–29) on September 9–10: Come and join us on our journey to visit the island where Saint Columba lived, prayed and evangelised. Meet other young pilgrims from across Scotland, pray with your brothers and sisters, participate in Holy Mass offered by Archbishop Cushley. Details can be found on the Iona Pilgrimage poster. For more information, and/or to register, contact Sister Mirjam at or 0131 662- 923 8908
This pilgrimage for 16–29 year olds begins at
7:30 pm on Saturday evening 9th September with a welcome
to the pilgrims by Archbishop Cushley in Edinburgh. After
dinner, Night Prayer and some sleep we depart for Iona on
Sunday morning at 4.00 am 10th September, arriving on
Iona around noon. After Holy Mass at 4 pm we begin the
return to Edinburgh.
We’ll have dinner in Oban and will arrive back at midnight.
Sign up before 24 August. Cost £20.
The McLellan Report [Archbishop Cushley]: "First, please find attached a pastoral letter on the ongoing work in our diocese of the implementation of the McLellan Commission’s recommendations. I would be grateful if you were to make it available to the people in your pastoral care, by drawing their attention to it and printing it off and leaving it for them to read, and/or by reading it to them at Mass, preferably this Sunday."
Pastoral Letter available at the back of the church today.
Anniversaries: William Nelson, Hank Flannery; Gino Viscogliosi, Eileen Smith, Mary Killorn, Sr Bernadette Ryan UJ, Margaret Dever, Cezary Walnuk, Frank Doherty, Jackie Anderson, Celia Gallagher, Fr. Pat Sharkey, OMI, Rosemary McDevitt, Bill Brennan, Carol Brooks, Bridget McGonagle, Moira Stevenson, Fr. Bill Lawlor, OMI, John Garland, Kate Doig, Pat Lodge and Sr. Clare Harrington.
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Requiem: Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Willie Carr of Wester Hailes Road will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on Thursday next 20th July 1.15 pm. Rosary on Wednesday 19th in his home at 7.00 pm. Cremation at Warriston on Thursday at 3.00 pm.
Fr John Main "Mantra Meditation":
Realise your Union with Jesus and Enter the Stream of Divine Love.
Half-Day Retreat 10.30am - 1.00pm -£12.50
Friday 8th September, Includes all beverages and a sandwich luncheon
3rd in the Fr John Main Mantra Meditation series.
Must be booked in advance - Schoenstatt Scotland Tel: 01360 312 718 or see
Bingo: Parish Bingo returns on Tuesday 18th July. Eyes down 7.00 pm.
Prayers for Russia: The senior members of our congregation will remember at the end of Mass each Sunday we prayed for the Conversion of Russia.
Today the Russian Orthodox Church reports a sharp rise in admission to seminaries. 19% increase in seminarians from 2016, a total of 5,877 are now preparing for Ordination. The Russian Church was harshly persecuted under the Soviet Rule, but now is by far the largest of the Orthodox denominations, claiming 144 million members.
Thursday 20th July: There is a Requiem Mass on Thursday afternoon, so the morning Mass is cancelled.
Youth Survey: In October 2018 a Synod on Youth will be held in Rome. You may recall Pope Francis asked the young people [11 – 35] of each country to tell him about their hopes and fears for the future, including the future of the Catholic Church. Closing Date for completion of the survey was 30th June. 16,500 young Catholics have responder on line.
The Survey asked the young people:-
Little Sisters of the Poor: The Council of Priests have approved a request from the Little Sisters of the Poor which would allow them to approach individual parishes within the Archdiocese with a view to holding a special collection on a Sunday. The decision as to whether to grant what they request lies with the parish priest.
The Perfect Family: "The perfect family doesn’t exist, nor is there a perfect husband or a perfect wife, and let’s not talk about the perfect mother-in-law! It’s just us sinners. A Healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: "May I? Thank you, and I am sorry" and never, never, never end the day without making peace." (Pope Francis)
Children’s Liturgy: During the remainder of the school holidays there will not be children’s liturgy at the 11.00 am Mass. However the Children’s Liturgy page will be available from Frank or Michael at the back of the church before Mass. You will be able to work with your child on the Gospel message.
Anniversaries: William Donoghue, Allice Davie, Peter Gorman, Fr. Barney Corley, OMI, Patrick Cavanagh, Adam Mitchell-Mickiewicz, Patrick Carey, Jim Cuthbert, Tommy McNulty, Mary Hickey, Constance Harris, Allan Thomas-Glenn, Patricia Linn, Robert Robertson, Margaret Muirhead, Margaret Reid, Margaret Menzies, Jane Liddle, Audrey Middlemist, Sarah Bradley, Jeanette Ford and Jimmy Bree.
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Willie Carr: With sadness we regret to announce the sudden death of Willie Carr at 75 years of age. Willie lived in the Calders for most of his life and transferred to Wester Hailes Road in 2014. Willie worked all his life in the construction industry and after retirement served as a lollypop man at Murrayburn. We offer our sincere sympathy to his wife Crissie and son Billy.
Funeral arrangements are delayed until next week as the family await a post-mortem. May he rest in peace.
Fr Lylie Fernandes: Lylie who served as locum at St. John Ogilvie’s in 2015 has volunteered his services again this summer. He completed his studies in English Literature in June but sadly had to return to Sri Lanka for his mother’s funeral, he is back in the UK now and will cover at St. John Ogilvie’s again this summer during my holiday break in August.
Fr Martin Xavier Vazhachira: You will be aware that the body of Fr Martin Xavier was found on the beach at Dunbar. An autopsy was carried out last week but the results were inconclusive, as Fr Martin will be returned to his home in Kerala, India for burial it was decided to have a further post-mortem to establish the cause of death. We offer our sincere sympathy to his parents, siblings and extended family.
Bingo: The Bingo Team are on their annual trip to Liverpool this week. There will be NO Bingo this Tuesday, 11th July. Bingo as usual the following week.
Religion in Scotland: The number of Scots who are religious has slumped to a new low, a poll revealed last week.
More than half of those quizzed describe themselves as having no holy affiliations - up from 40% in 1999.
Almost three-quarters of those aged between 18 – 34 were non-believers compared to just more than a third of over 65s, the Scottish study of 1,237 people revealed.
Researchers said: "each generation coming through is consistently less religious than the last".
The Church of Scotland has been hardest hit with those saying they belong to the Kirk dipping to just 18% from 35% previously.
The proportion of Roman Catholics (10%) other Christian (11%) and non-Christian religious people (2%) remain stable.
Pope Francis: Quoting Vatican 11, Pope Francis reminds us, Christ summons the Church, as she goes on her pilgrim way to continual reformation of which she always has need, in so far as she is a human institution here on earth.
Anniversaries: Margaret Edgar, Alwin Wyllie, Dennis Brownhill, Sarah Ferguson, Annie Conway, Jim Chalmers, Elsie Anderson, Christine Kane, Annie Mazs, Henry O’Hare, Charles Douglas, Madeline and Lauren O’Neil, Angela Cahill, Bridie O’Brien, Awad Fakhoury, Frankie O’Byrne, Catherine Merrilees, Hugh McMahon and William White.
Children’s Liturgy: At the 11.00am Mass the number of children joining in the Children’s Liturgy has outgrown our space in the liturgy room. From today numbers will be limited to children of P1 to P7. When a young child is accompanied by an older sibling it is unfair to the brother or sister as the older child finds it difficult to engage in the liturgy when they assume responsibility for their younger sister/brother. Please keep the younger children in church or if you want to give them a break take them out for a “ring-a-ring -a-roses” in the church grounds.
From July 15th to August 16th [during the holidays] children’s Liturgy will also take a break.
Homily: Over the past three weeks our Sunday Newsletter carried articles on what is a good homily. This topic was touched on by some of our "senior theologians" as we enjoyed a cuppa after the 11.00am Mass. One of the party was very definite that she closed her eyes and turned off once we came to the homily.
The following is just a brief reflection for those who "Turn Off":-
And why did I make you?
and why do I keep you in life?
because I love you,
because I want you to be happy,
because I want to surprise you,
because I want you to surprise me.
Peter ’s pence: Today throughout the Catholic World there will be a collection for Peter’s Pence”. This collection is sent to Pope Francis to enable him to respond to world disasters especially at short notice, such as a famine, an earthquake, a Tsunami, etc.
Lourdes Pilgrimage: This year’s Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes leaves this Friday, 7th July. Two of our parishioners will be with the Pilgrimage, Maureen Gore as a Lady Helper and Erin Gordon with the Youth for Lourdes. Please remember the sick their handmaids and brancardia in your prayers.
New Dawn in Scotland – 3rd-7th July: The 8th Annual Scottish Catholic Pilgrimage Conference will be held in St. Andrews, Madras College, Kilrymont Road, KY16 8DE. The Conference is led by well experienced Ministry Leaders serving Children, Youth, Adult, Prayer, Music and Liturgy. Each Day has a theme: Monday – The Holy Spirit, Tuesday – Reconciliation, Wednesday – Healing, Thursday – Mary Mother of the Church & Friday – Evangelisation.
If you can’t make all or part of the conference then try and join us on Thursday 6th July for the Annual Rosary Procession in Honour of Our Lady. Later you are invited to join ‘An Evening with Dana’ at 7pm. Come and listen to Dana sing and share her love for Our Blessed Lady. For further information contact New Dawn Office – 0131 447 6153 or visit .
Anniversaries: Baby Gavin Fortune, Joan Devlin, Elsie Colvin, Magnus Gallagher, Maime Canning, Annie Sweeney, Ester Douglas, John Nolan, Anne Edie, Lily Clachars, Ellen Mazs, Consuelo McClintock, Janes McHugh, William McLaughlin, Hugh Greenan, Fr. Tom O’Brien, OMI, Briget McCarron, Iwan Sowiak, Bridget Sharkey, David Ewen, Hazel Thomson, Luke Igoe, Isabel Igoe and Rosmary Butler.
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Saints Peter and Paul: Thursday next is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul - a holyday of Obligation. Masses in St. John Ogilvie’s at 9.00 am and 7.30 pm.
The Annual Peter’s Pence collection will be taken at all Masses next weekend.
Youth Survey: Please inform your young people that, ahead of next October 2018’s Synod on Youth, Pope Francis has asked the young people of each country to tell him about their hopes and fears for the future, including the future of the Catholic Church. To this end, Catholic Youth Service Scotland has created an online survey to be distributed to schools and parishes across the country. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete. It’s open to anybody aged 11 - 35. There is also a chance to win £100 of Amazon vouchers. The deadline for completion is 30 June 2017. The online link is:
Fr John Main "Mantra Meditation":
Realise your Union with Jesus and Enter the Stream of Divine Love.
Half-Day Retreat 10.30 am - 1.00 pm - £12.50
Friday 8th September, Includes all beverages and a sandwich luncheon
3rd in the Fr John Main Mantra Meditation series.
Must be booked in advance - Schoenstatt Scotland Tel: 01360 312 718
British Medical Association:
The British Medical Association (BMA) is holding its Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) on the 25-29 June and, once again, certain factions within the BMA are trying to force the organisation to support the total decriminalisation of abortion. This will mean that the abortion limit is increased to at least 7 months and, if the proponents of decriminalisation get their way, will mean that abortion is made legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason whatsoever. This will also make sex-selective abortion legal i.e. it would be perfectly lawful to kill unborn girls for the crime of being girls.
Gift Aid:
In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick the box below:
I want to Gift Aid my donation of £ and donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to:
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
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Anniversaries: Mary McNulty, Charlie Brady, James Pryde, Eric Rafferty, May Schourder, Gregor McGregor, Fr. John Dore, OMI, Dom Dean, Betty Fitzsimmons, Bernard Maxwell, Brian Callaghan, Anne Glen, Sean McFadden, Helen McGregor, Jean Sneddon, Andrew Hynd, Eleanor Hynd, Eleanor Cochrane, Sr Margaret O’Dwyer and Dolly McIntosh.
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Altar Servers:
Clarissa Ayanbowale, Niamh Nicholson and Jack Murphy have volunteered to serve the parish as Altar Servers. Today at the 11.00 am Mass will be their debut, so don’t look for any mistakes but be grateful that these young people make their talents available to celebrate the parish in Liturgy.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day: The Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Hospitalité Committee are hosting an Archdiocesan Lourdes Day at 4pm today, 18 June 2017 in Edinburgh. The purpose of the day is to bring the "spirit of Lourdes" back to the Archdiocese with last year’s inaugural event proving a great success. Pilgrims should gather at St Bennet’s, 42 Greenhill Gardens at 4pm. A rosary procession will then make its way to the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, for Solemn Benediction. A celebratory reception for pilgrims will follow.
Parish Finance: A copy of the Parish Annual Financial Report is available today. This report has been approved by our independent Finance Committee, by the Parish Pastoral Council and by the Archdiocese. We are particularly grateful to Laura Lang who has prepared the Statement of Accounts and manages the day to day income/expenditure throughout the year.
Also, our appreciation to our three parish counting teams who give their services every week to account for the weekly income/expenditure from all sources.
Sacred Heart: Friday next 23rd June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (AICF): Due to increased demands on this fund the Bishop directs that two collections be taken in parishes each year. In St. John Ogilvie’s Parish the first of the two collections will be taken today 18th June. Special envelopes for this collection are available at the back of the church today. Use envelopes only if you are designating Gift Aid through tax.
Clergy Changes: Fr Stefan Park OSA, parish priest at St. Joseph’s Broomhouse, has been appointed as Prior at Clare Priory, Suffolk, to take effect from 1st. August. The new parish priest at St. St. Joseph’s is Fr Paul Graham who has just completed his 6 year term as Provincial of the Augustinians in the UK. And Fr Ian Wilson has been appointed as prior.
From the Archbishop - Cluster Reports: "I have now received nearly all of the reports from the clusters in response to the We Have Found the Messiah consultation process. As you will recall, the deadline for the return of the submissions was Eastertide 2017, but there are currently several reports outstanding. I’d be grateful to receive them as soon as possible.
It may also be helpful to let your parishioners know that I am very grateful for the work that has gone into the reports already received. Once I have received and read all of them, depending on their content, I hope to be in a position to discuss them at the deanery level in the autumn and then to present some proposals at the cluster level, involving our parishioners, perhaps by the new year. By law the process will also involve, in due course, the consultation of the Council of Priests."
Anniversaries: Elizabeth Mackie, James Hind, Michael Cribben, 20th – Jim Wight, Fr Nick Forde OMI, Fr David Power OMI, Bill Grant; John Heffron, Mollie Duffy, Julie Kelly, Margaret Campbell, Peggy Geraghty, Margaret Slater, Ida Devlin, Mary Marr, Nora Devine, Frances Malone, Elizabeth Jones, James Drysdale, Michael Gerraghty, Fiona McSorley, Catherine Nelson.
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St Margaret’s Pilgrimage: Sunday 11th June: Annual St Margaret’s Pilgrimage will take place today Sunday 11th June, in Dunfermline.
Altar Servers:
Three young parishioners have volunteered their services to the parish as Altar Servers. Training will commence this week. If there are any other volunteers, please contact Fr. Tony today after Mass or send an email to
Ignacio De Loyola:
Soldier -- Sinner -- Saint
Based on the book "The autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola"
by Emmanuel Alfonso SJ.
Screening - 15th June 2017 @ 7.00pm
Venue: Vue OMNI Centre Edinburgh
Tickets £10 from or or Pastoral Office 229-9821 or after Mass Sacred Heart, Edinburgh or hotline 0737-931-1331.
Day for Life: It is 50 years since the 1967 Abortion Act was passed. Since the Act was passed in the UK more than nine million unborn children have been killed and countless mothers and fathers have been hurt by abortion. A Prayer Card is available at the back of the church today.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day: The Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Hospitalité Committee are hosting an Archdiocesan Lourdes Day at 4pm on Sunday next, 18 June 2017 in Edinburgh. The purpose of the day is to bring the "spirit of Lourdes" back to the Archdiocese with last year’s inaugural event proving a great success. Pilgrims should gather at St Bennet’s, 42 Greenhill Gardens at 4pm. A rosary procession will then make its way to the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, for Solemn Benediction. A celebratory reception for pilgrims will follow.
New Mass Books – Year A Volume 2 (Colour Orange): New Mass Books come into use today Trinity Sunday. Please return volume 1 year A so they can be put into storage for 2020.
Parish Finance Committee: Meeting of the Parish Finance Committee at the Chapel House, Wednesday 21st June at 7.30 pm.
Courage: Courage is a Catholic Apostolate with a focus on persons attracted to those of the same sex as themselves. The Believe and Goals of Courage are outlined in a hand-out available at the back of the church today.
Fr John McInnes is Chaplain to Courage in the Archdiocese of Edinburgh - contact - Tel: 0131-623-8920 or email
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (AICF): Due to increased demands on this fund the Bishop directs that two collections be taken in parishes each year. In St. John Ogilvie’s Parish the first of the two collections will be taken next Sunday 18th June. Special envelopes for this collection are available at the back of the church today.
Anniversaries: Robert Wilson, Annie Milligan, Kathleen Bergin, Cliff Drever, Angus Grant, Simon Byrne, Sr Mary McCluskey, Carol Tierney, Tom Coogan, Norman Gore, Graham Faulds, Janice Telford, Bridget Gallagher, Jean Daly, Josephine Heaney, Tom McPhillipps, Sr. Kathleen Gilligan, Fallon Hind, Ian Caddell, Christina Johnston, Irene McGonagle, Peggy Brown, Thomas Burns, Betty Glynn, Christopher Quinn, Martin Kelliher, Lily McDonnell, Fr. John Wall, OMI, Grace Ward, Agnes Bungay, Bill Gibson, Eileen Cowie, Anne Agnew, Francis Lawless, Mary Pettigrew, Annie Lynskey and Brenda Havard.
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St Margaret’s Pilgrimage: Sunday 11th June: A reminder that the annual St Margaret’s Pilgrimage will take place on Sunday next 11 June, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, in Dunfermline.
Full Programme
All six parishioners on the St. John Ogilvie’s Team completed the walk, and were in such good shape that they even came home by shanks mare. The sponsorship came to £757.00 and this sum has been forwarded to Fresh Start to assist new families taking up residence in Sighthill/Wester Hailes; your generosity is much appreciated.
The draw for the hamper took place at the 11.00 Mass last Sunday the lucky and popular winner was Margaret O’Hare.
Will those who made pledges please remember to give your donation to Trish.
Oblate Connections: The summer edition of Oblate Connections is available at the back of the church today, please take one. FREE
Parish Pledge: Envelopes for First instalment 2017-18 available at the back of the church.
Symphonic Praise - Exile Choir and Chamber Orchestra: St. Mary’s Cathedral Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, today, 4th June at 8.00 pm. Free Tickets available from or 208-0095.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day: The Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Hospitalité Committee are hosting an Archdiocesan Lourdes Day at 4pm on Sunday 18 June 2017 in Edinburgh. The purpose of the day is to bring the "spirit of Lourdes" back to the Archdiocese with last year’s inaugural event proving a great success. Pilgrims should gather at St Bennet’s, 42 Greenhill Gardens at 4pm. A rosary procession will then make its way to the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, for Solemn Benediction. A celebratory reception for pilgrims will follow.
New Mass Books – Year A Volume 2 (Colour Orange): New Mass Books come into use next Sunday, Trinity Sunday. Please return any current books so they can be put into storage for 2020. Readers requiring a new book to prepare for next week’s readings will find a copy on the second shelf of bookcase at the back of the Church.
Altar Servers: This is an invitation to girls and boys who received their First Holy Communion. We need new Altar Servers for the 9.00 and 11.00 Masses on Sundays. If you are interested in serving your parish as an altar server please see Fr Tony after Mass today or email him on during the coming week. Training will be given in the month of June.
SCIAF: The May 2017 report from SCIAF is available on the Justice & Peace table today, Please take a copy and read how your contribution in the WEE BOX has helped people in East Africa, Zambia, Malawi and Syria.
Anniversaries: John Fogarty, Jimmy Goldie, Owenie Boyle, John Lyncham, Reno Dirollo, May Muir, Iris Butler, Joseph Conran, Margaret McGuikan, Patrick Agnew, Mary Hall, Canon Michael Carey, Michael McLaughlin, Christine Scott, Joseph O’Donnell, Terrence O’Donnell, Patrick Early, Al Monroe, James Connolly, Jessie O’Hare, Bill Maymury, Douglas Eagan, Mary Gullane, Hugh Devlin, Margaret Johnson and Patricia Watson.
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Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creatiion: Meeting at the Chapel House Wednesday 31st May at 7.30 pm.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day: The Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Hospitalité Committee are hosting an Archdiocesan Lourdes Day at 4pm on Sunday 18 June 2017 in Edinburgh. The purpose of the day is to bring the "spirit of Lourdes" back to the Archdiocese with last year’s inaugural event proving a great success. Pilgrims should gather at St Bennet’s, 42 Greenhill Gardens at 4pm. A rosary procession will then make its way to the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, for Solemn Benediction. A celebratory reception for pilgrims will follow.
Symphonic Praise - Exile Choir and Chamber Orchestra: St. Mary’s Cathedral Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Sunday 4th June at 8.00 pm. Free Tickets available from or 208-0095.
Westminster Election: The Scottish Bishops have issued a letter on the election, not to tell us how to vote but to challenge us to consider specific areas of life as we make our decision.
Fresh Start's Sponsored Walk: Six parishioners signed up to walk the walk while talking the talk. Please could you let Trish Muirhead have your pledged sponsor amount today. The Hamper draw will take place after the 11 o'clock Mass and the winner and amount raised for Fresh Start will be published next weekend. Thanks to everyone for your support and sponsorship.
Oblate Connections: The summer edition of Oblate Connections is available at the back of the church today. Please take one - FREE!
Parish Pledge: Envelopes for First instalment 2017-18 available at the back of the church.
They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you and me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world could be looked at in another way
Anniversaries: Carmel Daley, George Stark, Peter Broadhurst, Fr Liam Fanning, Sean Boyle, Raymond Bias, Nessie Goodall, Mary Taylor, Patrick Goonan, Sarah McGee, Catherine Ralph, Brendan Boyle and Jim Hegarty.
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Ascension Day – Thursday 25th May: Thursday next is the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, a Holiday of Obligation. Masses on Thursday at 9.00am and 7.30pm.
Charismatic Meeting: Meeting of the Diocesan Charismatic group at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday next 27th May from 10.30 pm. – 4.00 pm.
Draw for Fresh Start Hamper: The Draw for the Hamper will take place after the 11.00 am Mass next Sunday.
Sponsor a walker today : Or get out your walking boots and join “St. John Ogilvie Team” for the 8 mile walk. See details on the Justice & Peace notice board at the back of the church.
Justice/ Peace & Integrity of Creatiion: Meeting at the Chapel House Wednesday 31st May at 7.30 pm.
51st World Communications Day – 27/28th May 2017: A Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Tartaglia to commemorate World Communications Day is available at the back of the Church today.
St Margaret’s Pilgrimage: A reminder that the annual St Margaret’s Pilgrimage will take place on Sunday 11 June, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, in Dunfermline. The procession of the relics will set off at 2pm from Pittencrieff Park followed by Holy Mass at 3pm in St Margaret’s church.
Symphonic Praise - Exile Choir and Chamber Orchestra: ISt. Mary’s Cathedral Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Sunday 4th June at 8.00 pm. Free Tickets available from or 208-0095.
Talk to Us – Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry is an independent public inquiry investigating abuse of children in care in Scotland. “In Care” covers any residential institution and any foster home where a child lived. The inquiry is looking for people who can tell them about:
So if you can help get in touch:
- Call: 0800 092 9300
- Email:
- Visit:, or
- Post: SCAI, PO Box 24085, Edinburgh EH7 9EA.
Thank You: Last week 10 children from the parish received their Confirmation and First Holy Communion. We thank all those parishioners involved in the preparation and support, Julia, Laura and Trish (catechical programme) Alan and John music and singing, Maureen and Margaret Mary in printing and the parents. It takes a full village to rear a child.
Anniversaries: William Harvey, Cathrine Gahagan, Robert Hall, Anna Musson, William Hay, Joe Jordan, Andrew Johnston, Patrick Mazs, Christopher Summers, Colin Whitworth, Tommy Erskine, Martin Gahagan and Fr John McQuade SJ.
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First Holy Communion: Today in St. John Ogilvie’s is First Holy Communion Day at the 11.00am Mass. In the centre aisle of the church seats will be reserved for First Communicants and their families.
Please allow the First Communicant and their parents to receive first. Any adult accompanying a child but not wishing to receive the Eucharist your welcome to come to the Altar and ask for a blessing by placing your right hand across your chest.
Welcome: Today we welcome grannies and grandads together with extended families who travelled from Poland to celebrate and encourage their grandchildren in their ongoing formation in their Catholic Faith.
Sacrament of Confirmation: On Thursday last 10 Children from St. John Ogilvie’s received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Cuthbert’s Church. Over the past 7 months they prepared for Confirmation and Holy Communion at their Saturday Morning Sacramental Programme. The programme was conducted by Julia McGuire, Laura Lang and Trish Middlemist. We are most grateful to those 3 parishioners who gave up their Saturday mornings to share their Faith with the children, thanks also to the parents who played their part in following through with the homework and the special parent input to the programme.
Fresh Start's Annual Sponsored Walk : The planning of Team St John Ogilvie to take part in Fresh Start's annual sponsored walk is well underway and if you would like to be part of the team please speak to Trish Muirhead or a member of the JPIC Group. Details of the walk can be found at the back of the church. Alternatively if you can't take part you may like to consider sponsoring the parish team and have the opportunity of winning a lovely hamper, whilst helping to raise funds for people who have experienced homelessness. As always your support is greatly appreciated.
The hamper on display in the church is a prize to be won by those who sponsor the walk; each sponsor will get a number and all numbers go into a hat at the end of the month. Draw will take place after the 11.00am Mass on Sunday 28th May.
Wee Box: Today, Sunday 14th May, is closing day for the return of the Wee Box. The cheque will be sent to SCIAF this week.
Confirmation Photographs: If you would like photographs to be published on our Archdiocesan social media accounts – Twitter and Facebook – please email them to our Director of Communications, David Kerr at
Marriage Preparation: Would you like to support couples as they prepare for married life? Are you friendly and able to put others at their ease, and good at getting other people to talk about themselves? There are a few places still available for either individuals or married couples on the Prepare/Enrich facilitators training. The next facilitator’s training takes place on Sunday 11th June 2017 from 10am till 4pm at Gillis Centre 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. For further details by email please contact Sally McElroy or by phone on 07979142905.
Anniversaries: Patrick McKay, Ellie Travers, Bill Murphy, William McFadden, Cathy Karry, Audrey Morton, George Diack, Bill Campbell, May Harper, Tom Rennie, Rita Livingstone, Christine Harte, Peter McGilligan, Catherine Rodgers, Isa Penman, Jeanette Mohammed, Martin Mawga, James Mangh, Margaret Inglis, William Curran, Christine Smith, Albert Paterson, Fr John Hickey, OMI, Joseph Livingstone, Mary Hanson, Janet Brotherstone, Mary Muir, Dennis Doherty and Chris Grant.
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Sacrament of Confirmation: Children who have followed the Confirmation Sacramental programme over recent months, please attend a practice at St. Cuthbert’s Church today 7th May at 2.00pm.
At the church you will be joined by boys and girls from other parishes, you and your parents and sponsors will be allocated seats and practise your part in the liturgy. The priest you will meet today is Monsignor Tony Duffy.
Confirmation will be administered by Archbishop Cushley on Thursday 11th May at 7.00 pm at St. Cuthbert’s Church, 104 Slateford Road, EH11 1PT.
First Holy Communion: In St. John Ogilvie’s, next Sunday is First Holy Communion Day at the 11.00am Mass. In the centre aisle of the church seats will be reserved for First Communicants and their families.
Fresh Start's Annual Sponsored Walk : The planning of Team St John Ogilvie to take part in Fresh Start's annual sponsored walk is well underway and if you would like to be part of the team please speak to Trish Muirhead or a member of the JPIC Group. Details of the walk can be found at the back of the church. Alternatively if you can't take part you may like to consider sponsoring the parish team and have the opportunity of winning a lovely hamper, whilst helping to raise funds for people who have experienced homelessness. As always your support is greatly appreciated.
The hamper on display in the church is a prize to be won by those who sponsor the walk; each sponsor will get a number and all numbers go into a hat at the end of the month. Draw will take place after the 11.00am Mass on Sunday 28th May.
Wee Box: Most Wee Boxes have now been returned. If you have not handed in your Wee Box from Lent could you please bring it to church on Sunday next 14th May so that money can be forwarded to SCIAF.
Special Collection: Second collection next Sunday for the Ecclesiastical Students Fund. Currently there are 5 Diocesan students studying in Rome for the Priesthood.
Parish Pledge: The first instalment of the Parish Pledge is due. It can be paid at any time between now and October. Special envelopes are available at the back of the church today. Your donation can be placed in the envelope and put in with your collection at Mass. To enable the parish to collect Gift Aid on yopur pledge, please write your number on the envelope.
For new parishioners we should explain the origin of the Parish Pledge. The Parish Council decided on an annual parish pledge to replace a parish autumn fayre, the idea is to donate what you would likely have spent on a day at the Fare.
Gillis Pastoral Centre Appointment: Dr Elspeth Atkinson has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer to the Curia and the Gillis Centre. Dr Atkinson is a highly experienced leader and manager who has held senior positions in several large organisations, most recently as Director of Macmillan Cancer Support, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Her knowledge and experience will be invaluable in helping the Archdiocese to become more effective in supporting our priests, parishes and people. Dr Atkinson will be taking up her post on 15th May 2017.
Anniversaries: Baby Courtney McGarvey, Maureen Firth, Roy Doolan, Barry McGonagle, Elspeth Farrell, Nora Boyle, Mary Paterson, Molly Finnan, James Wilson, Elizabeth Doherty, Bella Ford, Mark Davies, Sadie Paterson, Helen Crimp, Francis McKenna, Mark Dixon, Jimmy Hickey, Eileen Matthews, Marjory Ducat, Sr. Marie McAllister, Patrick Doherty and Jack Allen.
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Welcome to God’s Family: Today we welcome Cornelius Nyamah-Czachorowski to God’s family. Cornelius from Calder Park was Baptised yesterday at St. John Ogilvie’s. We congratulate his parents Cornelius and Isabella on the birth of their son. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Fair Trade stall: Thanks to everyone who supported last weekend's Fair Trade Stall. Total sales in support of ethically produced goods amounted to £227.00, helping farmers and producers to employ, feed and educated their families. Thank you.
Fresh Start's Annual Sponsored Walk : The Fresh Start Annual Sponsored Walk will be happening on Friday 26th May 2017. This is an 8-mile scenic walk that takes 2-3 hours at a leisurely pace. Everybody is welcome, whatever your level of fitness. You can join on your own – you'll meet people, or you can join with a friend, or be part of "Team St. John Ogilvie". It is an opportunity to meet people, have fun, get some exercise, enjoy a scenic walk in our beautiful city, and raise funds for Fresh Start's Services helping people who have experienced homelessness. Details are available at the back of the church or you can speak to a member of the JPIC Group. Watch this space for more information about St John Ogilvie's team.
Retreat day in East Lothian - Saturday 13th May 2017: "Caring for ourselves in troubled times: A day to rest, reflect and refresh with God and others". Organised and led by Miriam McHardy of Just Folk.
Cockenzie House, Cockenzie, Port Seton EH32 0HY
£25 (£20 conc) Saturday 13th May, 2017, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Limited places available.
Price includes refreshments and light lunch.
Advance bookings only please
For more information, or to book a place contact Miriam McHardy
Parish Council: Meeting of PPC on Thursday next May 4th at 7.30pm. Members of the council please collect your agenda and correspondence today after Mass.
From Fr Stefan Park, St. Joseph’s Broomhouse:
Personal and Family Healing weekend at Craig Lodge, Dalmally.
Led by Fr Stefan Park.
Friday 26th May 6:30pm - Sunday 12:30pm.
Cost £70 (negotiable) plus £10 if sharing a car.
Shared accommodation, mostly upstairs.
Volunteers needed who can take passengers.
Contact Fr Stefan 07789 872715
Caritas Charity Ceilidh: Caritas Archdiocese St Andrews and Edinburgh are hosting a charity ceilidh on Friday 12 May, 7pm to Midnight, at the Gillis Centre. Funds raised will go to the Archdiocesan Care Fund and associated charitable works. Tickets are £50 each. That includes a 3-course dinner. A table of ten is £450. To purchase tickets contact Fr Kevin Dow at 0131 623 8946 or
Anniversaries: Fr Pat Gahagan, Michael Kelly, Fr John Coakley, OMI, Cathy Brunache, Duncan Robertson, Anton Gallagher, Terry Mallarkey, Maureen Glasgow, Charles Hornig, Nora Duffy, Annie McFadden, Hornig, Maria Hughes, Frank McLaughlin, Marjorie Lowe, James Duff, Helen Anderson, Fr Pat Towe OMI, Rab Harkins, Edith Howes, Brian Kilpatrick, Doreen Murphy, John Kidd (Snr.), Agnes Miller, Doalty Sharkey, David Metcalf, Brian Flannigan, Vicky Duffy, Kyle Apter, Agnes Lochrin, Andrew O’Donnell, Andrew McGonagle and Letitia McAteer.
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Welcome to God’s Family: Today we welcome Alexander and Lucy Mackie to God’s family. Alexander and Lucy from Sighthill Avenue were Baptised yesterday at St. John Ogilvie’s. We congratulate their parents Paul and Nicola on the birth of their children, may they bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Fair Trade stall this weekend: A Fair Trade stall will be held after all Masses this weekend with goods to suit all. Please come over and have a look and take the opportunity to support fair trade ethical suppliers.
Clustering Parishes: The report on the Clustering from meetings of our four parishes of St. Cuthbert’s, St. John Ogilvie’s, St Joseph’s and Our Lady Mother of the Church, Currie was delivered to the Archbishop on Holy Thursday.
The full report is available to the four parishes this weekend. The next step is over to Archbishop Leo to read the reports from all parishes of the Archdiocese and make a decision.
The Oblate Provincial Council has made a decision that the Oblate Priests will not engage in clusters but will continue to take responsibility for St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Leith as a stand alone parish. When the Archbishop implements the clustering plan, the Oblates will be withdrawn from Wester Hailes.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Archbishop Leo Cushley will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 11th May at 7.00 pm at St. Cuthbert’s Church, Slateford Road EH14 1PT. Practice for children at St. Cuthbert's Church at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday 7th May.
First Holy Communion: Date for First Holy Communion at St. John Ogilvie’s is Sunday 14th May at 11.00 am Mass.
Some parents have asked about dress code on the occasion of reception of the Sacraments. Dress according to your own culture and tradition. If you have your child’s Baptism Candle please bring it to the First Holy Communion Mass.
Fresh Start: Fresh Start's latest newsletter is available at the back of the church. Please take one.
Eucharistic Ministers: New rotas available at the back of the Church, please take your copy.
Divine Mercy Feast: Today Sunday 23rd April in English and Polish at St Mary’s Cathedral York Place, 3.00 to 5.30pm.
Parish Council: The date of the next PPC is Thursday May 4th at 7.30pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (chair) or Anna Allen (secretary) before Friday 28th April.
Anniversaries: Robert McDiarmid, Stephen Hunter, John Evan Jones, Sylvia Monroe, John Hickey, Brian Slater, Darren Kyle, Jean Reid, John McGinness, David McKenna, Lydia Thompson, Agnes Parry, Annie McTighe, Robert Burns, Greg Crombie, Doreen Johnston, Kathleen Finerty, John Scott, Kevin Glasgow, Timothy O’Sullivan, Molly Williams, Catherine Burns, Margaret Edwards and Mary Murphy.
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Holy Saturday - 7.30pm (Liturgy Page 216):
Service of Light.
Exultet - Rejoice
History of Salvation.
Renewal of Baptism promises
Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Easter Sunday (Liturgy Page 251):
Mass at 10.00am only
Easter Blessing
May the Lord bless you this Easter Time;
Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair;
Bless you with peace, calm you in trouble;
Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow;
Bless you with faith, guard you against doubt;
Bless you with love, keep you from fear;
Bless you with mercy; help you forgive;
So your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord.
Easter Monday: Mass at 12.00 Noon.
Fresh Start: Fresh Start's latest newsletter is available at the back of the church. Please take one.
Fair Trade stall 22/23 April: A fair trade stall will be held after all Masses next weekend 22/23 April with goods to suit all. Please come over and have a look and take the opportunity to support fair trade ethical suppliers.
St. Andrew’s Adoption and Foster Care: There are many children across Scotland who need stable, loving families to care for them on a long term or permanent basis. Their birth families are not able to provide the nurturing or safe environment that would allow them to flourish and become confident and well balanced adults.
Could you provide the stability and love these children deserve? Would you like to hear more about whether adopting or fostering a child could be an option for you?
Contact us on 0131 454 3370 or
Clustering Parishes: Our report on clustering was sent to Archbishop Leo Cushley on Hol;y Thursday. The report from our four parishes of St. Cuthbert’s, St. John Ogilvie’s, St Joseph’s and Our Lady Mother of the Church, Currie will be available in all 4 parishes next weekend.
The next step is over to Archbishop Leo to read the reports from throughout the Archdiocese and make a decision.
Youth For Lourdes: Erin Gordon would like to thank everyone who bought cakes, guessed the number of sweets in the jar etc and who gave donations to help raise funds for her pilgrimage to Lourdes as a helper. Your kindness and generosity has raised funds of £364.
The winner of the jar of mini eggs was Graham Reid, who's guess of 400 was closest to the number of eggs in the jar which was 402. well done Graham.
Anniversaries: Mary McQuade, Margaret Thompson, Bridget Gallagher, Monica Hanna, Breigh Scullion, Tommy McGovern, Joseph McFadden, Bishop Kevin Rafferty, Douglas Garvie, Theodore Monro, Monica Fraser, James O’Neill, William Brotherstone, John Donoghue, Mark Smith; Frank Thomas, Margaret Ndangali, Charlie Ward, Emma Taylor, Marion Taylor, Rose Murray, Barney Brogan, John McGonagle, Cathleen Logan, Mary O’Rourke, Agnes Martin, Lena Montgomery and Agnes Drysdale.
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Afternoon Tea: A very big thank you to everyone who helped in so many ways at the afternoon tea in aid of Mary’s Meals last Saturday. Thank you too to all those who attended, bought raffle tickets, jewellery, tablet, etc and who made donations. Your efforts raised £2,085 which will provide a meal each day of the year for 150 children. WELL DONE EVERYONE.
New Envelopes: This is the end/beginning of the Financial Year. You will have run out of your collection envelopes. Your new box of envelopes with your number is available at the back of the church today.
If you pay tax and use envelopes for your Sunday Collection, the Parish can claim 25 pence on every £1.00 you donate in the Sunday Collection e.g. if your weekly gift to the church came to £100 over the year then your donation to the church becomes £125 at no cost to you, the extra £25 is tax you already paid in PAYE. The revenue requires you to agree that this tax be paid to the parish. Mr Charlie McGinley is available to arrange this agreement. In 2015 the parish received £6,000 through this scheme.
Blessing of Food on Holy Saturday – 12noon: Some of the Polish Community request we honour a Polish custom of blessing food on Holy Saturday. This will take place at 12 noon in the Day Chapel.
Palm Sunday - Mass at 10.00am only: Weather permitting there will be a procession around the Church grounds after the blessing of the Palms. This is to recall the events in Jerusalem as Jesus entered in triumph before his arrest and trial.
Holy Thursday, 7.30pm:
Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7.30pm
Washing of Feet
Institution of the Eucharist.
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after ceremonies until 10.00 pm. (Quiet Prayer)
Good Friday - 3.00pm:
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.
Prayers for all peoples & Penance Service.
Veneration of the Cross.
Holy Communion.
A Day of Fast and Abstinence
Good Friday - 7.30pm: Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday - 7.30pm:
Service of Light.
History of Salvation.
Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Easter Sunday:
Mass at 10.00am only
Anniversaries: - Andrew Iggulden, Martin Daly, Margaret Pearson, Alex Sim, Josie O’Connell, Maurice Moriarty, Margaret McLaughlin, James Paterson, Bridget Heffron, Bill Thompson, Winnie Spencer, Sr. Margaret Nagel, David Pow, John McKay, John McNeish, Eamon Mullan, Ronald Edgar, Peter White, Margaret Joyce, Bennie Fusco, Mary Jones, William Visick, Muriel White, Roddy McLean, Rose Murphy, Jackie Shandlands, Myles Duffy, Rab Skirving, Hannah Danboy, Adam Connor and Paul Jones.
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Sunday next is Palm Sunday:
Only one Mass on Sunday morning at 10.00am. Palms will be blessed at the beginning of Mass. After the blessing of the Palms we will process through the side entrance round the car park singing "Hail Redeemer" (No. 195 blue book) in memory of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem where he was greeted by the citizens waiving Palm Branches and singing:- "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the Highest". We will return to the church through the main entrance.
Prayer Around the Cross: Taize Style Stations of the Cross; Every Thursday during Lent 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross:
In Art and Reflection on the Parish website -
Holy Week: Times of Holy Week Services will be carried in the Newsletter next week.
Chrism Mass: At the Cathedral, York Place on Tuesday 11th April at 7.00 pm.
Bingo: No parish Bingo on the Tuesday of Holy week 11th April, return again to eyes down on Tuesday 18th April.
Edinburgh Easter Play:
This year’s performance in Princes Street Gardens West
Saturday 15th April at 2.00 pm.
In previous years, crowds have numbered several thousand and the story has been presented in various dramatic forms that have won great praise from the critics. For 2017 it will return to a large-scale traditional Passion Play in period costume, though parts of the story have a distinctly Scottish accent!
Kevin Eadie a passkeeper at our 9.00am Mass plays a part in the production.
Holy week Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist: School mid-term began on Friday, over the next two weeks some parishioners will be on holidays. If you are a Minister of the Eucharist or a reader and will be available to serve during the Holy Week Ceremonies you are invited to volunteer for specific days.
On the altar today there are lists of the ceremonies for Holy week, please indicate at what ceremonies - Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday - that you are available to read or serve as Eucharistic Minister.
Resurrection 2017 - Easter Sunday 16th April 7.30pm Usher Hall: Celebrate the greatest event in history. Origin Scotland choir, band and orchestra, along with leading Scottish Singers will lead an evening of worship, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Free Admission tickets available from or call 0131-208-0095.
Anniversaries: Mr. Kuczynski, Mary Loy, David Murphy, John Lang, Joseph Rodgers, Isobel Butchart, Donald Reid, John Henderson, John Ryan, Michael Ryan, Lesley Fraser, Patrick Kilty, Agnes Dougall, George Lavery, Agnes Rae, Ella Green, John McGinley, Canon Michael Cassidy, Madge Fitzgerald, Gladys Saddler, Bobby Geddes, George Geddes and Thomas Malone.
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Mothering Sunday: Mothering Sunday was originally a time when people returned to the church, in which they were baptized or where they attended services when they were children. This meant that families were reunited as adults returned to the towns and villages where they grew up. In time, it became customary for young people who were working as servants in large houses, to be given a holiday on Mothering Sunday. They could use this day to visit their own mother and often took a gift of food or hand-me-down clothing from their employers to her. In turn, this moved towards the modern holiday, on which people still visit and take gifts to their mothers.
Liturgy Committee: Meeting of the Liturgy Committee on Wednesday 29th March at 7.30 pm.
Prayer Around the Cross: Taize Style Stations of the Cross; Every Thursday during Lent 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross:
In Art and Reflection on the Parish website -
Agnes Rafferty is organising an event to aid children in countries hit by famine and poverty.
Agnes will hold an Afternoon Tea in St. John Ogilvie’s Hall on Saturday 1st April from 1.00 – 3.00pm all proceeds will go to Mary’s Meals.
A Breakfast before school for every child.
Tickets for the event are available after Mass - £5.
Second Collection SCIAF and Scottish Bishops Charities: There will be a second collection today at all Masses. Proceeds from the 2nd collection are shared between SCIAF 75% and the Popes’/ Bishops Charities 25%. A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Toal in support of SCIAF is available at the back of the church today.
Lenten Youth Event: Are you between the ages of 12 and 25? Are you open to learning more about the Church’s proposal that your greatest happiness in life is to be found in Jesus Christ?
If the answer is “yes”, Archbishop Leo Cushley would like to invite you to join him on Palm Sunday, 9 April, at a Lenten youth event being held in Perth. There you’ll be joined by many other young people from across Scotland.
The event is organised by Catholic Youth Service Scotland. It will be a chance to meet young Catholics from all over Scotland, and will include talks from Archbishop Cushley and Bishop Robson of Dunkeld, with the highpoint of the day being Holy Mass celebrated with our young people by Archbishop Leo. All are very welcome. Transport to and from Edinburgh is available.
For more information, contact Fr Nick Welsh at St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral on:
Prayer for Peace: Thanks to our parish Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Group for leading us in an hour of prayer and reflection for peace in our hearts and in our world last Wednesday. Despite the inclement weather of sleet and wind there was a very good response, we enjoyed a time out to focus on peace in our life and an opportunity to share a cuppa.
Anniversaries: James Duffy, John McDougall, David Nicholson, Madge Devine, Jim Berry, Baby Philip Reid, Rose Romaniak, Mary Sharkey, Peter Carroll, Suzanne Miller, Pope John Paul II, Karen Rae, David Sutherland, Sean Cummings, Tom McHale, Br. Blackburne, OMI and Gerry McDade.
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Prayer Around the Cross: Taize Style Stations of the Cross; Every Thursday during Lent 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross:
In Art and Reflection on the Parish website -
An Hour of Prayer for Peace – 22nd March:
In our war torn troubled world you are invited to join in an hour of Prayer for Peace on Wednesday 22nd March 2017 at 7.30pm followed by a cup of tea/coffee.
Cluster Core Group: Meet at Our Lady’s Currie Thursday next 23rd March at 7.30 pm.
Sacramental Programme: Next session for those preparing for the Sacraments will take place on Saturday 25th March at 10.30am
The Holy Spirit Inspired the Saints, and the Rite of Confirmation.
Sleepover – 24th /25th March: The Youth Sleepover will take place on Friday 24th March in the Church Hall for young people in P3 and above starting at 7pm until 8am on Saturday 25th. Sleepover Sponsorship is in aid of SCIAF. Please sign up at back of Church and collect a consent form.
Liturgy Committee: Meeting of the Liturgy Committee on Wednesday 29th March at 7.30 pm.
Charismatic Prayer Group: Meet in St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 25th March at 10.30 am.
Agnes Rafferty is organising an event to aid children in countries hit by famine and poverty.
Agnes will hold an Afternoon Tea in St. John Ogilvie’s Hall on Saturday 1st April from 1.00 – 3.00pm all proceeds will go to Mary’s Meals.
Mary’s Meals is a charity with a single simple objective. It provides a daily meal for school children who live in some of the poorest communities in the world. Breakfast before class.
Tickets for the event are available after Mass - £5.
New Baby?: A baby cot (IKEA) has been offered to any family in the parish who have a new baby. In excellent condition the owner has now moved to a bed. Cot available today on a first come first served basis.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre: Archbishop Romero Centenary - 7.30pm Monday 20th March
WWF Earth Hour – Saturday 25th March 2017: Earth Hour is the single largest symbolic mass participation event in the world. Born out of hope that people could be mobilised to take action on climate change, Earth Hour now inspires a global community of millions of people in 178 countries and territories to switch lights off for an Hour as a massive show of concern for the environment. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial we show support for action on climate change. You can be part of it, an hour of darkness – a moment of change – a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. You are invited to turn off your lights for ONE HOUR at 8.30pm on Saturday 25 March 2017.
Anniversaries: Mary Doyle, Fr. Liam Duffy, OMI, Anne Murphy, Joseph Crere, Alex Paterson, Ellizabeth Steel, Keith Farries, Sr. Sheelagh Stapleton, Isobella O’Farrell, Frances Robertson, James Henderson, Josephine Muir, Isa Cherry, Edward Smith, Margaret Flannery, Anna Gahagan, Pat McDade, Tony Paterson, Sharon Tscel opsuce and Thomas Waugh.
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Welcome: Today we welcome Alexander Dzkowski to God’s family. Alexander from Harvesters Way will be baptised today at the 11.00am Mass. We congratulate his parents Marcin and Izabela on the birth of their baby. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Sacramental Programme 25th March: Next session for those preparing for the Sacraments will take place on Saturday 25th March at 10.30am
The Holy Spirit Inspired the Saints, and the Rite of Confirmation.
Cluster Core Group – 23rd March: Meeting of the Core Cluster Group at Our Lady’s Currie to agree the 2nd and final draft of the Report to parishes and the Archbishop - Thursday 16th March at 7.30 pm.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre – 20th March: Archbishop Romero Centenary, 7.30pm Monday 20th March.
The Secret of Romero
Passion for God and Compassion for the Poor
Sister Martha Zechmeister SJ
Professor of Systematic Theology, El Salvador
All welcome. Admission by donation.
An Hour of Prayer for Peace – 22nd March:
In our war torn troubled world you are invited to join in an hour of Prayer for Peace on Wednesday 22nd March 2017 at 7.30pm followed by a cup of tea/coffee.
Prayer Around the Cross: Taize Style Stations of the Cross; Every Thursday during Lent 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross:
In Art and Reflection on the Parish website -
Sleepover – 24th /25th March: The Youth Sleepover will take place on Friday 24th March in the Church Hall for young people in P3 and above starting at 7pm until 8am on Saturday 25th. Please sign up at back of Church and collect a consent form.
St John Ogilvie: Last Friday, 10 March, we kept the Feast of St. John Ogilvie, patron of our parish. John’s noble Scottish family was part Catholic and part Presbyterian. His father raised him as a Calvinist, sent him to the continent for education. There he became interested in the popular debates going on between Catholic and Calvinist scholars. Debates gave rise only to confusion, John turned to Scripture, two texts became his particular focus:
"God wills all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."
"Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you."
John concluded that the Catholic Church could embrace all people so at the age of 17 in Louvain, Belgium in 1596 he was received into the Catholic Church. In 1610 he was ordained a priest as a member of the Jesuit Order. Sent to Scotland as a missionary, where, due to penal laws, he posed as a horse trader and soldier but was betrayed. Brought before the courts, his trial dragged on until he had been without food for 26 hours. Deprived of sleep for eight days and nights he was dragged around, prodded with sharp sticks and his hair pulled out. Still he refused to reveal the names of Catholics. He underwent a second and third trial but held firm. Even on the scaffold he was offered freedom and a fine living if he would deny his faith. His courage in prison and his martyrdom was reported throughout Scotland.
John Ogilvie was canonised in 1976, becoming the first Scottish saint since 1250.
Anniversaries: Joseph Conway, Anne McCaffrey, Sr Winifred Cleary, Rudy Capavanni, James Tait, John O’Donnell, Mgr. Tony McNally, Olive Grogan, Peggy Cavanagh, Anne Wilson, Kathleen O’Kane, Sr. Geraldine Kelly, Michael McDonagh, Helen Cairns Lumley, Pat Donnehy, Rose Ann Curran, Margaret Conway, Helen Skirving, Martin Heffron, Jeannie O’Neill, Pat Kilpatrick and Ron Ferguson.
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Fair Trade Fortnight 27 February–12 March 2017: Due to unexpected circumstances the Fair Trade Stall planned during FT fortnight will have to be postponed for the time being. However during FT fortnight you are asked to consider if the choice of the food on your table, your tea/coffee break, feeds exploitation or not. Many farmers in countries such as Malawi, Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire all contribute to the tea, coffee and cocoa we enjoy here in the UK yet many are still living in poverty and are unable to feed, educate and provide medical care for their families. It's a big deal, and by choosing to buy Fair Trade goods you can help eradicate exploitation and poverty. Feel good about the cuppa you enjoy!
Golden Wedding Congratulations: Congratulations to Larry and Dorothy Jenkins of Baberton who celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary on Saturday 4th March. We wish them well for the coming years.
Sacramental Programme 11th March: Next session for those preparing for the Sacraments will take place on Saturday 11th March at 10.30am
The Risen Jesus is present among us. Nourished by the Bread of Life.
Safeguarding Training: A reminder to those parishioners who have signed up for safeguarding training – please attend in the church hall on either Monday 6 March or Wednesday 8 March for a 7.00pm start.
Youth Monthly Meeting: Meet in Church House on Friday 10th at 6.00 pm.
Lent Extra: A day by day reflection to accompany us on our journey through Lent is available at the back of the church. The daily piece will only take two minutes. It could be read by a family before a meal or form the basis of a daily reflection.
Prayer Around the Cross: Taize Style Stations of the Cross; Every Thursday during Lent 7.00 pm.
The Wee Box
In Lent we are invited to live simply so that others may simply live. Our Fast or Abstinence should benefit those in need especially people living in areas of famine. A SCIAF Box in the home to contribute what you would have spent on luxuries might be of help during the season of Lent. Boxes available at the back of the Church today.
John Kidd: Requiem at St. John Ogilvie’s on Thursday 9th. March at 10.00 am Followed by interment at Craigmillar Cemetery at 11.00 am. May he rest in peace.
Pro Life demonstration: Could you come out to the Royal Infirmary during Lent, for just an hour, to pray for the end of abortion? If you would like to help please phone Patricia Maclennan 0131 441 3262 or
Fr Piotr Czerwonka RIP: Fr Piotr served as Parish Priest at St. John the Baptist, Christorphine for the past 2 years, he died in Poland last month. The Archbishop will offer Mass for the repose of the soul of Fr Piotr Czerwonka SAC on Thursday 9 March at 12:45 at the Cathedral.
Anniversaries: Kate Donald, Kathleen Mahon, Rose Calvey, Sr Mildred Ryan, Karen Thomas, Agnes Adams, Mary Garry, Vera Spence, Maria Pereirra, Philip Faccenda, Gerard McDonald, Pat McGilligan, Alison Welsh, Ian Allison, Minnie Bilberg, Shaun McAllister, Elsa Purcell, Leighann Miller, Patrick McQueen and Rodger Marshall.
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Welcome: We welcome to God’s Family Harris Stewart James Barnes, of Baberton Mains Wood, who will receive the sacrament of Baptism at the 11.00am Mass today. Congratulations to his parents David and Lauren. May he bring you much joy and blessings in the years ahead.
Catholic Education: Six pupils from our local secondary comprehensive school St. Augustine’s will speak at the 9.00am and 11.00am Masses today to create an awareness of the objective of Catholic Education :-
Developing as a Community of Faith and Learning’
Ash Wednesday – 1st March: Wednesday next is Ash Wednesday. Ashes will be blessed and distributed during the 9.00am and 7.30pm Masses.
It is a day of fast and abstinence. Since Vatican II, the Church does not detail from what you fast and abstain. It is up to each individual to decide on the form of fast and abstinence - e.g. cigarettes, alcohol, food, sweets, etc. An important aspect of the fast and abstinence is that your decision should benefit the poor. That can be done through the Wee Box available at the back of the church today.
Parish Pastoral Council – 2nd March: Meeting of the PPC at the Chapel House on Thursday next 2nd March at 7.30pm. Members please collect up your Agenda and correspondence after Mass.
Sacramental Programme 11th March: Next session for those preparing for the Sacraments will take place on Saturday 11th March at 10.30am
The Risen Jesus is present among us. Nourished by the Bread of Life.
Youth For Lourdes Fundraiser – Erin Gordon:
Today, some 6th year pupils from St Augustines High School will provide tea/coffee with home baking for £1.00/donation. Proceeds will go to help raise funds to send Erin Gordon on the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes as a helper. Please join them for a cuppa after Mass.
Lent Extra: A day by day reflection to accompany us on our journey through Lent is available at the back of the church. The daily piece will only take two minutes. It could be read by a family before a meal or form the basis of a daily reflection.
The Wee Box
In Lent we are invited to live simply so that others may simply live. Our Fast or Abstinence should benefit those in need especially people living in areas of famine. A SCIAF Box in the home to contribute what you would have spent on luxuries might be of help during the season of Lent. Boxes available at the back of the Church today.
Oblate Connections: Spring Edition available at the back of the church today, please take one - FREE.
John Kidd – Gone to his Eternal Rest: John Kidd a long time parishioner of St. John Ogilvie’s spent the last 3 years in the BUPA care Home, at Albert St. Leith. Funeral arrangements later.
Anniversaries: Stephanie Clark, Mary Hannon, Patrick Carroll, Mary Clements, Catherine Abbott, John McTighe, Rose Tait, Fr. Charles Barclay, Baby Rachael Butler, Sandy Eadie, James McGhee, Danny McKinney, Michael McFadden, David Scott, Shaun McRitchie, Fr Eugene Forde OMI, Margaret Sharkey, Maureen Hunter, Catherine Coleridge, Mina McGhee, John Elwyn Jones, Denholm Isbister, Edward Taylor, Lillias Sikora, Annie Glancy, Mary Castle, Marion Sinclair and Mgr. David Gemmell.
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Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC at the Chapel House Thursday 2nd March at 7.30 pm.
Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (chair) or Anna Allen (secretary) before the 25th February.
Sacramental Programme – Saturday 25th February: Next session for those preparing for the Sacraments will take place on:
Saturday 25th February at 10.30am
Topic: Last Supper - The Mass as Thanksgiving and Sacrifice
James Dalrymple: On Thursday we received the sad news of the death of James Dalrymple of Baberton Mains Bank. We offer our sincere sympathy to his wife Margaret, and to his daughter and sons. Funeral Service will take place at Warriston Crematorium on Monday 27th February at 11.00am.
May he rest in peace.
Loss of a Baby – Sunday 19th February: The annual Remembering Service for all who have suffered the loss of a child from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, will take place this year in St John the Baptist, Corstorphine, this evening at 5.00pm.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation: Committee meeting at the Chapel House on Wednesday 22nd February at 7.30 pm.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
The Sermon on the Mount
Monday 20th February 7.30-9.00pm
Reformation: Revolution
Fr Jim Crampsey SJ
(Lectured at Heythrop University on New Testament)
Cluster Core Group: Meeting at St Cuthbert’s Hall Thursday 23rd February at 7.30 pm.
Carpenter from Nazareth seeks Joiners: Have you ever considered the call of the Carpenter from Nazareth? The Oblates of Mary Immaculate are hosting a discernment weekend in their Retreat Centre, Tower Hill, London on Friday 31st March to Sunday 2nd April for those who may wish to explore more deeply where God may be calling them.
For more information contact: Fr John McFadden OMI at Sacred Heart Church, Quex Road, Kilburn London NW6 4PS. Tel: 0207-624-1701, email
Fresh Start Appeal: Thanks for your most generous response to the Fresh Start appeal last weekend. Your donations will help families who have come to Wester Hailes to make a new beginning.
Youth For Lourdes Fundraiser – Erin Gordon: Next Sunday, 26 February 2017, some 6th year pupils from St Augustines High School will be coming to give a talk at 9 and 11am mass. After mass tea/coffee with homebaking will be sold for £1.00/donation. Proceeds will go to help raise funds to send Erin Gordon on the youth pilgrimage to Lourdes as a helper. Please join them for a cuppa after Mass.
Anniversaries: Jessie Kinnaird, Fr. Jack Collins, OMI, Mary Doran, Maureen Donaldson, Owen Power, Monica Winkel, John Kilpatrick, Pearl McPhail, Nellie Lukow, Elizabeth Paten, Tommy Robertson, Jimmy Boyle, Euen Dunlop, James McCarron, Alex Hunter, Josephine Pathmanathan, Frances Healy, Billy Cleghorn, Paul Shirpke, Frances Doherty, Julia Ness, Patrick Murphy, Baby Rosemary Meagher, Ian Scott, William Robertson, Mary Barclay, Lee Duncan, Bro. Denis Kelly, OMI, Fr. McGough, OMI and Ronnie Winton.
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Fresh Start Appeal - 12 February 2017: Fresh Start would welcome your donations for their starter packs e.g. household items, linen, crockery, cleaning items and small electricals which are no longer of any use to you. Items particularly required this month are pots pans crockery and light bulbs. Donations can be left at the back of the church today. Your support is much appreciated.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
The Sermon on the Mount
Monday 13th February & Monday 20th February 7.30-9.00pm
Reformation: Revolution
Fr Jim Crampsey SJ
(Lectured at Heythrop University on New Testament)
Catholic Education Week: Theme for Catholic Education Week 2017 is:
"Developing as a Community of Faith and Learning"
There will be a second collection today 12th February to support the work of the Scottish Catholic Education Service.
Loss of a Baby – Sunday 19th February: The annual Remembering Service for all who have suffered the loss of a child from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, will take place this year in St John the Baptist, Corstorphine, Sunday 19th February 5.00pm.
Serving the Common Good – Wednesday 22nd February: The Annual Transition Mass for P7 pupils and their parents in St Mary’s RC Cathedral at 11.15am on Wednesday 22nd February.
Sacramental Programme – Saturday 25th February: LThis week children are on mid-term break so the next session for those preparing for the Sacraments will take place on:
Saturday 25th February at 10.30am
Topic: Last Supper - The Mass as Thanksgiving and Sacrifice
Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 31st March – 2nd April at St. Mary’s Kinnoull, Perth. For further details contact: Ros on 0131-669-0003 or email: Completed applications must be returned by Friday 24th March 2017.
Our Lady of Aberdeen Statue- visit to St Peter’s Morningside: Details of the visit of the Statue and a brief history can be found on the notice board at the back of the Church. 9th Feb to 3rd March.
Safeguarding in St John Ogilvie’s – Training:: This is an important notice for those parishioners who have been vetted under the Archdiocesan Safeguarding arrangements as volunteers working with children, young people and/or “vulnerable adults”. Please note that all such volunteers must attend a training course organised by the Archdiocese. This applies whether or not they have attended training in the past. All those concerned will be contacted individually as soon as dates for the training are confirmed, but would they in the meantime please note that 2 possible dates are 6 March and 8 March at St John Ogilvie’s.
Youth pilgrimage to Lourdes 2017: This year as part of the pilgrimage to Lourdes, Erin Gordon, who is a member of our parish youth group, is going as a volunteer helper to help the sick.
To help with the cost of her trip, Erin will be holding a number of fundraising events over the next few months, and would really appreciate all your support, to help send her on her way.
Anniversaries: Effie Kay, Ann Gaughan, Margaret Roberts, Christine Kenny, Agnes Jamieson, Patrick McCann, Mary Slater, Nan McMahon, John Rodgers, Gina Binnie, Sarah McDonald, Kate Docherty, Alice Quinn, William Goodall, Janet Sinclair, Mary Devine, Thomas Summerville, Mary Goonan, Dante Donofrio, Alexander Ogilvie, John Lewis and John Muirhead.
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Daily Prayeer: Many people
today have difficulty in finding
time or space to turn to God in prayer. Some experience a
spiritual dryness when it comes to prayer. Many of the saints
experienced a similar attitude.
Could I suggest to people who use a computer go to,
click on Daily Prayer. You will find a site from the Irish Jesuits,
click on the date - it will take no more than 2 minutes for a
reflection and prayer.
Fresh Start Appeal - 12 February 2017: Fresh Start would welcome your donations for their starter packs e.g. household items, linen, crockery, cleaning items and small electricals which are no longer of any use to you. Items particularly required this month are pots pans crockery and light bulbs. Donations can be left at the back of the church next weekend. Your support is much appreciated.
World Day of the Sick – 11th February: Saturday next 11th February the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is designated by the pope as "World Day of the Sick". An opportunity to visit a sick friend, send a Get Well card or pray for a neighbour or relative who is struggling to cope with a mental or physical illness.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
The Sermon on the Mount
Monday 13th February & Monday 20th February 7.30-9.00pm
Reformation: Revolution
Fr Jim Crampsey SJ
These talks will look at significant sections of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, including the Beatitudes and the antitheses, and not forgetting the Lord's Prayer. Can Jesus be seen as a reformer or a revolutionary in his teaching? 2017 is the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation and the centenary of the Russian revolution.
Catholic Education Week: Theme for Catholic Education Week 2017 is:
"Developing as a Community of Faith and Learning"
At the back of the church you will find a Pastoral Letter from
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow which develops this theme.
Please take a copy.
There will be a second collection next Sunday 12th February to
support the work of the Scottish Catholic Education Service.
Business Manager: Job Vacancy: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a dynamic and results-orientated Business Manager to be responsible for the provision of a range of professional and business support services to the Archdiocese. For a full job description or more information, contact Derek Stark, Interim HR Manager, at or go to the Archdiocesan website at Closing date for applications: 17 February 2017.
Lourdes: The Edinburgh
Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2017 will take place 7th
14th July. Direct by air from Edinburgh.
Lourdes Theme for 2017 is:
"The Almighty
has done great things for me"
Information and Booking Forms available at the back of the church.
Senior Citizens' Party: Last Saturday our Senior Citizens enjoyed an afternoon of music dance and festive fare in a four course meal and a gift from Santa. Many expressed their thanks and said it was the most enjoyable day out in a long time. Over 25 parishioners provided the catering, music and welcoming, we are most grateful to all who generously devoted so many hours to make it a happy afternoon for all who came.
Anniversaries: Rose Benert, Daniel Thorpe, Margaret Gallen, Mary Sullivan, Moses Townsley, Catherine Carey, May Fitzpatrick, John Ndangali, Fred Bilgerg, May Tansey, Andrew Horne, Eddie O’Donnell, Edith Graham, James Farrell, Cathy Paterson, John Baxter, Sr Therese, Shaun Roberts, Phyllis Robertson, Bridget McGonagle, Catherine Glynn, Mamie McTighe, Peter Allan and Mary Mancias.
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Youth Monthly Meeting: The next meeting will take place on Friday 3rd February at 6pm in the Church House.
Loss of a Baby – Sunday 19th February:The annual Remembering Service for all who have suffered the loss of a child from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, will take place this year in St John the Baptist, Corstorphine, Sunday 19th February 5.00 pm.
Vocations: Thinking about Diocesan Priesthood in 2017? The Catholic Church in Scotland is now inviting you to apply for seminary. For more information please contact your Diocesan Vocations Director (Fr Michael John Galbraith tel. 01334 472856 or email Vocation Brochure available at the back of the church.
Homeless Sunday: Thanks to everyone who supported our Tea and Scones sale last weekend. A cheque for £183.15 has been sent to The Scottish Churches Action Group. Thanks for your very generous support.
Christine Murphy: With great sadness we learned of the untimely death of Christine Murphy at 47 years of age. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband Paul and her son Jack and daughter Christine. Funeral Service will take place at the Baptist Church, Wester Hailes on Tuesday next at 1.00 pm followed by interment at Currie. May she Rest in Peace.
From the Archbishop to be Published in every parish of the Archdiocese on 29th January 2017
Awareness and Safety in our Catholic Communities in the parish of St. John Ogilvie’s Wester Hailes, Edinburgh EH11 4PY
The Catholic Church’s safeguarding programme involves us all: The Parish Priest, the Parish Co-ordinator, volunteers and the parish community. Here in St. John Ogilvie’s we have a range of activities which are covered by the safeguarding programme. For example:
This is not an exhaustive list. Other activities may fall within the safeguarding programme.
Those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults in these and other activities within the parish are obliged to undertake a PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) check to ensure that they are not banned from working with these groups and to be checked against police records. This process is carried out by Gillis with the assistance of John Rafferty and Jacci Scott our Safeguarding Co ordinators, who have been approved by the Diocese to carry out the administration work involved. The volunteers must in addition complete an application form, self-declaration form and provide two character references. They are provided with a role descriptor and go through an interview procedure with the Parish Clergy and/or the Parish Co-ordinator and, finally, all volunteers are obliged to attend appropriate safeguarding training for their role.
This information is presented to reassure you that all possible steps are taken to ensure that the children, young people and vulnerable adults in our parish are as safe as they can be when they are in our care. To anyone thinking of volunteering their services in this parish community of St. John Ogilvie’s, please let this information be an encouragement and not a deterrent.
For more information about the Safeguarding Policy please see the ‘Awareness and Safety in our Catholic Communities’ folder or speak to one of the Safeguarding Co-ordinators. (Please note, this policy will be subject to review following the report of the McLellan Commission.)
Anniversaries: Mary Mansfield, Dario Zappa, Martina Feeney, Philip Puzey, Mary Ann Baillie, Marie Annis, Philip Ewing, John Gallagher, Irene Koning, Fr. Smits, OMI, Ina Dawson, Isabella Connor, Jim Ryan, Rose McMaster, Cilla Mitchell; Elizabeth Dewar, Agnes Morris; Martha Shiels, John Glasgow, Nell Williamson, Helen O’Neill, Annie O’Donnell, Peter Scott, Christopher Abbott and Peggy Scougall.
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Homeless Sunday: To mark Homeless Sunday today, tea/coffee with homemade scones will be sold for £1.00/donation after Sunday Masses in aid of:
The Scottish Churches Housing Action Group.
Please join us for a cuppa after Mass.
Video at 9.00 am and 11.00 Masses on Edinburgh’s Homeless.
Prayer for the Homeless:
Loving God, in your house there is room for everyone.
Help us as we strive for a world where everyone has a home that truly meets their needs.
Give us the grace to welcome strangers and refugees.
Give us the insight to see where inequality hurts.
Fill us with the courage to do our part.
Save us from being overwhelmed by the scale of the housing crisis,
and show us, O Lord, where to begin. Amen
Christian Unity Week 18th to 24th January:
Christian Unity Prayer
God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …” We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Ecumenical Service of Prayer for Christian Unity: St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre 100 Strathearn Road, EH 9 1BB, Wednesday January 25th at 7.30pm.
Patricia Agu: With sadness we learned of the untimely death of Patricia Agu last weekend. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband, daughter and sons. Patricia a woman of great Faith nursed at the Western General for a number of years, sadly last year she became a patient herself. Patricia’s wish is to return to Nigeria for burial. May she Rest in Peace.
Holocaust Memorial Day: To remember Nazi, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur persecutions, the Sacred Heart Justice & Peace Group invite you to an hour of music and contemplative prayer on, Tuesday the 24th of January from 7–8pm
Third Cluster Meeting: Report on the 3rd Cluster Meeting is available today. Reports on all three meetings are carried on the Parish website Three members of theCore Group will collate these reports plus individual submissions and report back to the 4 parishes before forwarding the report to the Archbishop at Easter.
Actors needed: Actors needed for the Easter Play that will be in Princes St Gardens on Holy Saturday. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings in Gorgie Parish Church at 7:00. Men and Women are welcome with various sizes of parts. If you're interested please get in touch with Kevin Edie on or on 07969 235 833.
Senior Citizen’s Party – 28th January: List on Notice Board for name of parishioners available to help with serving, transport, welcoming etc.
Anniversaries: Teresa Nicol, Tony Boak, John Donoghue, Allen Young, Patrick Daly, Peter Donald, Jonathan Johnston McHugh; Nora Gielty, Fr Jim Ryan, Frances Rennie, Nancy Thomson, Fr. O’Dowd, OMI, Fr. Feigherty, OMI, William Findlayson, Brian Sprott, Francis Rickis, Elsa Barrett, Raymond Duval, David Whyte, Charlie Parry and Baby Rosie Fyfe.
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APP from the Archbishop: I'm glad to inform you that we added over 100 Catholic churches and chapels of Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh to our app "Catholic Mass Times" ( for Android and iOS. This app allows users to find the nearest churches, see schedules and contacts of the parishes and navigate to them.
This app is supported by users from all over the world, who update the information, therefore we kindly ask to share this information with the priests and lay believers, who may be interested in using this app.
Christmas card recycling in aid of The Woodland Trust: It is 19 years since the recycling scheme began and a whopping half a billion cards have been recycled allowing the planting of some 245,000 trees. Over recent years we at St. John Ogilvie’s have played our part in the success of the scheme. Once again you are invited to recycle your cards in the box provided at the back of the church. By supporting the scheme, the small action of recycling your cards can make a big difference in planting new trees across the UK.
Reminder – Cluster Core Group: The Cluster Core Group will meet at St. John Ogilvie’s Thursday next 19th January at 7.30 pm.
Children’s Sacramental Programme – 21st January: Next meeting is Saturday 21st January at 10.30am:-
"Taking part in Sunday Mass - The Peace and Forgiveness of God"
Senior Citizen’s Party – 28th January: The annual Senior Citizen’s Party will take place on Saturday 28th January from 12.00 Noon to 4.00pm.
List on Notice Board for name of parishioners to help with serving, transport, welcoming, etc.
Parish Pastoral Council: Don’t forget to nominate new members for the PPC. In January each year, three of the longest serving members retire to make way for three new parishioners to be elected. Nominations can be placed in the “Suggestion Box” at the back of the church. Before placing a name in the box be sure to get the permission of the person you nominate.
Christian Unity Week 18th to 24th January:
Christian Unity Prayer
God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …” We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Homeless Sunday – 22nd. January 2017: To mark Homeless Sunday, 22nd January 2017, tea/coffee with homemade scones will be sold for £1.00/donation after Sunday Masses in aid of:
The Scottish Churches Housing Action Group.
Please join us for a cuppa after Mass.
Sr Cecilia: Sr Cecilia rang from Swansea to send greetings for Christmas and the New Year and to assure us of her prayers; she sends thanks to parishioners who sent chocolates and flowers at Christmas.
Holocaust Memorial Day: To remember Nazi, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur persecutions, the Sacred Heart Justice & Peace Group invite you to an hour of music and contemplative prayer on, Tuesday the 24th of January from 7–8pm
Anniversaries: John Gahagan, Veronica Turner, Hugh McGonagle, Rose Jones, Frank Masson, David Norris, Keith Tranent, Francis Sawyer, William Dalrymple, Arthur James Davie, Alexander Moore, Aileen Goll, Vincent McDevitt, Fr Noel Coughlan, Frank Chalmers, Edward McKay-Ferguson, Terry Cuthbert, James Fielding, Jean Power; Josephine Nichol, Maggie McSparron, John McDonald, Neil Harkins, Michael Henry, Gina Fortune, Mary McLaren, Salvatore Peschiera, Derek Sweeney and Patrick Mullan.
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Holy Trinity Church Hailesland: The Rev. Kenny Borthwick Parish Minister at Holy Trinity Church for the past 10 years has retired due to ill health. Rev. Ian MacDonald has been appointed his successor as Parish Minister and will be inducted in that role at Holy Trinity on Thursday next 12th January at 7.00pm.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation: Meeting at the Chapel House on Wednesday 11th January at 7.30pm. This group welcomes new members. If you have a passion for justice speak with Trish Muirhead, Elaine Young or Trish Middlemist. They will share with you the areas of Parish, National and World JPIC where we are involved.
"The human community and the natural world will go into the future as a SINGLE SACRED COMMUNITY – or we will both perish in the desert."
Justice & Peace: Bishop Nolan of Galloway is President of the Justice & Peace Commission for the Catholic Church in Scotland. Today there is a pastoral letter from Bishop Nolan on "World Day of Prayer for Peace 2017". Copies available at the back of the church.
A collection for the work of Justice & Peace is to be taken up in all churches.
Christmas card recycling in aid of The Woodland Trust: It is 19 years since the recycling scheme began and a whopping half a billion cards have been recycled allowing the planting of some 245,000 trees. Over recent years we at St. John Ogilvie’s have played our part in the success of the scheme. Once again you are invited to recycle your cards in the box provided at the back of the church. By supporting the scheme, the small action of recycling your cards can make a big difference in planting new trees across the UK.
Diocesan Directory: The Diocesan Directory 2017 is available at the back of the church today price £2.50. This book:
Readers: New rotas available at the back of the church today. Please take your copy.
Bingo – 10th January: Returns after the Christmas/ New Year break on Tuesday 10th January, Eyes down 7.00 pm.
Children’s Sacramental Programme – 21st January: Next meeting is Saturday 21st January at 10.30am:-
"Taking part in Sunday Mass - The Peace and Forgiveness of God"
Senior Citizen’s Party – 28th January: The annual Senior Citizen’s Party will take place on Saturday 28th January from 12.00 Noon to 4.00pm.
New Year Resolutions: "The great danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." (Michelangelo)
Parish Pastoral Council: Currently we are fortunate to have an excellent PPC in St. John Ogilvie’s. However, there is a danger that the rest of us would sit back and leave them to continue to carry this responsibility. It is important for the well-being of the community that renewal and development continues to take place. In January each year the 3 longest serving members of the PPC retire to make room for fresh blood. You are invited to post names of prospective new members in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.
Pope Francis: "Christ summons the Church, as she goes on her pilgrim way to continual re-formation of which she always has need, in so far as she is a human institution here on earth."
Anniversaries: Alice Payne, John Brogan, Daniel McManus, Bett Sutherland, Nicholas Saddler, David Bowman, Teresa Inglis, Richard Hughes, Terry Tinney, Mary and Robert Smith, Bella Ward, John Hunter, Michael Quinn, Evan Jones, Kitty O’Donnell, Vera Walker, Adeline Dewar, Bill Docherty, Fr. Ray McEvoy, O.M.I., Mary Scott, Jack Glen, Sarah Baxter, Owen McLeod, Archie Donald, George Blaney, Arthur McKay, Mary Hanlon, Margaret Deans and Frank Nagel.
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A Special thank you to those parishioners who gave of their time and talents to prepare for Christmas celebrations in the church:
In the "Clustering Meetings" a constant theme is the desire to sustain and build local community. When I witness so many generous and dedicated people prepared to engage in building and sustaining the community it is encouraging for the future.
You might consider in your New Year Resolution to become more actively involved by making your talents available to play your part in the life of the parish.
Bingo: Parish Bingo returns from Christmas break on Tuesday 10th.January.
Senior Citizen’s Party: The annual Senior Citizen’s Party will take place on Saturday 28th January from 12.00 Noon to 4.00pm. This year we also send invitations to some parishioners from our “Cluster Parishes” our local Church of Scotland, CHAI, Dove and Star of the Sea Leith. This is a very practical way of creating and sustaining Community.
Closer to the date of the party you will have opportunity to volunteer to help with transport, cooking, serving and welcoming.
Diocesan Directory: The Diocesan Directory 2017 is available at the back of the church today price £2.50. This book:
Justice Peace & Integrity of Creation: Meeting at the Chapel House on Wednesday 11th January at 7.30pm. This group welcomes new members. If you have a passion for justice speak with Trish Muirhead, Elaine Young or Trish Middlemist who will share with you the areas of Parish, National and World JPIC where we are involved.
Thank You: You embarrass me with your generosity at Christmas. Over the past 60 years I served in London, Liverpool, Dublin and Edinburgh. You know how the comedians in their jokes make fun of the mean Scots. I have never come across such generosity as I experience here in St. John Ogilvie’s. I thank you and appreciate your generous spirit.
Anniversaries: Brother Cosgrove, OMI, John Payne, Fr. Walter Carolan, Margaret McDonald, Jane Heenan, David Lopes, Kenneth Tranent, Helen Burden, Catherine Holmes, Eileen Wasyliszyn, Louis Gibson, James Quinn, Betty Crow, Fr. Paul Winters, Isabel Geddes, John Prior, Nancy Johnston, Mary Duffy, Sr Mary Celine Ryan, Ross Graham, Rachel Conroy, Baby Connie Kimberley Wright, Agnes McWilliams, Hugh Boyle, Mary Birmingham, Peggy Paddock, James Kidd, John Cochrane, Bernard O’Donnell, Nnabyenyi Peter Ugwu, and Cathy Sweeney.
Copyright © .
St John Ogilvie's
is a Roman Catholic parish of the Archdiocese of
St Andrews and Edinburgh,
registered charity No. SC008540