St John Ogilvie's
A Roman Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh

St John Ogilvie's weekly Bulletins 2019

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St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 29 December 2019

Today is the Feast of the Holy Family, Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 106)

"Family of All-Sorts"

Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 9th January at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough [Chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] before Thursday 2nd January.

Also at the beginning of the calendar year we endeavour to refresh membership of the PPC. We welcome proposals of names for membership. Names can be given to any member of the current council or placed in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.

Royal Edinburgh Hospital at Christmas: Your 80 gifts were taken to the REH last Sunday. They brought Faith, Hope, Love to long term residents of the Hospital many of whom send their thanks and blessings.

Fair Trade Christmas Hamper

This year's winner of the Hamper is Anne Denholme and the chocolate Box was won by Claire Nutley. The amount raised, which includes a donation from outwith the parish, amounted to £560.00 and will be donated to the Jakub Kolek Medical Fund. Thanks to everyone for your generous support and we hope the winners enjoy their goodies.

Christmas Card Recycling: Please remember to recycle your Christmas cards by using the Council's kerbside recycling service. Thank you.

Christmas at St John Ogilvie’s: Special thanks to all our parishioners who make St John Ogilvie’s a place of welcome at Christmas. The hours of voluntary work that are given to Liturgy, to Floral arrangements, to Art & Craft Work, to Singing, to care for the marginalised, etc. gives testament to a true Faith Community. Your efforts and contribution are much appreciated. May you be blessed for your generosity and Love.

Day of Prayer for Peace: In Scotland the Day of Prayer for Peace takes place on Sunday next 5th January Feast of the Epiphany.

A letter from Bishop William Nolan, Bishop of Galloway is available at the back of the Church. A collection for the work of justice & peace in Scotland will take place next Sunday at the Masses.

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 25th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

Mass on Wednesday at 12.00 Noon.

A Personal Thank You: To so many parishioners who sent me cards and gifts at Christmas. Your affirmation is much appreciated. I will offer Mass for your intentions and blessings on you for 2020.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota: New rota available at the back of the Church. Please take envelope with your name on it.

Canon James Friel RIP: Canon Jim Friel died 24th of December at the Little Sisters of the Poor in Greenock. Until 2018 Canon Friel served as Parish Priest at Haddington in East Lothian. May Jim rest in peace. Funeral arrangements later.

Tracy Steele: With regret we announce the untimely death of Tracy Steele of of Dumbryden Grove. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband Garry. Cremation will take place at the Pentland Chapel, Morton Hall on Wednesday 8th January at 11.30 am. May she rest in peace

Catholic Directory The 2020 Catholic Directory for the Archdiocese of Edinburgh is available at the back of the church. Cost £3.00.

Anniversaries: : Angel Pathmanathon, John Boyle, Caroline Nessnau, Donald Lewis, Suzanne Anfry, Mary Ann Gordon, Francesca Peschiera, Miriam Livingstone, Maureen Payne, Nancy Ryan, Brother Cosgrove, O.M.I., John Payne, Fr. Walter Carolan, Margaret McDonald, Jane Heenan, David Lopes, Kenneth Tranent, Helen Burden, Catherine Holmes, Eileen Wasyliszyn, Louis Gibson, James Quinn, Betty Crow, Fr. Paul Winters and Isabel Geddes.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 22 December 2019

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Advent , Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 90)

"The Virgin will Conceive"

Royal Edinburgh Hospital at Christmas: Your gifts to the crib will be taken today to long-term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

Packets of sweets/biscuits will be given to the Young Persons unit at the REH and some given to parishioners who come to the presbytery for food and to Clovenstone Care Home.

Fair Trade Christmas Hamper

Last chance to purchase your raffle tickets this morning for the Fair Trade Christmas Hamper. Draw will take place after the 11 o'clock Mass today. Proceeds to be donated to "The Jakub Kolek Fund" to help finance medical procedure for a 4 year old boy who lives with his Polish parents in the Calders. Total cost for his operation is £60,000.

Oblate Calendar 2020: The 2020 Oblate Calendar is available at the back of the church today, take one for yourself and your friends - FREE.

Christmas Services

First Mass of Christmas and Carols
Tuesday 24th December - 7.30pm

Christmas Morning 25th December
Mass 10.00am only

Daily Mass during Christmas week
12.00 Noon

Feast of the Holy Family
Saturday 28th December
Vigil Mass 6.30pm
Sunday 29th December
Morning Mass 10.00am only

New Years Day
New Years Day Mass 12.00 Noon

Catholic Directory The 2020 Catholic Directory for the Archdiocese of Edinburgh is available at the back of the church. Cost £3.00.

Star of wonder, star of light,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.

May you and your family have Peace and Joy at Christmas.

Feast of The Holy Innocents Saturday 28th December: Mass with Archbishop Leo Cushley , St. Margaret’s Chapel Gillis Centre at 12.00 Noon.

Anniversaries: : John Bolan, Thomas Dooley, George Geddes, James Reid, Elizabeth McDade, Cissie Fairley, Katie Kerlin, Fr John Harding, Hughie Ward, Fr Ted McSherry, Peter Michael Martin, Melvyn Wood, Jill Paterson, Margaret O’Hare; Marilyn Leishman, Jim Byrne, George McFarlan, Margaret Oldroyd, James Butler, Eva Mather, Miriam Maher, Bill Stewart, John Carey, Thomas McCullagh, Margaret Lock, Hilda Findlay, Victor Rickis and Richard O’Rourke.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 15 December 2019

Today is the Third Sunday of Advent , Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 88)

"The Voice that Questions from Prison"

Welcome: Today we welcome to God’s Family Michelle Franklin – Kalu of Dumbryden Grove. Michelle will be Baptised at the 11.00 am Mass. Congratulations to Kaly and Ezinne on the birth of their first child. May she bring you much joy and blessings in the years ahead.

St Joseph’s School: P4 of St Joseph’s School welcome you to their Christmas Carol Service at St Joseph’s Church Hall, tomorrow Monday 16th December at 10.00 am. Coffee, Tea and biscuits served by the children.

Royal Edinburgh Hospital at Christmas: The base of our Christmas Crib is now in place. The Wise Men with their gifts have set out on their journey from the East to search for the Messiah. Over the next two weeks you are invited to join them on the road to Bethlem by bringing your gifts to the crib for long term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, I will take your gifts to the patients on the 20th December. Mark your present "Male" or "Female".

Also welcome for the Young Peoples Unit, sweets for 10 children under age 17.

Fair Trade Stall: Thanks to everyone who very generously supported the Fair Trade Stall last weekend. Total sales amounted to £352.40 enabling farmers and ethical producers to support and provide for their families. Your support is very much appreciated.

Fair Trade Christmas Hamper

Raffle tickets for the Fair Trade Christmas Hamper remain available today at £1.00 per strip with the proceeds being donated to the Jakub Fund Appeal. Details are displayed on the notice board. The draw will take place on Sunday 22nd December after the 11 o'clock Mass

Parish Christmas Card: Rather than sending individual cards to each other you are invited to consider signing the parish Christmas Card and make a small donation which will be added to our fund raising towards the Jakub Fund Appeal while also meeting our Eco commitment to caring for our environmen.

Christmas Services

First Mass of Christmas and Carols
Tuesday 24th December - 7.30pm

Christmas Morning 25th December
Mass 10.00am only

Daily Mass during Christmas week
12.00 Noon

Saturday 28th December Vigil Mass 6.30pm

Sunday 29th December Feast of Holy Family
Morning Mass 10.00am only

New Years Day
New Years Day Mass 12.00 Noon

Christmas Bingo Parish Christmas Bingo will take place on Tuesday 17th December.

Bingo closed for Christmas Holidays and New Year Sales until restart on Tuesday 14th January.

Also this Christmas:

  • Penance Service with 5 priests at St. Cuthbert’s Monday 16th at 7.00 pm
  • Carol service at St. Nicholas CoS this evening 15th. December at 7.00 pm
  • Oblate Calendar 2020 available at the back of the church today
  • Oblate Connections Winter Edition at the back of the Church

Anniversaries: : Noreen Crossan, Michael Hickey, Julia Cairney, Ita McSorley, Tony Flak, Mary Quinn, Dennis Gallagher, Nancy Butler, William McIntosh, Brian Clifford, Fr Christy Dunne, Flo Love, Bessie Woods, Bridget Davidson, Alex Inglis, Jean Roan, Fr. Terry Hynes OMI, Catherine Taylor, Michael Kidd, Ina Turner, Fr Brian Flannagan OMI, Daniel Falsay, Jimmy Finn, Margaret McLaughlin, Margaret Munro, Thomas Heaney, Barry Greenan and Mary Tomaso.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 8 December 2019

Today is the Second Sunday of Advent , Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 85)

"The Voice that Cries in the Wilderness"

Royal Edinburgh Hospital at Christmas: The base of our Christmas Crib is now in place. Over the next two Sundays you are invited to place wrapped gifts in the crib for long-term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, I will take your gifts to the patients on the 20th December. Mark your present "Male" or "Female".

Advent Extra: Advent Extra is a booklet with a reflection for each day of December. Take a copy home to help you and your family keep focused on the main event as you journey towards Christmas.

The Young Ones
A Pre-Christmas evening for young children, over 5 years of age.
Friday 13th December 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
Christmas movie [ELF]
A few Christmas Crafts. & Pizzas

Oblate Mission Appeal Fr Paschal asks me to convey his most sincere thanks for your generous response to his appeal last Sunday. The Collection came to £990.46 and boxes to £344.79, a total of £1,335.25.

Addresses for Christmas Greetings to Priests and Sister who served at St John Ogilvie’s: See printed copy of Bulletin for details.

Bill McLaughlin and Family: Bill McLaughlin together with his family Caroline, Paul and Diane wish to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation for expressions of sympathy, Mass Cards and support they received on the occasion of the death and obsequies for a much loved wife and mother, Joan. Special thanks to those who made their way to Mortonhall for the community celebration of Joan’s life.

Fair Trade Stall and Christmas Hamper

A Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses on the weekend of 1st/2nd December.
Stress free Christmas shopping
while helping ethical producers support their families.
Please come over and have a look, you will find something to suit all.

Also available are raffle tickets for our annual Christmas Hamper draw.

Raffle tickets at £1.00 per strip available for the Fairtrade Christmas Hamper
the proceeds of which will be donated to the Jakub Kolek Fund
to help 4 year old Jakub access medical treatment abroad.
Details of his condition in Parish Newsletter of December 1st, Evening News 12th November
or on the Church Notice Board.

Concert for Jakub fund
Saturday 14 Dec 7pm - 9pm in Persevere Bar,
398 Easter Road.

Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist: Over the Christmas break there are changes to Mass times also some parishioners take a holiday. To plan for the Christmas Liturgy there are lists on the Altar, if you are available for Ministries of Reading or of the Eucharist you are invited to fill in your name. Times of Christmas and New Year services will be published next week.

Glits Christmas Concert – 10th December: Glits concert at St Catherine's Convent, Lauriston on Tuesday 10 Dec at 7.30pm. All proceeds to Homeless Project. See poster at back of Church.

St Augustine’s Christmas Celebration: St Augustine’s RC High School invite you to our Christmas Celebration on Tuesday 17th December at 6:30pm in the school theatre. Free tickets available from school office 0131 334 6801. All welcome.

Anniversaries: John Hougen, Mary Nelson, Cathy McLeod, Annie Sharkey, Mary Watson, Ellen Sweeney, Sheila Ewen, Frank Mitchell, Jane Douglas, Martin Redpath, Ena McLatchie, Sarah Daly, Mary Ferry, Baby Bohdi Callaghan, Hugh Grieve, Carol Freston, Winfred Curran, Charles Stewart, Jean Watt, Tommy Neilson, Marjorie Gordon, Annie Forester, Rita Brotherston, Br. Tim Ahern OMI and Bridget Carton.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 1 December 2019

Today is the First Sunday of Advent , Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 82)

"At the Ready"

Advent 2019

Advent Wreath: A Symbol of Advent is our wreath. Shaped in a circle to symbolise the eternity of God, the evergreen foliage expresses God’s undying love for us. The four candles, one for each week of Advent, represent those thousands of years when the people of God awaited their Messiah. They represent Creation - Salvation History – Covenant – Prophets – Mary – John the Baptist.

During Advent the reader will introduce the theme of the Mass each week and arrange for a parishioner or a family to come and light the candle.

Advent: New Mass Books available today for Advent Year A, Lemon Cover. Please return your Year C Books Maroon for storage until 2022.

Advent Extra: Advent Extra is a booklet with a reflection for each day of December. Take a copy home to help you and your family keep focused on the main event as you journey towards Christmas.

The Young Ones
A Pre-Christmas evening for young children, over 5 years of age.
Friday 13th December 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
Christmas movie [ELF]
A few Christmas Crafts. & Pizzas

Oblate Mission Appeal
The annual Oblate Mission Appeal by Fr. Pascal Dillon omi will take place this weekend of the 1st December.

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation: Meeting in Chapel House on Tuesday next 3rd December at 7.00 pm

Edinburgh Christmas Crib: Today at 3.00 pm Archbishop Leo Cushley will bless the Edinburgh Nativity Scene at the Top of the Mound.

Also, you are invited to join in the Carol Service.

Aid to the Church in Need 2019: Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church it supports the Catholic Faithful and other Christians where they are persecuted, oppressed or in Pastoral need. In solidarity with persecuted Christians and Faith minorities we will offer our parish morning Mass on Thursday 5th December. You are asked to wear something "red" at the Mass as a sign of support for this campaign. Those who cannot attend morning Mass on the 5th are invited to try and attend an extra Mass to pray for those who are persecuted for their faith.

Royal Edinburgh Hospital at Christmas: The base of our Christmas Crib will be iin place next Sunday. Over the next two Sundays you are invited to place wrapped gifts in the crib for long-term residents of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, I will take your gifts to the patients on the 20th December. Mark your present "Male" or "Female".

Christmas Fair Trade Stall and Hamper: A Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses next weekend 7/8th December. Stress-free Christmas shopping while helping ethical producers support their families. Please come over and have a look, you will find something to suit all. Also available are raffle tickets for our annual Christmas Hamper draw.

Jakub Kolek: Jakub Kolek is a 4 year old boy who lives in the Calders. At 18 months of age Jakub developed sepsis. Within 3 months he lost all his toes and most of his fingers. Kids Hospital and GP have no further treatment to offer. A Dr Dror Paley from Florida [specialist in limb lengthening] and a Polish Clinic have offered some hope. Cost of treatment is £60,000. This will be on the agenda of our January PPC meeting. Meanwhile I propose that all income from the Parish Christmas Card, Crib, Christmas Hamper etc. be allocated to The Jakub Fund. At our next PPC meting we will set a Target for this fund.

See Evening News Tue.12.11.2019 or copy on Notice Board.

Anniversaries: Helen and Stephen Loftus, Joseph Cairney, Catherine Mazs, William O’Neill, Angus McDonald, George Fraser, Aggie Clarke, Maureen Gibson, Floyd Paterson, Christina Gallo, Donna Hall, Brigid Ferry, Mary Smith, Carl Scott, Margaret Risi, Heather Reith, Bridget Gaughan, Margaret Sowiak, Robert Gormley, Thomas Pettigrew, Michael Hickey, Mary Munro, Patrick Harrison, Mary Curran, Kami, Jess McKenzie-Wight and Baby Keigan Miller.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 24 November 2019

Today is the Feast of Christ the King, Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 167)

"A Kingdom not of this World"

Education Sunday - from the Archbishop: Today we mark the start of a week when we celebrate the importance of educating children and young people in faith. During this Catholic Education Week, we are asked to reflect on how we are ‘Promoting Gospel Values’ in our homes, schools and parishes. If you would like further information on becoming a teacher in our Catholic schools, please contact the Scottish Catholic Education Service

The Young Ones
A Pre-Christmas evening for young children, over 5 years of age.
Friday 13th December 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
Christmas movie [ELF]
A few Christmas Crafts. & Pizzas

Oblate Mission Appeal
The annual Oblate Mission Appeal by Fr. Pascal Dillon omi will take place next weekend of the 1st December.

Edinburgh Christmas Crib: Archbishop Leo Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene at the annual Nativity Blessing and Carol Service event on Sunday next 1st December at 3.00 pm. This year it’s at the top of The Mound on Mound Place. This will be a joyous occasion to mark the start of our Christian Christmas celebrations

Letter from the Scottish Bishops: Copy of a letter from all 8 of the Scottish Bishops is available at the back of the church. The letter highlights areas for reflection before we cast our vote.

Prisoners Week 2019/Action By Christians Against Torture: This year the JPIC team invite you to send a simple message of hope to Ms Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. She is a British-Iranian dual citizen who has been detained in Iran since 3 April 2016, "for allegedly plotting to topple the Iranian regime". Despite appeals, hunger strikes, etc she remains detained and now does not have the pleasure of weekly visits from her young daughter who has returned to the UK to live with her father.

Cards make such a difference to prisoners separated from family and home. Your messages bring hope, support, and encouragement in the knowledge that someone knows and cares, and that they are being upheld in prayer. Cards for posting with a simple message to Nazanin are available on the table by the kitchen. Please post one in support.

Prisoners Week Prayer

Lord, You offer freedom to all people.
We pray for those who are held in prison.
Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist.
Support with Your love: prisoners, their families and friends,
prison staff, chaplains and all who care.
Heal those who have been wounded by the activities of others,
especially the victims of crime.
Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, to love tenderly, and walk humbly together with Christ, in His strength and in His Spirit, now and every day, Amen.

Fresh Start: Fresh Start are very grateful for your tremendous response (3 car loads) to our appeal last weekend and wish to thank everyone for your generosity.

Their latest newsletter, calendars, end of year report and Christmas Cooker Appeal donation forms are available at the back of the church to anyone interested.

Joan McLaughlin: It is with great sadness that we learned of the accidental and untimely death of Joan McLaughlin of Baberton Mains Drive. We offer our sincere sympathy to Bill her husband of over 50 years and to her son Paul and daughters Diane and Caroline.

Funeral Service will take place at Morton Hall Main Chapel on Thursday next 28th November at 12.00 Noon. May she rest in peace.

Anniversaries: Robert Storrie, Mary Wilkie, Catherine McHugh, Mary Murphy, Francis Power, Margaret Brogan, Jessie Burnett, Fr. Andy Horgan, OMI, Nan Bolan, Mary McGinley, Steve Cassey, Jade Mason, Baby Rebecca Louise Young, Sr Mary Dympna and Jacquie Reid.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 17 November 2019

Today is the 33rd Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 164)

"A Faith that Faces Disaster"

Fresh Start Appeal
Starter Packs

An appeal for donations for Fresh Start's starter packs will take place in the parish this weekend, 15/17th November. Please can you ensure only items listed on the Fresh Start posters displayed in the church are donated - Dishes and Cutlery, Pots and Pans, small Electrical Items, cleaning items, Bed Linen and Towels. Fresh Start are unable to store items not listed and can incur expense to dispose of items not required. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

From the Parish Pastoral Council 07.11.2019

The Young Ones
A Pre-Christmas evening for young children, over 5 years of age.
Friday 13th December 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
Christmas movie [ELF]
A few Christmas Crafts. & Pizzas

Oblate Mission Appeal
The annual Oblate Mission Appeal by Fr. Pascal Dillon omi will take place the weekend of the 1st December.

External Box for the Defibrillator
In May this year the Parish purchased a defibrillator it is mounted in the foyer at the side entrance to the church. To date it was only called upon for a lady celebrating her birthday at the Beijing Banquet. To make the defibrillator available to the local community the PPC decided to move it to an external wall for easy access. Cost will be £425 +vat for an external box

November Mass – Friday 22nd November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us is on Friday 22nd November at 7.30 pm.

If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed, please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.

No Morning Mass on the Friday.

Lauriston Jesuit Centre

"Art and Spirituality"
Geoff Wheaton, SJ
Tuesday 19th November, 7.30pm

SCIAF Real Gifts - Gifts that change lives

SCIAF’s Christmas Gifts make great presents for family and friends while helping people in poverty to build a better future. The parish catalogue is now available at the back of the church. Alternatively, you can visit: or call 0141-354-5555 to see more Real Gifts and to find out more.

Catholic Education Scotland: Sunday next 24th November there will be a second collection in aid of Catholic Education Scotland. Today at the 9.00 am Mass a pupil from our local Catholic High School will share a reflection on her experience of school.

Liturgy Meeting: Meeting of the Liturgy Group to prepare for Advent & Christmas will take place on Tuesday next 19th November at 7.30 pm. This group welcomes any parishioner who would like to make themselves available to promote & enhance our liturgical celebrations.

New Rota for Church Cleaning Teams available. Please take your envelope.

Anniversaries: Philip Donoghue, Frank Murphy, Betty Baird, Peter Skirving, Nan Lyons, William Bruce, Catherine Wyllie, Pat McDade, Jim Ferguson, Tony Sweeney, Lilian Panton, Patricia Smith, Hazel Leetion, Margaret Rae, Stephen Brown, Brigid Ramsay, Mike Donnelly, Janet Devlin, Madge McGuire, Nellie O’Hagan, Edward Fraser. John McGlynn, Jackie Bryon, Kathy Grace, Betty Fraser, Tim Daly, May Michaud, Connie Hunter, Jean McKay, Louie Carberry, Catherine Linton; Mary Appolinari, Audrey Taylor and Danny Boyle.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 10 November 2019

Today is the 32nd Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 160)

"Questioning Sadducees"

November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. Today, November 10th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura Eadie and Parkhead Residents.

Children's Sacramental Programme - Today: Meet today in the Day Chapel at 12.00 Noon. Preparation for First Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Penance.

Fresh Start Appeal
Starter Packs

An appeal for donations for Fresh Start's starter packs will take place in the parish next weekend, 15/17th November. Please can you ensure only items listed on the Fresh Start posters displayed in the church are donated. Dishes and Cutlery, Pots and Pans, small Electrical Items, cleaning items, Bed Linen and Towels. Fresh Start are unable to store items not listed and can incur expense to dispose of items not required. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

St. Augustine’s High School – 14th November: Each year in the month of November, the school celebrates Mass of Remembrance, this year it will take place in the school on Thursday 14th November at 7.00pm. The school has a Book of Remembrance for past pupils & teachers, you are invited to give names on the email.

The school provides light refreshments after Mass, to give the school an idea of numbers, if you intend to attend please rsvp to:

Holy Souls November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar.

Parish Safeguarding – PVG Updates: This year’s PVG update exercise was completed by the due date of 31st October. The forms have now been delivered to Gillis. Thank you to all those parishioners who were involved in this exercise.

Scripture Reflection Day

Discover how St Matthew (readings for 2020) helps deepen our understanding of Jesus
Fr. Andrew Garden

Guidance on improving your public Reading at Mass
Margaret Magill

Gillis Centre Saturday 16th November
11.00am – 3.00pm
Light lunch provided

Register on Eventbrite by clicking here or telephone: 0131 623-8900.

Inter Faith Week: Today is the beginning of Scottish Interfaith week. It is an opportunity for Catholics to follow the example set by our Holy Father Pope Francis to reach out to our neighbours and to recognise all people of faith as our brothers and sisters. Recent events have shown how important this is for world peace. Take the opportunity this week to pray that people of faith might work together for peace in our world and in our country. Interfaith Scotland’s website gives notification of the many interfaith events happening throughout the country this week if you would like to get involved. (Bishop Mario Conti)

November Mass – Friday 22nd November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us is on Friday 22nd November at 7.30 pm.

If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed, please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.

Lauriston Jesuit Centre

"Art and Spirituality"
Geoff Wheaton, SJ
Tuesday 19th November, 7.30pm

Anniversaries: Agnes Higgins, Rev. James McLeod, John Lowe, Nora Mitchell, Thomas Pullman, Agnes Toal, Fr. Joe Ryan, OMI, Maureen Loy, Hildegarde Ostwald, Joan Davidson, Frances Gallagher, John Todd, Mary Watson, Jean Dignan, Mary Dixon, Bernard Reilly, Lennie Capavanni, Sheila King, Ronald Fusco, Betty Viscogliosi, Desmond McLaughlin, Brian Coates, Gavin Ramsay, Elizabeth Walker, Maureen Eadie, Elizabeth Somerville, Tom Hyde and Benny Heynes.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 3 November 2019

Today is the 31st Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 157)

"Zacchaeus the Little Man who Grew Tall"

Welcome: This weekend we welcome Samuel and Rose Finn to the Family of God. Samuel and Rose son and daughter of Dominic and Gillian of Clovenstone Drive were Baptised at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 2nd of November. Welcome to the children and congratulations to their parents. We pray they will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Holy Souls November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.

Scripture Reflection Day

Discover how St Matthew (readings for 2020) helps deepen our understanding of Jesus
Fr. Andrew Garden

Guidance on improving your public Reading at Mass
Margaret Magill

Gillis Centre Saturday 16th November
11.00am – 3.00pm
Light lunch provided

Register on Eventbrite by clicking here or telephone: 0131 623-8900.

Parish Council: Meeting of the PPC Thursday next 7th November 7.30pm. Members of the council please collect your agenda and correspondence today after Mass.

Homeless Sunday 2019: Many thanks for your generous support of the tea/scone sale last weekend in support of the homeless. The proceeds raised in support of St. Catherine's Homeless Project amounted to £225.00 and this will help the Sisters provide for the ever increasing numbers arriving daily at the project. Your support is very much appreciated. Letter from Sr Aelred on Notice Board.

Fresh Start Appeal
Starter Packs

An appeal for donations for Fresh Start's starter packs will take place in the parish the weekend of 15/17th November. Please can you ensure only items listed on the Fresh Start posters displayed in the church are donated. Dishes and Cutlery, Pots and Pans, small Electrical Items, cleaning items, Bed Linen and Towels. Fresh Start are unable to store items not listed and can incur expense to dispose of items not required. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

November Mass – Friday 22nd November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us is on Friday 22nd November at 7.30 pm.

If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed, please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.

Jesus in the Koran:

Christian – Muslim dialogue on Christ.
Study day to promote inter-religious dialogue.
Led by Fr Robert Afayori
saturday next, 9th November 11.00am - 3.30pm Gillis Centre EH9 1BB.
Book on eventbrite by clicking here or call 623-8900.

November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. On Sunday next, November 10th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura Eadie and Parkhead Residents.

Anniversaries: Christopher McKenzie, Anne Scott, Freddie Chalmers, Mary Guthrie, Mary Flannigan, Fr. Tony Farmer OMI, Edith Nagel, Irene Martin, Robert Roberts, Pat O’Donnell, Quie Lawrence, Jean McGregor, Isobel Cocker, Molly Kerr, Helen Gilchrist, Tom McIntosh, Fr Jim Henderson SJ, Joe Stanislaus, Dave Parry, James Neilson, Maggie O’Donnell, Archie McCann, Esther Horne, 5 year old Reilly, Joe McKessick, Barbara Carroll, Marjorie Fullerton, Mary Boner, Rom Ziems, Br. Pat Murphy OMI and Jim Clarke.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 27 October 2019

Today is the 30th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 155)

"Praying with Honesty"

Holyday of Obligation – 1st November: Friday next is the Feast of All Saints a Holyday of Obligation. Masses at St. John Ogilvie’s 9.00am and 7.30pm.

Holy Souls November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.

Homeless Sunday 2019: The parish will mark Homeless Sunday 2019 today, 27th October when tea/coffee and scones will be on sale for £1.00/donation after Sunday Masses. All proceeds will be forwarded to the Homeless Project at St. Catherine’s Convent in Lauriston.

November Mass – Friday 22nd November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us is on Friday 22nd November at 7.30 pm.

If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed, please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.

Jesus in the Koran:

Christian – Muslim dialogue on Christ.
Study day to promote inter-religious dialogue.
Led by Fr Robert Afayori
9th November 11.00am - 3.30pm Gillis Centre EH9 1BB.
Book on eventbrite by clicking here or call 623-8900.

November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. On Sunday November 10th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura Eadie and Parkhead Residents.

Parish Pledge: In the month of October each year we invite you to donate your 2nd instalment to the Parish Pledge. This parish pledge was established in the year 2000 to take the place of the old annual parish fete, the idea being to pledge the sum of money you would expect to spend at the parish fete. Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today. We Budget £2,000 from this source so in your generosity please try to maintain that figure.

Mount Vernon Mass: Archbishop Leo Cushley will Celebrate Mass for the Holy Souls at Mount Vernon Cemetery on Saturday next 2nd November 2019 at 10.00am.

Scripture Reflection Day

Discover how St Matthew (readings for 2020) helps deepen our understanding of Jesus
Fr. Andrew Garden

Guidance on improving your public Reading at Mass
Margaret Magill

Gillis Centre Saturday 16th November
11.00am – 3.00pm
Light lunch provided

Register on Eventbrite by clicking here or telephone: 0131 623-8900.

Parish Council: Meeting of the PPC Thursday 7th November 7.30pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough [Chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] before Friday 1st November.

Anniversaries: Sarah Milne, Cissie O’Donnell, Patricia McKessick, Fay Smith, Stephen Harte, Peter Spencer, Kitty Summerville, Andrew McElvanney, Patrick O’Rourke, Madeline Parish, Jane Manzie, Cathy McCaskey, Patricia Smith, Flora Haddow, Christopher Norris, Hugh White, Mary Smith, Margaret Mary O’Donnell, Sarah Sweeney, Mary Hind and Douglas Bree.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 20 October 2019

Today is the 29th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 149)

"Praying with Nerve"

Homeless Sunday 2019: The parish will mark Homeless Sunday 2019 on the 27th October when tea/coffee and scones will be on sale for £1.00/donation after Sunday Masses. All proceeds will be forwarded to the Homeless Project at St. Catherine’s Convent in Lauriston.

November Mass – Friday 22nd November 7.30pm: Our November Mass for family and friends who have gone before us is on Friday 22nd November at 7.30 pm.

If you wish to light a candle in memory of your dear departed please write the name of your departed and the name of the person to light the candle on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.

World Mission Sunday: Today, 20th October is Mission Sunday throughout the Catholic world. A second collection will be taken at all Masses for what used to be called the "Propagation of the Faith". This money is put at the disposal of Pope Francis to help him respond to requests for various parts of the world to fund missionary projects.

Jesus in the Koran:

Christian – Muslim dialogue on Christ.
Study day to promote inter-religious dialogue.
Led by Fr Robert Afayori
9th November 11.00am - 3.30pm Gillis Centre EH9 1BB.
Book on eventbrite by clicking here or call 623-8900.

New Readers Rota available at the back of the church today.

St John Ogilvie's Got Talent – Reprise: If you missed the “St John Ogilvie’s Got Talent” concert, head over to the parish website where you can see some of the performances and view photographs of the performers –

Amoris Laetitia - Joy of Love: This encyclical from Pope Francis will be presented by Bishop John Wilson of Southwark Diocese under the title of: "Your Marriage is your Vocation - The beauty and challenge of marriage and family life in the 21st Century" at Gillis Centre, Saturday 26th October, 2.00 to 5.00pm.

Register by clicking here.

Deo Gratias: Sheila Turner had two hospital admissions recently for cancer treatment. She received the all clear last week and wishes to thank God and parishioners who supported her during months of waiting and uncertainty.

Origin Scotland Presents:

Christmas with J. John in association with Tearfund
An Evening of Carols and Christmas Music
Sat 07 December Usher Hall 7.30 pm
Tickets FREE from 541-0117 or

Art in the Autumn

Sacred Heart Lauriston Jesuit Centre
Gero McLoughlin, SJ
"For the greater service and praise of God"
A Jesuit painter - Br Daniel Seghers' 1590 - 1661
Thursday 7th November - 7.30pm

Date for Your Diary: Lair Holders, visitors and friends of Mount Vernon. Archbishop Leo Cushley will be Celebrating Mass for the Holy Souls at Mount Vernon Cemetery on Saturday the 2nd November 2019 at 10.00am.

Anniversaries: Helen Hunter, William Priest, James Clark, Steven Curran, Dennis Brownhill, Catherine Kozubal, Neil McLean, Hilary Muir, Margaret Conway, William Foren, Patrick Hanley, Connie Wilson, Fred Menelaws, Tony Swain, Andrew Gillon, Norman McCann, James Christie, Cepta McMorrough, Colum Sharkey, Patricia Monaghan and Bill Robertson.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 13 October 2019

Today is the 28th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings page 149)

"Showing Gratitude"

World Mission Sunday: Sunday next 20th October is Mission Sunday throughout the Catholic world. A second collection will be taken at all Masses for what used to be called the "Propagation of the Faith".

People have asked what is the difference between SCIAF and Missio -

  • Missio - (The Pontifical Mission Societies) is the means by which the Church in Scotland shows solidarity with the Church in poor countries.
  • SCIAF - (The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund) is the means by which the Church in Scotland shows solidarity with the poor of the world.

Amoris Laetitia - Joy of Love: This encyclical from Pope Francis will be presented by Bishop John Wilson of Southwark Diocese under the title of: "Your Marriage is your Vocation - The beauty and challenge of marriage and family life in the 21st Century" at Gillis Centre, Saturday 26th October, 2.00 to 5.00pm.

Register by clicking here.

Harvest Mass : Many thanks to everyone for your very generous donations of tinned food for the parish food cupboard and also to the parishioners who donated the fresh produce from their allotments and gardens. The fresh produce from the Harvest Table was delivered to St. Catherine's Homeless Project and the tinned food will allow us to help those who call at the Church House looking for help to feed their families. Your support is very much appreciated.

St. Margaret’s Adoption Agency: This Society was set up by the Catholic Church in 1955. It operates from 26 Newton Place, Glasgow G3 7PY. Adoption Week Scotland is from 16 - 23rd of November.

There are 1000’s of children who are in need of a permanent home. If you have ever considered growing your family through adoption and would like to know more, get in touch and one of our staff can talk you through the process and answer any questions.
Telephone: 0141 332 8371

Safeguarding – PVG scheme updates: Parish volunteers whose PVG membership is 5 or more years “old” are required to renew their membership of the scheme this month. Those concerned will be contacted personally. In the meantime would they please look out their existing PVG certificate and make a note of the certificate number. This will be required for the renewal process.

Art in the Autumn

Sacred Heart Lauriston Jesuit Centre
Gero McLoughlin, SJ
"For the greater service and praise of God"
A Jesuit painter - Br Daniel Seghers' 1590 - 1661
Thursday 7th November - 7.30pm

Geoff Wheaton, SJ
"Art & Spirituality"
Tuesday 19th November, 7.30pm

St. Paul’s Church, 63 Jeffrey Street.
Alison Watt (Scottish Artist and Fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh)
26th November

Anniversaries: Br. Peter Fitzpatrick, OMI, Patricia Kennedy, Barney McCarron, Thomas Eadie, Brian Dougan, Matilda Henry, Mary Boner, Bill Bell, Margaret Mills, Mary Murphy, Janet (Nettie) McGowan, Lawrence Higgins, Sarah Rigg, Marian Secka, John Higgins, Nora Masson, Margarida Cortereal, Charles Devine, Christian Janczuk, Wattie Robb, Pedro Duffy, Gabriel Donald, Raymond Dunlop, Ewen McLeod, Michael Gallagher, Anne Manners, John Cleghorn, Kenneth Davidson, Jim Blaney, Charles Flynn, Catherine Doherty, Mary Martinez, John Murphy, Robert Dickson, Daryl McLaughlin, Drew Hornig, Ann Patterson, John Connolly, Annie Scott and Jean Rafferty.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 6 October 2019

Today is the 27th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings on pamphlet)

Creation Time
Annual Harvest Mass – 5/6th October

Creation Time 2019 will end with our annual Harvest Mass this weekend, 5/6th October at the feast of St Francis of Assisi. The Liturgy will help us reflect on the blessing of God's gift to us and the Care of Creation. By way of thanksgiving and appreciation, parishioners are invited to donate tinned food at the Offertory of the Mass. This will be made available to people who call to the church seeking help to feed their family. It will also be shared with the Lauriston Homeless Project where the Sisters of Mercy provide meals daily for 200 homeless people. As always, your support is greatly appreciated.

September PPC:

  • In July our sit-on Lawnmower went on fire. We have now received payment from the insurance in respect of this accident. At the September PPC it was decided that for the next 12 months the PPC agreed a contract with a gardener to outsource our grass-cutting. The cost will be £2,500 for the year, after 12 months we will review the situation.
  • Our Tuesday night Bingo needs some volunteers to set up the hall for Sunday Mass. The manpower is needed at 9.00pm, Tuesdays. We feel it is unfair to leave the moving of tables and chairs to the ladies who run the Bingo so if any man could make himself available on a Tuesday it would be much appreciated.

Vision is the art of seeing things invisible

Amoris Laetitia - Joy of Love: This encyclical from Pope Francis will be presented by Bishop John Wilson of Southwark Diocese under the title of: "Your Marriage is your Vocation - The beauty and challenge of marriage and family life in the 21st Century" at Gillis Centre, Saturday 26th October, 2.00 to 5.00pm.

Register by clicking here.

Christmas Crib: There is a Christmas Crib looking for a new home. The crib is 47cm (18.5 ins) wide, 21.5cm (8.5 ins) in depth and 30cms (12 ins) high. If you would like to give it a new home then speak to Fr. Tony.

Parish Pledge: In the month of October each year we invite you to donate your 2nd instalment to the Parish Pledge. This parish pledge was established in the year 2000 to take the place of the old annual parish fete, the idea being to pledge the sum of money you would expect to spend at the parish fete. Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today. We Budget £2,000 from this source so in your generosity please try to maintain that figure.

Oblate Connections: The autumn edition of the Oblate Connections is available FREE at the back of the church today. Please take one.

PAT Testing: We carry out an annual test on all electrical appliances used on the church premises. This test will take place next Friday October 11th at 9.30 am. If you have any electrical appliances used in the church please make them available for the electrician.

Anniversaries: Fr. Larry Keogh, OMI, Robert Meriless, Canon Harold Parker, John-Joseph Mullholland, Dominick Boner, Fr. Eoghan Haughey OMI, Fr. Sean Hynes, OMI, Penny Clark, Harold Benert, John Smith, Susan Conway, Alice Brownhill, Edward Scully, Mary Gallagher, Dominic Boner, Viv McKay, Sr. Margaret Connor, Angela Boyle, Charlie Gallagher, Annie Mcguire, William Loftus, Walter Stewart, Shaun Cooney, Alex Brown, Pat Cooney, Alice Smith, Kathleen McKinnon, Ann Ralph, Becky Hogg, Georgina Devlin. Bill Dignan, Ronald Nolan, Kathleen Ellis and Sandra Brownhill.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 29 September 2019

Today is the 26th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 143)

Season of Creation 2019

"The Web of Life: Biodiversity as God's Blessing"
Creation Time Week 5 - Listening and Acting

"Civilization requires energy, bur energy use must not destroy civilization"

Today’s ecological crisis, especially climate change, threatens the very future of the human family. This is no exaggeration. For too long we have collectively failed to listen to the fruits of scientific analysis and "doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain" (Laudato Si’ 161).

Any discussion of climate change and the energy transition must be rooted then in "the results of the best scientific research available today, letting them touch us deeply.
" (Laudato Si')

Sacramental Programme 2019/2020: After the 11.00 Mass today there will be a meeting of parents who have enrolled their child in the Sacramental Programme 2020. This is the preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please bring your completed registration and any questions on which you require clarification.

St. Augustine’s RC High School Open Evening: Open Evening at St. Augustine’s School on Tuesday next 1st October - 4.30pm to 6.30 pm. Broomhouse Road, EH12 9AD.

Meeting will begin in the Theatre with a talk from the Headteacher Mr Michael McGee at 4.30 pm followed by a tour of the school.

Children’s Liturgy: Training, Guidance and Support for Volunteers who run Children’s Liturgy Saturday 5th October, 10.30am registration/11.00am start/3.00 pm Mass.

Book your place at (search "search ‘children’s Liturgy Leaders") or call 0131 623-8900. Light lunch.

September PPC:

  • In July our sit-on Lawnmower went on fire. We have now received payment from the insurance in respect of this accident. At the September PPC it was decided that for the next 12 months the PPC agreed a contract with a gardener to outsource our grass-cutting. The cost will be £2,500 for the year, after 12 months we will review the situation.
  • Our Tuesday night Bingo needs some volunteers to set-up the hall for Sunday Mass. The manpower is needed at 9.00pm, Tuesdays. We feel it is unfair to leave the moving of tables and chairs to the ladies who run the Bingo so if any man could make himself available on a Tuesday it would be much appreciated.

Creation Time - Annual harvest Mass: Creation Time 2019 will end with our annual Harvest Mass next weekend 5/6th October at the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The Liturgy will help us reflect on the blessing of God's gift to us and the Care of Creation. By way of thanksgiving and appreciation, parishioners are invited to donate tinned food at the Offertory of the Mass. This will be made available to people who call to the church seeking help to feed their family. It will also be shared with the Lauriston Homeless Project where the Sisters of Mercy provide meals daily for 200 homeless people. As always your support is greatly appreciated.

St John Ogilvie’s got Talent: That talent was on display in our parish hall last Thursday. From aged 7 to 78 the artists provided an evening of joy and laughter in Music, Song, Dance, Poetry and Jokes. It was an Oasis away from the depression of Brexit. A truly international production, with contributions of Music and Song from Scotland, Ireland, Poland and Nigeria, like St. Peter on Mount Tabor there was a feeling of “let us pitch our tent and stay here”. The evening was very well supported with an audience that spilled over into the side aisles. Our thanks to Marie Johnson and Pattie McGinley who conceived and promoted the venture, watch this space for an encore.

Symphonic Praise

Sunday 6th October 7.30 pm
Origin Scotland singers and Chamber Orchestra
Palmerston Place Church Edinburgh EH12 5AA
Free Tickets from
or call 0131-208-0095.

Anniversaries: James Sweeney, Violet Hudson, Janet Glen, Margaret Anderson; Mary Ferrier, Alan Kilmack, Jessie Reid, Jim Gahagan, Janet Todd, Maisie Butler, Maisie McKay, Paul Boyle, Jane Halliday, Patricia Fletcher, Gilbert Russell, Andrew McCulloch, Catherine Ryan, Cathie Baillie, Alex Mazs, James Kane and David Scott,

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 22 September 2019

Today is the 25th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 140)

Season of Creation 2019

1st September - 4th October 2019

Creation Time Week 4 - Towards an Authentic Christian Lifestyle

"The Web of Life: Biodiversity as God's Blessing"

"When people become self-centred and self-enclosed, their greed increases. The emptier a person’s heart is, the more he or she needs things to buy, own and consume. It becomes almost impossible to accept the limits imposed by reality. A genuine sense of the common good also disappears. We need Less Attitude and More Gratitude.

The Earth Charter asked us to leave behind a period of self-destruction and make a new start. I would echo that courageous challenge. As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. If we can overcome individualism, we will truly be able to develop a different lifestyle and bring about significant changes in society.
" (Pope Francis)

Sacramental Programme 2019/2020: Parents of children in P3 and P4 are invited to enrol their children for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please collect a registration form today and bring it, completed, to a meeting on Sunday next, 29th September after 11am Mass.

Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 4th - 6th of October 2019. For details contact Catherine on 0131 665-3383 or email: (email address removed).

Completed Applications must be returned by 21st September.

Mount Vernon Cemetery: Unused Burial Lairs purchased before 31st December 1970 are due for reclamation. If you think you may be affected, please contact Annja Kulwicka cemetery manager on: 0131-623-8906 or email Lair holders will be contacted at their last known address. If lair holders do not come forward by 1st December 2019 the lair will be reclaimed.

This process complies with the Burial and Cremation [Scotland] Act 2016.

World Week Of Prayers For Peace In Palestine and Israel – 22nd September: An afternoon of prayer for peace in Palestine & Israel will take place at Old St Paul's Church 63 Jefferey Street Edinburgh today, Sunday 22nd September 2019, between 2pm-5pm with guided reflections from 3pm-4pm. All welcome.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.
No tickets required, event is free
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits & Cake available at the break.

Children’s Liturgy:

Training, Guidance and Support for Volunteers who run Children’s Liturgy
Saturday 5th October
10.30 am registration/11.00 am start/ 3.00 pm Mass
Book your place on search ‘children’s Liturgy Leaders’ or call 623-8900 Light Lunch.

Anniversaries: James Davidson, Barney Law, Mary Monkman, Olivia Duthie (2 yrs), Thomas Pullman, Edward Goll, Margaret Ryan, Dorothy Grant, Fr Denis Cormican, Thomas Quinn, Andrena Hardie, Victoria Wallace, Boreis Liston, Sylvia Benert, Margaret Moriarty, Charlie McGonagle, Margaret Thatcher, Fr John Dunlea, Cathy Simm, Fr. Peter O’Neill, OMI, Jean Robertson, Susan Ward, Fr Brian Ivers OMI, Neily Boyle, Bridie Miller, Val Waugh, John Browne, Maria Jones and Beatrice McQuillan.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 15 September 2019

Today is the 24th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 136)

Season of Creation 2019

1st September - 4th October 2019

Creation Time Week 3 - Reconciliation with God, Creation and Humanity

"The Web of Life: Biodiversity as God's Blessing"

Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that Our Common Home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us.

The creation accounts in the book of Genesis suggest that human life is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships with God, with our neighbour and with earth itself. These three vital relationships have been broken, both outwardly and within us. This rupture is sin. The harmony between the Creator, humanity, and creation as a whole was disrupted by our presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely limitations.

Sacramental Programme 2019/2020: Parents of children in P3 and P4 are invited to enrol their children for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please collect a registration form today and bring it, completed, to a meeting on Sunday 29th September after 11am Mass.

Pause for Hope – Today, Sunday 15th September, 3pm: An Ecumenical service for all affected by cancer takes place at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, today, Sunday 15th September at 3pm. It is organised by Pause for Hope, a Christian cancer charity. All welcome.

World Week Of Prayers For Peace In Palestine and Israel – 22nd September: An afternoon of prayer for peace in Palestine & Israel will take place at Old St Paul's Church 63 Jefferey Street Edinburgh on Sunday 22nd September 2019 between 2pm-5pm with guided reflections from 3pm-4pm. All welcome.

AICF: The Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund of the Archdiocese of the Archdiocese provides the living costs and housing for our 24 retired priests. Second collection today is to provide income to this fund.

Envelopes available at the back of the church.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.
No tickets required, event is free
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits & Cake available at the break.

Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 4th - 6th of October 2019. For details contact Catherine on 0131 665-3383 or email: (email address removed).

Completed Applications must be returned by 21st September.

Journeying Towards Caring For Our Common Home
Carmody Gray (Assistant Professor of Catholic Theology, Durham University)

Laudato Si - Thought into Action.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre Thursday 19th September 7.30pm

Mount Vernon Cemetery: Unused Burial Lairs purchased before 31st December 1970 are due for reclamation. If you think you may be affected, please contact Annja Kulwicka cemetery manager on: 0131-623-8906 or email Lair holders will be contacted at their last known address. If lair holders do not come forward by 1st December 2019 the lair will be reclaimed.

This process complies with the Burial and Cremation [Scotland] Act 2016.

Symphonic Praise - Sunday 6th October 7.30pm

Origin Scotland singers and Chamber Orchestra
Palmerston Place Church Edinburgh EH12 5AA
Free Tickets - or call 0131-208-0095.

Anniversaries: David Campbell, Theresa McAllister, Sr. Raphael McAllister, Henry Doran, Kathleen Myles, Bridget Forker, Patrick McCarron, Teresa Hoy, Anthony Fraghetti, Agnes Law, Fr Patrick McMahon, Susan Spencer, Olivia Watson, Jane Watson, Norrie Lamb, Denis Meenan, Darren Mills, Fr Gerard Clenaghan, Vera Smith, Michael Lundberg, Kenny Bush, Kathleen Eadie, Patrick McMahon, Sr Maura Carey, Bill Anderson, Anne McCaskey, Eddie Aitken, Allan Thompson and Rebecca Gore.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 8 September 2019

Today is the 23rd Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 133)

Season of Creation 2019

1st September - 4th October 2019

Creation Time Week 2 - Ecological Conversion

"The Web of Life: Biodiversity as God's Blessing"

"Some committed and prayerful Christians, with the excuse of realism and pragmatism, tend to ridicule expressions of concern for the environment."

Saint John Paul II became increasingly concerned about this issue. In his first Encyclical he warned that human beings frequently seem
"to see no other meaning in their natural environment than what serves for immediate use and consumption".

Subsequently, he would call for a global ecological conversion -
"the ecological crisis is a summons of profound interior conversion. What we all need is an "ecological conversion"". Living our vocation to be protectors of God's handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience".

Venerable Margaret Sinclair - Today, Sunday 8th September

Annual Pilgrimage to pray for her Beatification
St. Patrick’s Church the Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1NA
Sunday 8th September


2.00 pm - Opening
3.00 pm - Presentation on her life
4.30 pm - Mass
5.30 pmClose

St. Therese of Lisieux Relics - Today Sunday 8th September

St Mary’s Cathedral, York Place. Today Sunday 8th September

12.00 noon - Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley,
Veneration of Relics from 1.00 to 5.00 pm.

Some Novena cards are available at the back of the Church.

He who Throws Mud Loses Ground

Pause for Hope – Sunday 15th September, 3pm: An Ecumenical service for all affected by cancer takes place at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, on Sunday 15th September at 3pm. It is organised by Pause for Hope, a Christian cancer charity. All welcome.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.
No tickets required, event is free
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits & Cake available at the break.

Parish Council Meeting 12th September: Members of the PPC please collect your agenda and Correspondence after Mass today.

AICF: The Aged & Infirm Clergy Fund of the Archdiocese provides the living costs and housing for our 24 retired priests. The special collections are one of the main sources of income for the fund. The next collection will be taken up on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2019.

In 2018, the special collections, donations and investment income of the AICF was £204,129, increased by legacies of £85,000. The cost of providing the retirement allowances and housing was £363,153. The AICF fund held £1,086,000 as at 1 January 2018. In order to continue to pay allowances to the next generation of Priests as they retire, we need a bigger fund and new ideas and support to raise it, which are being actively worked on. To pay the current allowances requires annual income of around £370,000 (as at 2018). In order to match these allowances with income, the 2019 special collections need to raise twice as much as they did in 2018.

Envelopes available at the back of the church.

St. Nicholas’ Church of Scotland:

In September 1939 St. Nicholas’ Parish Sighthill was established. This month it celebrates 80 years of life.

Special Celebration Service on Sunday next 15th of September at 10.30 am
Led by Rt. Rev. Colin Sinclair Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
Light buffet in church hall after the service.

Anniversaries: Christina Leitch, Margaret Watson, James O’Hara, Jane Heaney, Catherine Dimmer, Fr Paddy Sheridan, Moira Hughes, “Rory”, Robert Jones, Fr John Cribben, Patrick McGoohan, John Stoddart, Marianne Stokes, Margaret McLaughlin, Martin Kelly, Terry Parkinson, Annie Clarke, Dan Rafferty, Sr. Maria Goretti, Eric Gallo, Doris Burrows, Bernard Conway, Margaret McBennett, Bill Clarke, Margaret Brown, Tina Armit, Fr. Ben Beary, Ena oy, Pauline Rainsford, Albert McCurragh, Annie Hurry, Gerrard Paterson, William McIntosh and Fr John Delaney.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 1 September 2019

Today is the 22nd Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 130)

Creation Time 2019 - 1st September - 4th October 2019

This year in our Diocese we are being encouraged to engage in the five weeks of The Season of Creation, with the theme

"The Web of Life: Biodiversity as God's Blessing"

offering us the opportunity reaffirm our personal vocation to be "stewards of creation", to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he entrusted to our care, and to implore his help for the protection of creation as well as his pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live.

Today our Liturgy will focus on "Living Humbly" - we can all take from the bounty of the earth whatever we need for subsistence, but we also have the duty to protect the earth and to ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations. What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to our children who are now growing up?

Once we lose our humility and become enthralled with the possibility of limitless mastery over everything, we inevitably end up harming society and the environment.

Annual Justice & Peace Mass- Monday 2nd September 2019: The annual J & P Mass will be held in St. Columba's Church, Upper Gray Street on Monday 2nd September at 6.30pm followed by a light finger buffet. All welcome. See notice board for full details.

Journeying Towards Caring For Our Common Home - 5th - 26th September: In light of the forthcoming Amazon Synod a series of talks exploring Pope Francis' document Laudato Si, "Caring for our Common Home", will take place during September at the Lauriston Jesuit Centre to which all are invited. Full details available on the notice board.

Thursdays 7.30 pm 5th. 12th. 19th . and 26th of September

Venerable Margaret Sinclair

Annual Pilgrimage to pray for her Beatification
St. Patrick’s Church the Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1NA
Sunday 8th September


2.00 pm - Opening
3.00 pm - Presentation on her life
4.30 pm - Mass
5.30 pmClose

St. Therese of Lisieux Relics

St Mary’s Cathedral, York Place. Saturday and Sunday, 7th and 8th September

Saturday, 7.45 pm - Holy Hour and veneration of Relics led by Archbishop Cushley
Sunday, 12.00 noon - Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, Veneration of Relics from 1.00 to 5.00 pm.

Parish Council Meeting 12th September: The next meeting of the PPC will take place on 12th September at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough (chair) or Anna Allen (secretary) or placed in the church "suggestion box" before the 5th of September.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.
No tickets required, event is free
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits & Cake available at the break.

Pause for Hope: An Ecumenical service for all affected by cancer takes place at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, on Sunday 15th September at 3pm. It is organised by Pause for Hope, a Christian cancer charity. All welcome. Pause for Hope would like someone who has been affected by cancer to give a brief (five minute) testimonial at the service. If you know a parishioner who may wish to take part please contact

Brigid Fraser: Requiem for Brigid Fraser of Hailsland Grove at St. John Ogilvie’s on Wednesday 4th September at 12 noon followed by private burial at Saughton Cemetery. May she rest in peace.

Anniversaries: Mary Brown, Sr Josephine Secco, Paul McGuire, Lawrence McGowan, Ian Moyes, James Douglas, Patrick Donoghue, Margaret Lackie, Anne O’Driscoll, Margaret Conway, Jessie McGuinness, Matt McGuire, Terrence Spillane, Sr Mary Gilligan, Baby Kathryn Crawford, George Miller, Fr. Eddie Connolly, OMI, Charlie Gilligan, Mary Higgins, Michael Jackson, Josie McCormack, Marion Gillan, Anne Bryce, Reno Florean, Derrick Fleming, Gertrude Fleming, Alexander Muir and Caroline Campbell.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 25 August 2019

Today is the 21st Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 127)

"The Kingdom: who’s in, who’s out"

Venerable Margaret Sinclair

Annual Pilgrimage to pray for her Beatification
St. Patrick’s Church the Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1NA
Sunday 8th September


2.00 pm - Opening
3.00 pm - Presentation on her life
4.30 pm - Mass
5.30 pmClose

St. Therese of Lisieux Relics

St Mary’s Cathedral, York Place. Saturday and Sunday, 7th and 8th September

Saturday, 7.45 pm - Holy Hour and veneration of Relics led by Archbishop Cushley
Sunday, 12.00 noon - Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, Veneration of Relics from 1.00 to 5.00 pm.

Parish Council Meeting 12th September: The next meeting of the PPC will take place on 12th September at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough (chair) or Anna Allen (secretary) or placed in the church "suggestion box" before the 5th of September.

Fair Trade Stall: Many thanks to everyone who very generously supported the Fair Trade Stall last weekend. Total sales amounted to £272.35 allowing producers to support their families with dignity.

Fresh Start: Latest newsletter is available at the back of the church. Please take a copy.

SCIAF: SCIAF is moving office to 7 West Nile Street, Glasgow, G1 2PR from Monday 26th August. The phone number and email address will remain the same: 0141 354 555,

Diocesan Appointments - from the Archbishop: I have appointed Fr Andrew Garden as the new Vocations Director for the Archdiocese. This is effective from 1st October for a period of five years.
Sr Mirjam Hugens will be our new Director for Religious Vocations, also effective from 1st October for a period of five years.
Fr Jamie McMorrin will be the new Chair of the Youth Initiative, effective as of 1st September.

Pause for Hope: An Ecumenical service for all affected by cancer takes place at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, on Sunday 15th September at 3pm. It is organised by Pause for Hope, a Christian cancer charity. All welcome. Pause for Hope would like someone who has been affected by cancer to give a brief (five minute) testimonial at the service. If you know a parishioner who may wish to take part please contact

Canon Stephen Judge (former PP Oxgangs): Canon Judge died last Friday at St Ann’s Musselburgh. He died peacefully after a short illness. Funeral arrangements later. May he Rest in Peace.

Brigid Fraser: Sadly Brigid Fraser of Hailsland Grove passed to her reward in the RIE last Tuesday - the day she was due for discharge. We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughters and sons on her unexpected death.

Requiem at St. John Ogilvie’s on Tuesday 3rd September followed by internment at Soughton Cemetery May she rest in peace.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.
No tickets required, event is free
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits & Cake available at the break.

Edinburgh Festival is over but the show goes on. Your next evening of culture is at St. John Ogilvie’s - 26th September.

If you would like to take the floor or go on stage at St. John Ogilvie’s please insert your name and talent on the sheet at the back of the church.

Anniversaries: : Andrew Hynd, Jr. Sid Jones, James Barclay, Mary Gillespie, Angela Martone, Mira Fakhoury, Elizabeth McKellock, Joe McGinley, Sr. Agnes Canning, Ian Ross, Johanna McGeough, Mgr. Michael Regan, Moira Stewart, Mary White, Ewen Bryden, Janet Allen, Eva McKay, David Whitelaw, Gillespie Munro, Paul Canning, Tommy McGregor Watson, Ina Stewart, Dennis Farrell, Ann Rogojinski and Peter Wilson.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 18 August 2019

Today is the 20th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 125)

"and how I wish it were blazing already"

Fair Trade Stall – 17th/18th August: Many thanks to everyone who very generously supported the Fair Trade Stall last weekend. Total sales amounted to £272.35 allowing producers to support their families with dignity.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.
No tickets required, event is free
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits & Cake available at the break.

Many parishioners of all ages have come forward to show us their talent and to show appreciation for their efforts it would be great if as many of us came along to encourage and support all the entertainers.

Lauriston Jesuit Centre – Supporting Refugees in Scotland 19th August: Join us for an evening exploring:

  • The situation of refugees in Scotland, and locally in Edinburgh,
  • What refugee integration looks like,
  • Ways you, your church or your group can get involved in supporting refugees.

When: Monday 19th August at 7 – 8.30pm
Where: Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh

All are welcome.

Diocesan Day of Reflection – "Care for Our Common Home" Current concerns about the human impact on climate change represents a failure on our stewardship of God's creation. Pope Francis addressed this in his prophetic 2016 encyclical Laudata Si' He calls for the Catholic world to respond to a climate that is now in "chaos". A day of reflection on the Holy Father's encyclical on the environment will take place on Saturday 31st August 2019 at Gillis, starting at 11.00am and finishing with the Closing Liturgy at 3.30pm. The event is free and open to all. Simply register by clicking here. Full event and registration details are displayed on the notice board at the back of the church.

Youth Pilgrimage – Saturday 31st August: Archbishop Cushley invites youth of Scotland [aged from 16 years to 30] to join in a National Pilgrimage on Saturday 31st August. Transport from Edinburgh by bus £10.00. To book a place

  • 12.00 Noon: Arrival and welcome by Archbishop at St. James’ KY16 9AR - Visit Historical Sites and Churches
  • 3.00 pm: Mass in grounds of St. Andrews Cathedral and Hospitality
  • 5.00 pm: Departure

PPC Meeting 12th September: Next PPC meeting is Thursday 12th September, if you have any items for the Agenda please put in Suggestion Box at the back of the Church or pass to Joe McGeough (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary).

Anniversaries: : Bridget Evans, Anna Marie Boner, Bernadette Dixon, Frances McDougall, Irene Mowat, Harold Greig, Ella Gray, Alex Thomson, Ian Smith, Kathleen Flynn, Jamesina Geddes, Mark Dale, Mary O’Donnell, John West, Jessie Gibson, Sr Mary Oliver, Sam Martinez, Nan Murray, Willie Devlin, Roy Geddes and Alan Thomas.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 11 August 2019

Today is the 19th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 121)

"You too must stand ready"

Bingo Returns - Tuesday 13th August: Bingo is back after the summer break, eyes down this Tuesday 13th.

Feast of The Assumption – Holyday of Obligation 15th August: Thursday 15th August is a Holyday of Obligation and as Fr. Peter will be leaving that day there will be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday 14th August at 7.30pm and a morning Mass ONLY on Thursday 15th August at 9.00am.

Thank you Fr. Peter for being here for us while Fr. Tony had a well deserved break.

School's back – Wednesday 14th August

A Blessing for all children returning to school or starting school for the first time this week.

May you be blessed as you begin a new school year.
God’s blessing on your head that you may grow in knowledge and wisdom.
A blessing on your eyes that you may see things clearly.
A blessing on your ears that you hear the words of support, advice and encouragement given by those around you.
A blessing on your mouth that you may speak words of support and encouragement to others.
A blessing on your hands that you may be creative, productive and certain in what you do.
A blessing on your heart that you may have the courage and faith of the apostles.
A blessing of your whole person that you may realise your true value and worth.

Fair Trade Stall – 17th/18th August: A Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses on the weekend of the 17th/18th August with an opportunity to buy ethically produced goods helping farmers and producers provide for their families. Please come over and have a look where there will be something to suit everyone.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

Marie Johnston and Pattie McGinley entertainment entrepreneurs
invite you to share your talents with the Parish Community.
Music, Dance, Comedy, Story Telling etc. etc.
On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.

This invitation is for all age groups, from infants to 99 years of age. If you would like to take the floor or go on stage at St. John Ogilvie’s please insert your name and talent on the sheet at the back of the church.

Diocesan Day of Reflection – "Care for Our Common Home": Current concerns about the human impact on climate change represents a failure on our stewardship of God's creation. Pope Francis addressed this in his prophetic 2016 encyclical Laudata Si' He calls for the Catholic world to respond to a climate that is now in "chaos". A day of reflection on the Holy Father's encyclical on the environment will take place on Saturday 31st August 2019 at Gillis, starting at 11.00am and finishing with the Closing Liturgy at 3.30pm. The event is free and open to all. Simply register by clicking here.

National Pilgrimage to Carfin – Sunday 1st September: This year’s Pilgrimage to Carfin is on Sunday 1st September, more information to follow.

Anniversaries: : David McLaughlin, Peter Donoghue, William Curran, Margaret Ward-Hood, Jackie Dunlop, Baby Ebony Millar, Ross Reid, Maire McGinley, Stephen Edgar, Cecilia Devine, John Manzie, Jim Ward, Doug Killin, Sean Ryan, Fr. Maurice Gallagher, OMI, Mary Wardlaw, Sally Wytaska, Hugh Hart, James Eagan, Ramsay Smith and Vincent Timoney.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 4 August 2019

Today is the 18th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 118)

"The Leader is always a model, and teaches more by the way he or she lives than by what he or she says"

Bingo Summer Break: There will be NO Bingo this Tuesday 6th August.

Feast of The Assumption – Holiday of Obligation 15th August: Thursday 15th August is a Holiday of Obligation and as Fr. Peter will be leaving that day there will be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday 14th August at 7.30pm and a morning Mass ONLY on Thursday 15th August at 9.00am.

Catholic Voting Rights: The Catholic Church and others presently have the right in Scotland to sit in the Council education committees and to vote on matters affecting our Catholic schools. On 22 August, the City of Edinburgh Council is to vote on a Green Party motion to remove those voting rights. If this motion is carried it will pose a serious threat to the Church’s capacity to influence decisions regarding Catholic education and Catholic Schools in the City of Edinburgh. I would therefore ask you to contact your local councillors as a matter of urgency to vote against this motion. Write to your councillor soon: to facilitate a numerous response, a template letter is at all Masses this weekend. With thanks and every blessing, signed; "+Leo Cushley".

Crowned with Glory and Honour- Edinburgh Fringe 6 – 10 August: An original Christian Play asking key questions about life and who we value in today’s society. Highly recommended. 6- 10 August, 6.00 pm at Carubbers Centre, 65 High St, 0131-226-0000 or

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

Marie Johnston and Pattie McGinley entertainment entrepreneurs
invite you to share your talents with the Parish Community.
Music, Dance, Comedy, Story Telling etc. etc.
On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.

This invitation is for all age groups, from infants to 99 years of age. If you would like to take the floor or go on stage at St. John Ogilvie’s please insert your name and talent on the sheet at the back of the church.

Rolling Hills Chorus & Black Velvet Trio – Fringe Event: The Rolling Hills Chorus, featuring our own Pat Saddler and Black Velvet Trio are performing ‘Distilled in Scotland’ in Venue 111, St. Andrew’s & St. George’s West at 13 George Street on 10th August at 16.30 and 11th 17th & 18th August at 19.30. Tickets: £12, Concessions £10.

A thought for today:


We may find the strength to discover our own wound and solitude, our cry of distress. Community can never comfort this distress; it is inherent in the human condition. But community can help us to accept it and remind us that God responds to our cry and that we are never entirely alone. To live in community is to learn to walk alone in the desert, at night and in tears. (Jean Vanier)

Anniversaries: : Robert McKenzie, Alice Cappavanni, Rachel Townsley, Bobby Woods, Richard Wisley, Anne Gall, Linda Thomas, Fr Martin Byrne, Beryl Douglas, Mary McLaughlin, Alexander Donoghue, James Conway, Thomas Reilly Winters, James Mooney and Leao Guterres.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 28 July 2019

Today is the 17th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 114)

"We can ask God for help whenever we need to: today or any day"

Bingo Summer Break: There will be NO Bingo this Tuesday 30th July and Tuesday 6th August.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

Marie Johnston and Pattie McGinley entertainment entrepreneurs
invite you to share your talents with the Parish Community.
Music, Dance, Comedy, Story Telling etc. etc.
On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.

This invitation is for all age groups, from infants to 99 years of age. If you would like to take the floor or go on stage at St. John Ogilvie’s please insert your name and talent on the sheet at the back of the church.

Diocesan Day of Reflection – "Care for Our Common Home" Current concerns about the human impact on climate change represents a failure on our stewardship of God's creation. Pope Francis addressed this in his prophetic 2016 encyclical Laudata Si' He calls for the Catholic world to respond to a climate that is now in "chaos". A day of reflection on the Holy Father's encyclical on the environment will take place on Saturday 31st August 2019 at Gillis, starting at 11.00am and finishing with the Closing Liturgy at 3.30pm. The event is free and open to all. Simply register by clicking here. Full event and registration details are displayed on the notice board at the back of the church.

Crowned with Glory and Honour- Edinburgh Fringe 6 – 10 August: An original Christian Play asking key questions about life and who we value in today’s society. Highly recommended. 6- 10 August, 6.00 pm at Carubbers Centre, 65 High St, 0131-226-0000 or

Rolling Hills Chorus & Black Velvet Trio – Fringe Event: The Rolling Hills Chorus, featuring our own Pat Saddler and Black Velvet Trio are performing ‘Distilled in Scotland’ in Venue 111, St. Andrew’s & St. George’s West at 13 George Street on 10th August at 16.30 and 11th 17th & 18th August at 19.30. Tickets: £12, Concessions £10.

Youth Pilgrimage – Saturday 31st August: Archbishop Cushley invites youth of Scotland [aged from 16 years to 30] to join in a National Pilgrimage on Saturday 31st August. Transport from Edinburgh by bus £10.00. To book a place

  • 12.00 Noon: Arrival and welcome by Archbishop at St. James’ KY16 9AR - Visit Historical Sites and Churches
  • 3.00 pm: Mass in grounds of St. Andrews Cathedral and Hospitality
  • 5.00 pm: Departure

A thought for today: When we say to people, "I will pray for you," we make a very important commitment. The sad thing is that this remark often remains nothing but a well-meant expression of concern. But when we learn to descend with our mind into our heart, then all those who have become part of our lives are led into the healing presence of God and touched by him in the centre of our being. We are speaking here about a mystery for which words are inadequate. It is the mystery that the heart, which is the centre of our being, is transformed by God into his own heart, a heart large enough to embrace the entire universe. Through prayer we can carry in our heart all human pain and sorrow, all conflicts and agonies, all torture and war, all hunger, loneliness, and misery, not because of some great psychological or emotional capacity, but because God’s heart has become one with ours. (Henri Nouwen)

Anniversaries: : Carol Brooks, Bridget McGonagle, Moira Stevenson, Fr. Bill Lawlor OMI, John Garland, Kate Doig, Pat Lodge, Sr. Clare Harrington, Walter Liddle, Lawrence Mulligan, John Nicol, Fr. Frank Dromey OMI, Del Brownhill, Barbara Koerber, Jean London, Moira Wilson, Peter McWilliam, Peg O’Shea, George Fee, Della McKenna, James McDonald, Guiseppe Gramazio, John Ramage and Juilian Roginski.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 21 July 2019

Today is the 16th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 111)

"Discipleship: Welcoming the Lord"

Welcome: This weekend we welcome Emily Zoenierzak to God’s Family. Emily from Calder Court was born in December 2018 and was Baptised at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday. Congratulations to Mariusz and Alicja her father and mother on the birth of their baby. May she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Roger Shilling: Obsequies for Roger Shilling will take place in the Main Chapel Morton Hall Crematorium on Tuesday 23rd July at 1.00 pm. We offer our sincere sympathy to his wife Pat and daughters Catriona and Judy. May he rest in peace and may we in St. John Ogilvie’s support his family.

Cathy Quinn: After a long battle with cancer sadly Cathy passed away last Sunday. Cathy from Murrayburn Park, a faithful long-time church cleaner, was cared for at home by her family. She was confined to bed in recent months but retained her sense of humour and joy even after receiving the news that her time was limited. Cathy’s funeral took place on Friday. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband Michael and to her family. May she rest in peace.

Bingo Summer Break: There will be NO Bingo on Tuesday 30th July and Tuesday6th August.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

Marie Johnston and Pattie McGinley entertainment entrepreneurs
invite you to share your talents with the Parish Community.
Music, Dance, Comedy, Story Telling etc. etc.
On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.

This invitation is for all age groups, from infants to 99 years of age. If you would like to take the floor or go on stage at St. John Ogilvie’s please insert your name and talent on the sheet at the back of the church.

Diocesan Day of Reflection – "Care for Our Common Home" Current concerns about the human impact on climate change represents a failure on our stewardship of God's creation. Pope Francis addressed this in his prophetic 2016 encyclical Laudata Si' He calls for the Catholic world to respond to a climate that is now in "chaos". A day of reflection on the Holy Father's encyclical on the environment will take place on Saturday 31st August 2019 at Gillis, starting at 11.00am and finishing with the Closing Liturgy at 3.30pm. The event is free and open to all. Simply register by clicking here. Full event and registration details are displayed on the notice board at the back of the church.

Crowned with Glory and Honour- Edinburgh Fringe 6 – 10 August: An original Christian Play asking key questions about life and who we value in today’s society. Highly recommended. 6- 10 August, 6.00 pm at Carubbers Centre, 65 High St, 0131-226-0000 or

Eucharistic Ministers: New Rota available. Please take your copy.

Anniversaries: : Margaret Reid; Margaret Menzies, Jane Liddle, Audrey Middlemist, Sarah Bradley; Tam O’Hare., Jeanette Ford, Jimmy Bree; William Nelson, Hank Flannery; Gino Viscogliosi, Eileen Smith, Mary Killorn, Sr Bernadette Ryan UJ, Margaret Dever, Cezary Walnuk, Frank Doherty, Jackie Anderson, Celia Gallagher, Fr. Pat Sharkey, OMI, Rosemary McDevitt; Bill Brennan.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 14 July 2019

Today is the 15th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 108)

"Discipleship: The Virtue of Disloyalty"

Welcome: This weekend we welcome Michaela Onyinyechukwuka Achi to God’s Family. Michaela from Sighthill Park was born on the 30th March was Baptised at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday. Congratulations to Francis and Efe Achi her father and mother may she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Welcome to Comboni Sisters: Sr. Annmarie Quigg a Comboni Sister [also known as “Devout Mothers of Africa”] will share with us a cameo of their apostolate in their African Mission.

The second collection today is an opportunity to give financial support to their missions.

Eliana Chiamaka Megwa is one year old: Today Eliana will celebrate her first birthday. At the 11.00 am Mass, her parents Francis and Jagoda Megwa wish to honour a custom and tradition of Nigeria from where her father hails, to offer thanks to God for the gift of the baby and to celebrate with the community in prayer and repast, all are invited to join them in sharing their food after Mass.

Roger Shilling: On Thursday we received the sad news of the death of Roger Shilling at the Royall Infirmary. Surrounded by his wife Pat and daughters Catriona and Judy, he died as he lived - a man of peace. We offer our sincere sympathy to Pat, Catriona and Judy on the death of a good husband and father. May he rest in peace. Funeral arrangements later.

St. John Ogilvie’s Has Talent

Marie Johnston and Pattie McGinley entertainment entrepreneurs
invite you to share your talents with the Parish Community.
Music, Dance, Comedy, Story Telling etc. etc.
On Thursday 26th September at 6.30 pm.

This invitation is for all age groups, from infants to 99 years of age. If you would like to take the floor or go on stage at St. John Ogilvie’s please insert your name and talent on the sheet at the back of the church.

St. Augustine – Confessions: Late have I loved you, O beauty so ancient and so new; late have I loved you! For behold you were within me, and I outside; and I sought you outside and in my ugliness fell upon those lovely things that you have made. You were with me and I was not with you ….. You called and cried to me and broke open my deafness and you sent forth your beams and shone upon me and chased away my blindness …. You touched me, and I have burned for your peace.

Bingo Summer Break: There will be NO Bingo on Tuesday 30th July and Tuesday6th August.

Anniversaries: : Catherine Merrilees, Hugh McMahon, William White, William Donoghue, Allice Davie, Peter Gorman, Fr. Barney Corley, OMI, Patrick Cavanagh, Adam Mitchell-Mickiewicz, Patrick Carey, Jim Cuthbert, Tommy McNulty, Mary Hickey, Constance Harris, Patricia Linn, Allan Thomas-Glenn, Robert Robertson, Margaret Muirhead and Geraldine Irvine.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 7 July 2019

Today is the 14th Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 105)

"Discipleship: Going Forth"

Comboni Sisters: Every year the bishops of Scotland assign parishes to missionary Orders to facilitate promotion of their apostolic work and to make an appeal for financial support. This year St. John Ogilvie’s has been allocated to the Comboni Sisters also known as the "Devout Mothers of Africa".

Next Sunday, 14th July, Sr Annmarie Quigg will speak at all our Masses and invite your financial support and prayers for the Comboni African Missions.

Eliana Chiamaka Megwa is one year old: Next Sunday, 14th July, Eliana will celebrate her first birthday. At the 11.00 am Mass her parents Francis and Jagoda Megwa wish to honour a custom and tradition of Nigeria, from where her father hails, by offering thanks to God for the gift of the baby and to celebrate with the community in prayer and repast. All are invited to join them in sharing their food after Mass.

Holidays: From mid-July Fr Tony will take his annual holidays back at his family home in Ireland. During his absence Fr. Peter Clucas will serve as Locum here in Wester Hailes. Fr Peter served in St. John Ogilvie’s in the early eighties, so he is familiar with the parish and the area. He has Safeguarding clearance under Scottish Disclosure.

Bingo Summer Break: There will be NO Bingo on Tuesday 30th July and Tuesday6th August.

New Dawn in Scotland: In St. Andrew’s 8th to 12th July. For details see Parish Newsletter of June 23rd or visit .

Resuscitation: Twenty-one of our parishioners engaged in the training evening last Wednesday, they learned the skills and procedures to be followed to assist a person to restore their breathing in the case of a sudden collapse.

They are now skilled not only in the use of the defibrillator but also have learned procedures that can be used in the home or in public.

Gift Aid: On Thursday last we received a cheque in the sum of £6,370.91 from the Inland Revenue, this is the total of a tax refund paid by parishioners who are registered for Gift Aid. At a later date we will be due a refund on a percentage of money donated on the loose plate.

The church is a registered charity so tax paid on money you donate to a charity can be reclaimed from the Revenue on behalf of the charity. This process is well regulated and we are required to give evidence of compliance. Our thanks to Charlie McGinley, Maurice Dougan and Laura Lang who manage this scheme. If you pay tax and donate to the church any of the those named above will arrange to include you in the scheme.

Every £1 you donate becomes £1.25 in this scheme.

Love before Knowledge

The most important thing for a Christian to KNOW
Is that the most important thing for her/him to DO
But to LOVE.

Anniversaries: : William McLaughlin, Hugh Greenan, Fr. Tom O’Brien, OMI, Briget McCarron, Iwan Sowiak, Bridget Sharkey, David Ewen, Hazel Thomson, Luke Igoe, Isabel Igoe, Rosmary Butler, Margaret Edgar, Alwin Wyllie, Dennis Brownhill, Claire Pullman, Sarah Ferguson, Annie Conway, Jim Chalmers, Elsie Anderson, Christine Kane, Annie Mazs, Henry O’Hare, Charles Douglas, Madeline and Lauren O’Neil, Angela Cahill, Bridie O’Brien, Awad Fakhoury and Frankie O’Byrne.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 30 June 2019

Today is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 180)

"Discipleship: Two Outstanding Witnesses "

Peter’s Pence: Today is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. This weekend at all masses throughout the Catholic Church the annual collection of "Peter’s Pence" will be taken up. This collection is made available to the Pope to enable him to make an immediate response to disaster areas in the wake of earthquakes, flooding and famine.

Rolling Hills Chorus & Black Velvet Trio – Fringe Event: The Rolling Hills Chorus, featuring our own Pat Saddler and Black Velvet Trio are performing in Venue 111, St. Andrew’s & St. George’s West at 13 George Street on 10th August at 16.30 and 11th 17th and 18th August at 19.30. Tickets £12, Concessions £10.

We give you this advance notice to avoid disappointment as tickets for this Barbershop Quartet are already in demand.

Betty Glasgow: Betty from Clovenstone, who greatly enjoyed Spanish cuisine and culture, took every opportunity to relax in the Spain and the Canary Islands. Sadly, she unexpectedly passed away last week while on holiday in the Canaries, and in accordance with her wishes, her family arranged for her cremation there on Tuesday last. We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughters, sons and grandchildren on the sudden death of their mother and granny. May she Rest in Peace.

Lourdes Pilgrimage: The Diocesan Pilgrimage leaves for Lourdes on Friday next 5th of August. Mary Boner accompanied by her daughter Annmarie are booked on the pilgrimage this year. We pray for them and all the pilgrims that they will have a safe journey and a good experience.

Mount Vernon – Summer Clear Up – Saturdays During July 10am – 3pm: Volunteers are required to help with the summer clear up around the cemetery at Mount Vernon. If you are free any Saturday during July between 10am and 3pm you are welcome to join a team of volunteers. For further information see the poster at the back of the Church or phone Anna on 0131 623 8906.

Ordinations to Priesthood

Reverend Patrick Harrigan will be ordained at St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral on the Feast of the Sacred Heart (Friday 28 June) at 7pm - Appointed assistant priest at St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk.

On Wednesday 3 July, the Reverend William McQuillan will be ordained at St Margaret’s Parish Church in Dunfermline, also at 7pm - Appointed assistant priest at St Mary’s, Stirling.

New Pilgrim Path Website of the Week: The global Network for Grateful Living was founded by Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk. The website offers programmes and practices to foster the ability to see the wonder and opportunity in every moment and aims to motivate its visitors to act with love, generosity, and respect towards oneself, one another and the Earth. Access this, and other rich online spiritual resources, via

Try not to be the person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.

Anniversaries: : Andrew Hynd, Eleanor Hynd, Eleanor Cochrane, Sr Margaret O’Dwyer, Dolly McIntosh, Baby Gavin Fortune, Joan Devlin, Elsie Colvin, Magnus Gallagher, Maime Canning, Annie Sweeney, Ester Douglas, John Nolan, Anne Edie, Lily Clachars, Ellen Mazs, Consuelo McClintock and Janes McHugh.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 23 June 2019

Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 83)

"Give them something to Eat Yourselves"

Welcome to God’s Family: Today we welcome to God’s Family Lena Wojtasik who will be Baptised at the 11.00 am Mass. Congratulations to her parents Jakub and Julita of Murrayburn Grove. Also we welcome her grandparents Matesz and Anna Gorski who travelled from Poland to act as godparents and celebrate the Baptism of their granddaughter. May she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Change of Date

Parish Defibrillator - Wednesday 26 June at 7.00pm: Training for use of the defibrillator on Wednesday next at 7.00 pm.

Mount Vernon – Summer Clear Up – Saturdays During July 10am – 3pm: Volunteers are required to help with the summer clear up around the cemetery at Mount Vernon. If you are free any Saturday during July between 10am and 3pm you are welcome to join a team of volunteers. For further information see the poster at the back of the Church or phone Anna on 0131 623 8906.

Saints Peter and Paul: Sunday next is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. The annual collection of "Peter’s Pence" will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. This collection is made available to the Pope to enable him to make a quick response to sudden disaster area’s such earthquakes, flooding and famine.

Oblate Connections: The summer edition of Oblate Connections is available at the back of the church today. Please take a copy FREE.

Lourdes Appeal for Medical Staff: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Pilgrimage to Lourdes is appealing for more medical staff – and especially nurses – to join them on this year’s pilgrimage, 5 - 12 July 2019. Some funding is available for those interested. Could that be you? If so, contact Claire Banks on 07930 928489.

Plaza Regeneration: £400,000 has been allocated by City of Edinburgh Council towards Phase Two of regeneration works at the Westside Plaza in Wester Hailes. The funding is from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Fund. The works will include the delivery of a community green and educational garden containing semi-mature seasonal trees and planting, children’s play facilities, street furniture, improved lighting, resolution of change in levels across the site, revamping of existing columns with art and signage, and the creation of a local market space.

New Dawn in Scotland: This is the 10th year of New Dawn in Scotland. This is a Catholic Pilgrimage Conference, held in St. Andrews. 8th to 12th July 2019.

Conference Costs Only:

  • Adults £85 full conference or £20 per day.
  • Youth 13 – 21 £30 full conference or £6 per day.
  • Children: Primary School - Donation -Under school age no donation.

For information on accommodation phone 447-6153 or visit


  • People will forget what you said.
  • People will forget what you did.
  • But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Anniversaries: : Ida Devlin, Mary Marr, Nora Devine, Frances Malone, Elizabeth Jones, James Drysdale, Michael Gerraghty, Fiona McSorley, Catherine Nelson, Mary McNulty, Charlie Brady, James Pryde, Eric Rafferty, May Schourder, Gregor McGregor, Fr. John Dore, OMI, Dom Dean, Betty Fitzsimmons, Bernard Maxwell, Brian Callaghan, Anne Glen, Sean McFadden, Willie Carr, Helen McGregor and Jean Sneddon.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 16 June 2019

Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 81)

"Living in Approachable Light"

Welcome to God’s Family: This week Somtochukwu Joshua and Chidiebube Israel Okafor of Barn Park Crescent were Baptised at St. John Ogilvie’s Church. We welcome Somtochukwu and Chidiebube to God’s Family. Congratulations to their parents Israel and Nkechi. We pray they will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

New Mass Books: New Mass Books (Burgundy) for the Second half of Year C commence today. Please return any Purple books you have so they can be put into storage until 2022.

Change of Date

Parish Defibrillator - Wednesday 26 June at 7.00pm: The defibrillator training will now take place on Wednesday 26th June at 7pm. Unfortunately, St. John Scotland have other commitments on 19th June. To gauge numbers, a new list is available this weekend. Please inscribe your name on the sheet if you are still available.

Golden Jubilee Wester Hailes: A number of activities have been scheduled to celebrate this landmark event. Local Churches have been offered a slot in "Praise at the Plaza" as part of the June activities.

Open Heavens Church in Harvesters Way will lead the singing which is scheduled for Saturday 22nd June 2.30 - 4.30pm in front of the Library. Our Parish Council encourages us to support this venture next Saturday. Song Sheets will be made available.

Aisle Carpet: We continue to search for a suitable Aisle Carpet for the church. Multiple use of the premises is part of the problem. If the floor covering was permanent it would interfere with the "Gay Gordons" for socials. Work in progress.

Oblate Connections: The summer edition of Oblate Connections is available at the back of the church today. Please take a copy FREE.

Scalan Seminary: Pilgrimage to Scalan Seminary [museum] today at 4.00 pm. Due to Penal Laws in the 18th century, Scalan was hidden in the Braes of Glenlivet. It was the only place in Scotland where young men were trained to be priests. They were known as the "heather priests".

Access to the building is still through fields hidden away from public view. Today, Sunday 16th June, there is a pilgrimage to Scalan with Mass at 4.00 pm.

Jean Vanier (10/9/1928 – 7/05/2019): Tomorrow Monday 17th June at 7.00 pm in St. Mary Magdalen’s church, Bingham Avenue EH15 3HY there will be an ecumenical Service of Thanksgiving for the life and work of Jean Vanier. "Welcome each other, as Christ welcomed you."

Gillis Centre – Talk – Thursday 20th June 7.30pm:

The Courage to Proclaim the Gospel in Difficult Times

At the invitation of Archbishop Cushley, Dr. Janet Smith chair of Life Ethics at Detroit Seminary will speak at Gillis on Thursday 20th June. For more information see Poster and pamphlets at the back of the Church.

Mount Vernon – Summer Clear Up – Saturdays During July 10am – 3pm: Volunteers are required to help with the summer clear up around the cemetery at Mount Vernon. If you are free any Saturday during July between 10am and 3pm you are welcome to join a team of volunteers. For further information see the poster at the back of the Church or phone Anna on 0131 623 8906.

Readers: New Rota available at the back of the church. If you are scheduled to read and are unable to be at that Mass, please arrange for another Reader to take your place. This will be particularly helpful during the holiday period.

Parish Pledge: Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today. We Budget £2,000 from this source so in your generosity please try to maintain that figure.

Anniversaries: : Lily McDonnell, Fr. John Wall, OMI, Grace Ward, Agnes Bungay, Bill Gibson, Eileen Cowie, Anne Agnew, Francis Lawless, Mary Pettigrew, Annie Lynskey, Brenda Havard, Elizabeth Mackie, James Hind, Michael Cribben, Jim Wight, Fr Nick Forde OMI, Fr David Power OMI, Bill Grant, John Heffron, Mollie Duffy, Julie Kelly, Margaret Campbell, Peggy Geraghty and Margaret Slater.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 9 June 2019

Today is the Feast of Pentecost, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 294)

"The Language of the Spirit"

A Day for Life: Today is designated “A Day for Life”. This year the organising group has chosen to concentrate on the scourge of Domestic Abuse. One in four women and one in six men suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetime.

A Flyer is available at the back of the church that gives information on the work of this charity. Also you will find a letter from Bishop Stephen Robson of Dunkeld.

Golden Jubilee Wester Hailes: Did you know that Wester Hailes turns 50 this year?

A number of activities have been scheduled to celebrate this landmark event. Local Churches have been offered a slot “Praise at d “Plaza” as part of the June activities.

Open Heavens Church in Harvesters Way will lead the singing which is scheduled for Saturday 22nd June 2.30 - 4.30 pm in front of the Library. Any church that wishes to have a slot for their church choir will be afforded a 10 minute slot , otherwise it will be a sing along where we all praise together. Song Sheets will be made available.

Jean Vanier (10/9/1928 – 7/05/2019): An ecumenical Service of Thanksgiving for the life and work of Jean Vanier will take place on Monday 17th June 2019 at 7pm in St. Mary Magdalen's RC Church, Bingham Avenue Edinburgh EH15 3HY. Full details are displayed on the notice board at the back of the church. All welcome. "Welcome each other, as Christ welcomed you."

Iain Allen: Celebration of the life of Ian Allen will take place at the Pentland Chapel in Morton Hall on Thursday 13 June at 1.00pm. We offer our sincere sympathy to Anna and assure her we will support her in her grief. For Ian we pray that he may rest in peace.

First Holy Communions: It was standing room only at our First Holy Communions last Sunday. Most of the communicants were from the Polish and African traditions; where the family conversation is in a language other than English it makes an extra demand on the catechists, however, Julia, Laura and Trish rose to the challenge, for their commitment to the wellbeing of the children we are most appreciative and thankful. Now it is up to the parents as the first teacher of their child to continue their formation and development by witness and encouragement.

Oblate Connections: The summer edition of Oblate Connections is available at the back of the church today. Please take a copy FREE.

Scalan Seminary: For much of the 18th century, the college at Scalan in the Braes of Glenlivet was the only place in Scotland where young men were trained to be priests, the so-called "heather priests". From 1717 to 1799, over a hundred were trained despite numerous attacks by Hanoverian soldiers.

The college was named after the Gaelic word for turf sheilings ("galan") found in the Braes during that period. The building is hidden away in fields from public view, on Sunday next 16th June there is a pilgrimage to Scalan with Mass at 4.00 pm.

Parish Defibrillator: The Parish Defibrillator is housed in the foyer of side entrance to the church. We need to train some parishioners in how to use it in an emergency.

On Wednesday 19th June at 7.00 pm in the Church/Hall there will be a training session – workshop takes 45 minutes. If you wish to volunteer, please place your name on the list at the back of the church.

Pope Francis a Man of his Word – Tuesday 11th June, 7.30pm

The Jesuits at Lauriston invite you to the screening of a documentary
An interview with
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word

at St Catharine’s Convent, 4 Lauriston Gardens on Tue. 11th June 7.30pm
Followed by drinks on the lawn.

Anniversaries: : Al Monroe, James Connolly, Jessie O’Hare, Bill Maymury, Douglas Eagan, Mary Gullane, Hugh Devlin, Margaret Johnson, Patricia Watson, Robert Wilson, Annie Milligan, Kathleen Bergin, Cliff Drever, Angus Grant, Simon Byrne, Sr Mary McCluskey, Carol Tierney, Tom Coogan, Norman Gore, Graham Faulds, Janice Telford, Bridget Gallagher, Jean Daly, Josephine Heaney, Tom McPhillipps, Sr. Kathleen Gilligan, Fallon Hind, Ian Caddell, Christina Johnston, Irene McGonagle, Peggy Brown, Thomas Burns, Betty Glynn, Christopher Quinn, Martin Kelliher and Patricia Reid.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 2 June 2019

Today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 281)

"Dying for Christ: Stephen"

First Holy Communion – Sunday: Today 2nd June at the 11.00 Mass, 15 young people from our parish will Celebrate their First Holy Communion. Seats in the centre aisles of the church will be reserved for the families and friends of the First Communicants.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Julia McGuire, Trish Middlemist and Laura Lang who gave up their Saturday mornings from last October to prepare these children for the Sacraments.

World Communication Day: Today is World Communication Day. Copies of a letter from Bishop Tartaglia of Glasgow are available at the back of the church. There will be a 2nd Collection for the Apostolate of Communications today.

At a Deanery meeting last week, concern was expressed in respect of the increased number of second collections, every Sunday of May and again next Sunday 9th June. All for laudable and worthy causes but too much can disrupt concentration on the liturgy.

A Day for Life: Next Sunday the collection is “A Day for Life”. It provides help which can bring expert healing through the caring and expertise of those best placed and trained to give the appropriate care where and when it is needed.

Lourdes Appeal for Medical Staff: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Pilgrimage to Lourdes is appealing for more medical staff – and especially nurses – to join them on this year’s pilgrimage, 5 - 12 July 2019. Some funding is available for those interested. Could that be you? If so, contact Claire Banks on 07930 928489.

Parish Pastoral Council: PPC meeting is Thursday next 6th June at 7.30pm. Members of the Council please collect your Agenda and correspondence after Mass today.

Iain Allen: Anna Allen [secretary to the Parish Council] together with her husband Iain travelled to Greece last week for their annual holidays. Anna rang on Monday evening with the sad news of Iain’s sudden death. Some members of Anna’s family have travelled to Greece to be with Anna to help with arrangements for the post mortem and receive the corner’s clearance for repatriation. She asks for your prayers. May Iain rest in peace.

Pilgrimage: Archbishop Cushley invites youth of Scotland [aged from 16 years to 30] to join in a National Pilgrimage on Saturday 31st August. Transport from Edinburgh by bus £10.00 To book a place

  • 12.00 Noon - Arrival and welcome by Archbishop at St. James’ KY16 9AR
    Visit Historical Sites and Churches
  • 3.00 pm - Mass in grounds of St. Andrews Cathedral and Hospitality
  • 5.00 pm - Departure

Jean Vanier: An ecumenical Service of Thanksgiving for the life and work of Jean Vanier will take place on Monday 17th June 2019 at 7pm in St. Mary Magdalen's RC Church, Bingham Avenue Edinburgh EH15 3HY.   Full details are displayed on the notice board at the back of the church. All welcome. "Welcome each other, as Christ welcomed you."

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage 2019: The annual summer pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret will take place today, Sunday 2nd June in Dunfermline.


  • 11am - Ecumenical prayers at Dunfermline Abbey
  • 12.00 noon onwards - Guides available for historic tours
  • 2.15pm - Public procession of relics
  • 3.00pm - Holy Mass with Archbishop Cushley as main celebrant

Bishop Joseph Devine of Motherwell: Requiem Mass will take place in the Motherwell Cathedral on Monday 3rd June at 12 noon, with interment afterwards in the Cathedral grounds.

Anniversaries: : Sarah McGee, Catherine Ralph, Brendan Boyle, Jim Hegarty, John Fogarty, Jimmy Goldie, Owenie Boyle, John Lyncham, Reno Dirollo, May Muir, Iris Butler, Joseph Conran, Margaret McGuikan, Patrick Agnew, Mary Hall, Canon Michael Carey, Michael McLaughlin, Christine Scott; Joseph O’Donnell, Terrence O’Donnell and Patrick Early,

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 26 May 2019

Today is the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 273)

"Arguing for: Christ"

Feast of the Ascension – Thursday 30th May: Thursday next is the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, a Holyday of Obligation. Masses on Thursday are at 9.00am and 7.30pm.

National Youth Pilgrimage: Archbishop Cushley invites youth of Scotland (aged from 16 years to 30) to join in a National Pilgrimage on Saturday 31st August. Transport from Edinburgh by bus £10.00 To book a place

  • 12.00 Noon: Arrival and welcome by Archbishop at St. James’ KY16 9AR, Visit Historical Sites and Churches
  • 3.00 pm Mass in grounds of St. Andrews Cathedral and Hospitality
  • 5.00 pm Departure

Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (AICF) 26th May: Second Collection today for AICF. In 2018 income for this Fund in the Archdiocese came to £204,129 expenses £363,153. To encourage an increase in income the Archdiocese has issued blue envelopes, (available today at the back of the church), if you pay tax the Diocese can collect Gift Aid on your donation provided you include your Gift Aid number.

Eugene deMazenod: At our weekday Masses this week we continue to pray a Novena to St. Eugene deMazenod whose Feast was 21st of May. Our Novena Prayers are focused on Vocations. The Mission/ Motto of St. Eugene is:

"He sent me to bring good news to the poor."

When St. Eugene founded the Oblate Congregation in 1818, his plan was only to Evangelise Provence in the south of France, today there are 4,000 Oblates working in 70 countries, average age of the priests and brothers in the West is 70. Need for more vocations is critical.

Archdiocesan Lourdes Day 2019: The annual Archdiocesan Lourdes Day will take place today Sunday 26th May at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh between 3pm and 5pm. The event aims to recreate the spirit of Lourdes within the Archdiocese and will consist of a Marian procession, Solemn Benediction and the Blessing of the Sick. It is organised by The Edinburgh Lourdes Hospitalité and Youth for Lourdes. All very welcome.

Lourdes Appeal for Medical Staff: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Pilgrimage to Lourdes is appealing for more medical staff – and especially nurses – to join them on this year’s pilgrimage, 5 - 12 July 2019. Some funding is available for those interested. Could that be you? If so, contact Claire Banks on 07930 928489.

First Holy Communion – Sunday: Sunday next 2nd June 15 young people from our parish will Celebrate their First Holy Communion. There are seven rows of seats in the centre aisles of the church, these seats next Sunday will be reserved for the families and friends of the First Communicants.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Julia McGuire, Trish Middlemist and Laura Lang who gave up their Saturday mornings from last October to prepare these children for the Sacraments.

World Communication Day: Next Sunday is World Communication Day. There will be a 2nd Collection for the Apostolate of Communications.

Parish Pastoral Council: Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough (chair) or Anna Allen (secretary) before Thursday 30th May, or they can be posted in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.

Parish Pledge: This parish pledge was established in the year 2000 to take the place of the old annual parish fete, the idea being to pledge the sum of money you would expect to spend at the parish fete.

Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today. We Budget £2,000 from this source so in your generosity please try to maintain that figure.

Anniversaries: : Christopher Summers, Colin Whitworth, Tommy Erskine, Martin Gahagan, Fr John McQuade, Carmel Daley, George Stark, Peter Broadhurst, Fr Liam Fanning, Sean Boyle, Raymond Bias, Nessie Goodall, Mary Taylor and Patrick Goonan.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 19 May 2019

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 271)

"Encouraging others: Barnabas"

New Minister: The Rev Sam Torrens has been appointed minister of Church of Scotland to the church at Slateford/Longstone parish. Induction of the new minister in succession to Rev Mike Frew who retired in June 2018 took place on Friday last 17th May. We wish him every blessing in his service to the people of Longstone.

Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (AICF) 26th May: Every year there are two Special Collections for this Fund. In 2018 income came to £204,129 expenses £363,153. To encourage an increase in income, the Archdioces has issued blue envelopes (available today at the back of the church). If you pay tax the Diocese can collect Gift Aid on your donation if you inclide your Gift Aid number.

Lourdes Pilgrimages

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes July 5th to 12th: Flights direct from Edinburgh. Details of costs:- or go here.

Pilgrims who require supported care should contact Accuel Saint Frai Booking Secretary, 61 Hailes Gardens EH 13 OJN Tel: 0131-441-1939

Oblate Pilgrimage to Lourdes 14th to 19th September: Flight to Bordeaux, coach to from Bordeaux to Lourdes Returning Thursday 19th September 2019. Hotel Panorama 4 star, £619.

Not included - Single Room Supplement £180.00 (Limited availability) and Insurance from £29.00.

Lourdes City Tax applies to pilgrims over 18 years of age staying in hotels; collection of tax takes place during your stay and is made directly by the hotel. Current rates are 2.10 Euro per person per night.

Eugene deMazenod: The Feast of St. Eugene deMazenod, founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate is on Tuesday next the 21st of May. His motto was “He sent me to bring good news to the poor”. Novena Booklets containing the Charism/ thoughts of St. Eugene are available at the back of the church.

The WEE Box: Thanks for returning your SCIAF WEE Boxes. This year the total from the Wee Boxes returned via the parish came to £711.86 and the church collection was £495.89 making a combined donation of £1,207.75 Some parishioners send the Wee Box direct to SCIAF

Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 6th June at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [secretary] before Thursday 30th May, or they can be posted in the “Suggestion Box” at the back of the church.

A Date for your Diary – Tuesday, 11th June, 7.30pm

The Jesuits at Lauriston invite you to the screening of a documentary ......

An Interview with Pope Francis
A Man of his Word

at St Catharine’s Convent, 4 Lauriston Gardens on Tue. 11th June 7.30pm.
Followed by drinks on the lawn.


Do you have Good or Bad Memories of your years as parishioners of St. John Ogilvie’s?

After 50 years it is good to look back. In October 2020 we keep our Golden Jubilee as a Parish. Hopefully most parishioners would like to give thanks and celebrate. To ensure we capture the experience from 1970 to 2020 the PPC decided to set up a sub-committee to plan our celebrations. If you would like to volunteer please give your name to Fr Tony, put it in the "Suggestion Box" or speak with any member of the PPC. Our next meeting of the Parish Council is the 6th June and we would like to be able to report some progress at this meeting.

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage 2019: The annual summer pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret will take place on Sunday 2nd June in Dunfermline.


  • 11am - Ecumenical prayers at Dunfermline Abbey
  • 12.00 noon onwards - Guides available for historic tours
  • 2.15pm - Public procession of relics
  • 3.00pm - Holy Mass with Archbishop Cushley as main celebrant

It should be a great day. All are very welcome.

Anniversaries: : Mary Hanson, Janet Brotherstone, Mary Muir, Dennis Doherty, Chris Grant, William Harvey, Cathrine Gahagan, Robert Hall, Anna Musson, William Hay, Joe Jordan, Andrew Johnston and Patrick Mazs,

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 12 May 2019

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 268)

"Pioneers and Settlers"

"Good Shepherd" Sunday

Welcome to God’s Family: This week John and Jeremiah Eneji-Ogar of Calder Crescent were Baptised at St. John Ogilvie’s Church. We welcome John and Jeremiah to God’s Family. Congratulations to their parents Dennis and Caroline. We pray they will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Today, Sunday 12th May, is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. At all Masses today there will be a 2nd Collection for the Education and Formation of students preparing for the Priesthood at the Scott’s College in Rome.

At the weekday Masses we will pray a Novena for vocations commencing Tuesday 12th May.

Sacramental Programme:

  • The children will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday 25th of May at 10.30 am.
  • First Holy Communion on Sunday 2nd June at 11.00 am Mass.

St Margaret’s Pilgrimage 2019: The annual summer pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret will take place on Sunday 2nd June in Dunfermline.


  • 11am - Ecumenical prayers at Dunfermline Abbey
  • 12.00 noon onwards - Guides available for historic tours
  • 2.15pm - Public procession of relics
  • 3.00pm - Holy Mass with Archbishop Cushley as main celebrant

It should be a great day. All are very welcome.

Parish Pledge: This parish pledge was established in the year 2000 to take the place of the old annual parish fete, the idea being to pledge the sum of money you would expect to spend at the parish fete.

Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today. We Budget £2,000 from this source so in your generosity please try to maintain that figure.

Archdiocesan Lourdes Day 2019 The annual Archdiocesan Lourdes Day will take place on Sunday 26th May at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh between 3pm and 5pm. The event aims to recreate the spirit of Lourdes within the Archdiocese and will consist of a Marian procession, Solemn Benediction and the Blessing of the Sick. It is organised by The Edinburgh Lourdes Hospitalité and Youth for Lourdes. All very welcome.

Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (AICF) 26th May: There are two Special Collections for this Fund every year. In 2018 income came to £204,129 expenses £363,153. To encourage an increase in income the Archdioceses has issued blue envelopes, (available today at the back of the church). If you pay tax the Diocese can collect Gift Aid on your donation if you inclide your Gift Aid number.

St. Andrew’s Children’s Society - Foster Care Fortnight: There are many children across Scotland who need stable, loving families to care for them when their birth families are not able to provide the nurturing or safe environment that would allow them to flourish. Could you provide the stability and love these children deserve?

We are holding an informal event at our offices in 7 John’s Place, Edinburgh, EH6 7EL on Wednesday 22nd from 6.00pm to 7.00pm where you can hear more about whether fostering a child could be an option for you.

Contact Stephen Small on 01224 878158 or

Anniversaries: : Marjory Ducat, Sr.Marie McAllister, Patrick Doherty, Jack Allen, Patrick McKay, Ellie Travers, Bill Murphy, William McFadden, Cathy Karry, Audrey Morton, George Diack, Bill Campbell, May Harper, Tom Rennie, Rita Livingstone, Christine Harte, Peter McGilligan, Catherine Rodgers, Isa Penman, Jeanette Mohammed, Martin Mawga, James Mangh, Margaret Inglis, William Curran, Christine Smith, Albert Paterson, Fr. John Hickey, O.M.I. and Joseph Livingstone.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 5 May 2019

Today is the Third Sunday of Easter, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 265)

"Insisting on Love: Peter"

Lenten Eco Challenge - The Results Are In: Thanks to everyone who responded to our Lenten Eco Challenge by returning your carbon footprints. Collectively we reported the following:

Switched to Led energy light bulbs - 2, Turned off lights when room not in use 21, Turned off stand-by 7, Didn't over-fill the kettle 12, Washed laundry at 30 degrees 27, Turned down room thermostat 16, Didn't leave tap running 21, Recycled more 28, Avoided plastic packaging 11, Ditched the car journeys 23, Ate less meat 15, Took part in WWF Earth Hour 2, Bought 2nd hand/swapped clothes 3.

As the saying goes "a dog is not just for Christmas" - our carbon footprint challenge is not just for Lent. Please let's try and make these challenges life style changes and collectively we can be responsible stewards of God's creation caring for our environment, making a real difference.

London Marathon: Last Sunday Helena MacKay ran the London marathon in 4 hours 55 minutes 32 secs which is 35 minutes faster than last year. She was 3rd woman in her age group. The lady who came first is the World champion for the age group, with a bit more effort Helena could have caught up with the lady who was 2nd as she was a mere 6 minutes ahead of Helena.

Helena wishes to thank all those who sponsored her. So far £1,602 was raised for Cancer Research UK. Donations can still be registered on the web over the next couple of weeks by clicking here.

The WEE Box: A further £130 was donated per the Wee Box last Sunday. A gentle reminder to return all boxes by 15th May.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Sunday next 12th May is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. At all Masses next weekend there will be a 2nd Collection for the Education and Formation of students preparing for the Priesthood at the Scott’s College in Rome.

A Date for your Diary – Tuesday, 11th June, 7.30pm

The Jesuits at Lauriston invite you to the screening of a documentary ......

An Interview with Pope Francis
A Man of his Word

at St Catharine’s Convent, 4 Lauriston Gardens on Tue. 11th June 7.30pm.
Followed by drinks on the lawn.

St John Ogilvie’s Parish Golden Jubilee

The parish of St John Ogilvie’s was founded in October 1970. In October 2020 therefore we will reach our 50th anniversary as a parish. This milestone event needs to be marked with some sort of celebration. If that is to happen, we need to start planning now.

The PPC are suggesting that the planning of the celebration should be taken forward by a small group of parishioners who would act as a working group looking at what form the celebration should take, who should be invited, when it should be held, etc.

See Newsletter of last week for further details. Click here

Anniversaries: : John Kidd (Snr.), Agnes Miller, Doalty Sharkey, David Metcalf, Brian Flannigan, Vicky Duffy, Kyle Apter, Agnes Lochrin, Andrew O’Donnell, Andrew McGonagle, Letitia McAteer, Isobelle Renton, Baby Courtney McGarvey, Maureen Firth, Roy Doolan, Barry McGonagle, Elspeth Farrell, Nora Boyle, Mary Paterson, Molly Finnan, James Wilson, Elizabeth Doherty, Bella Ford, Mark Davies, Sadie Paterson, Helen Crimp, Francis McKenna, Mark Dixon, Jimmy Hickey and Eileen Matthews.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 28 April 2019

Today is the Second Sunday of Easter, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 262)

"Seeing and Believing: Thomas"

Welcome: This weekend we welcome Ataah Sophia and Sarai Skyler Mcarthur of Sighthill Crescent to God’s Family. Congratulations to their parents William and Anthea, we pray they will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead as you help them grow in wisdom, maturity and fullness of life.

Celebration of Marriage: - Wednesday 1st May 7.30pm: Are you married? Archbishop Leo Cushley cordially invites you and your spouse to join him on 1 May 2019, the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, to celebrate the gift of marriage at St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral in Edinburgh at 7.30pm. The Archbishop will offer Holy Mass during which he will impart his blessing upon those married couples present. A celebratory reception will follow. All who wish to celebrate the gift of marriage are very welcome, especially couples celebrating significant anniversaries this year.

Thank You: Holy Week and Easter Sunday are busy times in Church. Planning of Ceremonies, cleaning and decorating the church, Singing, Music, ministries of Reading & Eucharist etc. these all require preparatory meetings to plan the Liturgy, we are most grateful to all those who get involved. We are so blessed to have so many volunteers who don’t stand idly by, but take true ownership of the parish.

The WEE Box: Thanks to so many parishioners who returned SCIAF Boxes at Easter. They totalled £300.00. To ensure we have all Boxes returned before we forward the cheque to SCIAF please bring your Wee box to Mass before the 15th May.

St John Ogilvie’s Parish Golden Jubilee

The parish of St John Ogilvie’s was founded in October 1970. In October 2020 therefore we will reach our 50th anniversary as a parish. This milestone event needs to be marked with some sort of celebration. If that is to happen, we need to start planning now.

The PPC are suggesting that the planning of the celebration should be taken forward by a small group of parishioners who would act as a working group looking at what form the celebration should take, who should be invited, when it should be held, etc. The working group would also be involved in setting up the celebration once the format has been agreed.

We are now looking for volunteers to serve on the working group. The group should reflect the composition of the parish. It should have members who been parishioners for many years and those who have arrived more recently, plus those in between. It should also have members from the various cultures which make up the parish and from each of the organised groups in the parish – for example the liturgy groups (adult and young peoples and including music), JPIC, youth, readers, Eucharistic ministers, sacramental programmes, social groups, including bingo and those involved in “decorating” the church (with plants and flowers). Plus, anyone else who is good at organising things. Please put forward names and contact details to Father Tony.

Helena MacKay: Runs in the London Marathon this weekend. She sponsors Cancer Research UK.

Click here.

Anniversaries: : Timothy O’Sullivan, Molly Williams, Catherine Burns, Margaret Edwards, Mary Murphy, Fr. Pat Gahagan, Michael Kelly, Fr. John Coakley, OMI. Cathy Brunache, Duncan Robertson, Anton Gallagher, Terry Mallarkey, Maureen Glasgow, Charles Hornig, Nora Duffy, Annie McFadden, May Hornig, Maria Hughes, Frank McLaughlin, Marjorie Lowe, James Duff, Helen Anderson, Fr. Pat Towe. OMI, Rab Harkins, Edith Howes, Brian Kilpatrick and Doreen Murphy.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 21 April 2019

Today is the Easter Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 258 [Vigil 223])

"Seeing in the Dark: The Beloved Disciple "

Holy Saturday - 7.30pm:
Service of Light
Exultet - Rejoice
Salvation History
Renewal of Baptism Promises and Eucharist

Easter Sunday:
Mass at 10.00am only

Easter Blessing

May the Lord bless you this Easter Time;
Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair;

Bless you with peace, calm you in trouble;
Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow;

Bless you with faith, guard you against doubt;
Bless you with love, keep you from fear;

Bless you with mercy; help you forgive;
So your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord.

Easter Monday Mass at 12.00 Noon

Riding for the Disabled – Easter Extravaganza Sunday 21st April : Come along to Easter Extravaganza and enjoy fun for all the family. See poster at back of church.

When: Easter Sunday, 21 April, 11.00am to 3.00pm.
Where: Riding for the Disabled, Ravelrig Gait, Balerno, EH14 7EH.
What’s on: Easter Hat Competition, Roll your eggs, Meet our ponies, Hot dogs and Home Baking. Plus lots more.

Celebration of Marriage: - Wednesday 1st May 7.30pm: Are you married? Archbishop Leo Cushley cordially invites you and your spouse to join him on 1 May 2019, the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, to celebrate the gift of marriage at St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral in Edinburgh at 7.30pm. The Archbishop will offer Holy Mass during which he will impart his blessing upon those married couples present. A celebratory reception will follow. All who wish to celebrate the gift of marriage are very welcome, especially couples celebrating significant anniversaries this year.

Adult Formation Courses and Resources Information Day – 27th April : This Information Day on Adult Formation Courses and Resources will be held on Saturday 27 April at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. Presentations by:

Registration will start at 11am.

A light lunch and refreshments will be provided. I would urge each of you to bring or send, at least, one parishioner, perhaps a member of your parish council, along to this event. To book please contact Joan Forster at email: (email address removed).

Senior Citizens Afternoon Tea and Entertainment: At St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Leith Saturday 27th April 2.30 - 5.30 pm. If you plan to attend, ring the Parish Office on 554- 2482.

Parish Bingo: Returns on Tuesday 23rd. Eyes Down 8.00pm.

New Minister Slateford/ Longstone church: Rev Sam Torrents has been appointed Minister at Longstone, induction Friday 17th May at 7.00pm.

Anniversaries: : John McGonagle, Cathleen Logan, Mary O’Rourke, Agnes Martin, Lena Montgomery, Agnes Drysdale, Robert McDiarmid, Stephen Hunter, John Evan Jones, Sylvia Monroe, John Hickey, Brian Slater, Darren Kyle, Jean Reid, John McGinness, David McKenna, Lydia Thompson, Agnes Parry, Annie McTighe, Robert Burns, Greg Crombie, Doreen Johnston, Kathleen Finerty, John Scott, Mary Kilpatrick and Kevin Glasgow.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 14 April 2019

Today is the Palm Sunday of Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 184)

"On Parade"

Chrism Mass – Tuesday 16th March: Blessing of the Oils and Mass at the Cathedral York Place on Tuesday 16th April at 7.00 pm .

Lenten Eco Carbon Footprint Challenge: As we approach Holy Week can we remember the Last Supper and consider our carbon fast and be more aware of what we consume. As we fast and abstain from meat on Good Friday can we be conscious of the impact on our planet, God's creation, from our over consumption of meat throughout the year, and perhaps commit to eating meat less often in our daily diet. Please remember to return your challenge carbon footprint template. Thank you.

The Parish Defibrillator: Is located in the foyer of the side entrance to the Church. After Easter we will arrange a training session for volunteers who make themselves available.

Riding for the Disabled – Easter Extravaganza Sunday 21st April : Come along to Easter Extravaganza and enjoy fun for all the family. See poster at back of church.

When: Easter Sunday, 21 April, 11.00am to 3.00pm.
Where: Riding for the Disabled, Ravelrig Gait, Balerno, EH14 7EH.
What’s on: Easter Hat Competition, Roll your eggs, Meet our ponies, Hot dogs and Home Baking. Plus lots more.

Adult Formation Courses and Resources Information Day – 27th April : This Information Day on Adult Formation Courses and Resources will be held on Saturday 27 April at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. There will be two presentations by: Dan Donaldson from the Augustine Institute, Denver, Colorado and Dr Marie Cooke from the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, England. Registration will start at 11am. First Presentation at 11.30am. The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 2:30pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided. I would urge each of you to bring or send, at least, one parishioner, perhaps a member of your parish council, along to this event. To book please contact Joan Forster at email: (email address removed).

Senior Citizens Afternoon Tea and Entertainment: At St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Leith Saturday 27th April 2.30 - 5.30 pm. If you plan to attend, ring the Parish Office on 554- 2482.

Holy Week

Palm Sunday - Mass at 10.00am only: Weather permitting there will be a procession around the Church grounds after the blessing of the Palms. This is to recall the events in Jerusalem as Jesus entered in triumph before his arrest and trial.

Holy Thursday, 7.30pm:
Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7.30pm
Washing of Feet
Re Dedication of Priest & People
Institution of the Eucharist.
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after ceremonies until 10.00 pm. (Quiet Prayer)

Good Friday - 3.00pm:
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.
Prayers for all peoples & Penance Service.
Veneration of the Cross.
Holy Communion.
A Day of Fast and Abstinence

Good Friday - 7.30pm: Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday - 12 noon and 7.30pm:
12 noon: Blessing of Food a Polish tradition

7.30pm: Service of Light
Exultet - Rejoice
Salvation History
Renewal of Baptism Promises and Eucharist

Easter Sunday:
Mass at 10.00am only

SPUC Annual Pro-Life Chain: Saturday 27th April in Lothian Road, 11.00 am. For more information contact

Anniversaries: : Hannah Danboy, Adam Connor, Paul Jones, Mary McQuade, Margaret Thompson, Bridget Gallagher, Monica Hanna, Breigh Scullion, Tommy McGovern, Joseph McFadden, Bishop Kevin Rafferty, Douglas Garvie, Theodore Monro, Monica Fraser, James O’Neill, William Brotherstone, John Donoghue, Mark Smith; Frank Thomas, Margaret Ndangali, Charlie Ward, Emma Taylor, Marion Taylor;Rose Murray and Barney Brogan.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 7 April 2019

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 176)

"Being Freed!"

Palm Sunday – 10.00am Mass only on Sunday Morning: Sunday next is Palm Sunday, 14th April. There will be only ONE MASS on Sunday morning - 10.00am.

After the Blessing of the Palms at the 10.00am Mass there will be a Procession with the Palms around the church grounds as we sing the chant of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem:

"Hail Redeemer King Devine".

London Marathon: Helena MacKay, a reader at our 9.00am Mass, will run the London Marathon on 28th of April. This young lady who has passed the three score and ten would welcome sponsorship for her 26.2 miles run. The Charity she is sponsoring is Cancer Research UK. There are very few families that have not been touched by cancer. Treatment and cures will only progress through research. Helena can be sponsored by clicking here.

In the 2018 London Marathon, Helena raised £2,000 for Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Care.

Congratulations: To Laura Eadie who celebrated her 99th birthday on Saturday 6th April. We wish her well and await a Royal Mail delivery in 2020.

Holy Week: Times of Holy Week Services will be carried in the Newsletter next week.

Parish Bingo: Bingo will close for Holy Week on Tuesday 16th of April.

Polish Tradition of Blessing Food: On Holy Saturday 20th April at 12.00 Noon we honour the Polish Tradition of Blessing the Food.

Lent 2019

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

Prayer Around the Cross:

In the church each Thursday of Lent from the 14th March at 7pm.

Lent Extra:

A day by day reflection during Lent - Take a copy home today.

The WEE Box:

Available at the back of the church.

Lenten Eco Carbon Footprint Challenge: Did you know that every week in the UK we produce enough rubbish to fill Wembley stadium and we put 70 million tonnes of rubbish into landfill every year. Why not consider recycling more, use recycled paper products like writing paper, loo rolls, kitchen rolls. Consider wrapping gifts in brown paper tied with a pretty bow rather than the shiny gift paper that can't be recycled. Every year 5.5 billion plastic bottles aren't recycled, many of which end up in landfill or in our oceans. We have all seen footage of turtles tangled in debris and marine animals with their stomachs full of plastic. Avoid buying products with lots of packaging especially single use plastic. We don't need shrink wrapped cucumber! Challenge your supermarket about unnecessary plastic packaging which is choking our oceans killing our sea life and our sea birds.


Diocesan Youth Initiative:

With Archbishop Leo and Fr. Nick Walsh at Gillis Centre Palm Sunday 14th April
For ages 16 – 30 from 2.00 - 6.00 pm
For more Information email: or phone 0131 623-8900

Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist: If you are a Reader or Minister of the Eucharist and available for Holy Week Services, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, you are invited to scribe your name on the colour section of the A4 pages on the Altar. Pink for Readers and Yellow for Ministers of the Eucharist.

Pray to end Abortion: During Lent every day from 11.00am to 12.00 Noon at 2a Chalmers St. EH3 9ES.

Parish Finance Report: The Parish Income/Expenditure Report for 2018 is available today on a separate blue sheet. This report has been approved by the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee and the Diocese. We are indebted to Laura Lang for her many hours of voluntary work in the management and recording of our financial situation.

Anniversaries: : Agnes Rae, Ella Green, John McGinley, Canon Michael Cassidy, Fr. Michael Bagan. Madge Fitzgerald, Gladys Saddler, Bobby Geddes, George Geddes, Thomas Malone, Martin Daly, Margaret Pearson, Alex Sim, Josie O’Connell, Maurice Moriarty, Margaret McLaughlin, James Paterson, Bridget Heffron, Bill Thompson, Winnie Spencer, Sr. Margaret Nagel, David Pow, John McKay, John McNeish, Eamon Mullan, Roland Edgar, Peter White, Margaret Joyce, Bennie Fusco, Mary Jones, William Visick, Muriel White, Roddy McLean, Rose Murphy, Jackie Shandlands, Myles Duffy and Rab Skirving.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 31 March 2019

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 169)

"Rejoice! This child of mine was lost and is found!"

Diocesan Youth Initiative:

With Fr. Nick Walsh at Gillis Centre Palm Sunday 14th April
Catechesis - Holy Mass - Fellowship
For ages 16 – 30 from 2.00 - 6.00 pm
For more Information email: or phone 0131 623-8900

Palm Sunday – 10.00am Mass only on Sunday Morning: On Palm Sunday, 14th April, there will be only ONE MASS on Sunday morning - 10.00am.

After the Blessing of the Palms at the 10.00am Mass there will be a Procession with the Palms around the church grounds as we sing the chant of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem:

"Hail Redeemer King Devine".

Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 4th April: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 4th April, members of the Council please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.

Lenten Eco Carbon Footprint Challenge: Bees are vital to our Eco system and sadly are in decline. Today on Mothering Sunday why not buy your mother a plant that will attract the bees and butterflies "The earth is our mother and we are all her children".

We have seen in recent weeks the devastation and destruction that cyclone Idai has inflicted on the people of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. Climate change affects the poorest people who are perhaps least to blame for the rapid change in climate. While we are trying to improve our carbon footprint in our own backyard why not consider writing to your MP or MSP telling them you are concerned about climate change and that a global approach is needed urgently to reduce our carbon omissions and the responsibility lies with them to respond.

Don't forget to return your completed footprint challenge each week for display on the chart.

Mothering Sunday : A day when we are reminded to show appreciation and gratitude to our mothers. So often the love of a mother is taken for granted, best to take the opportunity of Mothering Day when our parents are still young and able to enjoy the love of their children and grandchildren. A visit and a gift give new life to an aging parent.

New Envelopes: The New Financial Year begins next weekend. Most of you will have received your new box of Church Collection Envelopes. If you didn’t receive a box see Charlie McGinley.

If you pay tax and use the envelopes or direct debit for your Sunday Collection, the parish can claim 25 pence on every £1.00 you donate to the Church Collection e.g. if your weekly collection to the church is £1, then over the year your donation then over the year your donation to the church becomes £65 at no cost to you. The extra £13 is tax you already paid in PAYE. The revenue requires you to agree that this tax be paid to the parish. Mr Charlie McGinley is available to arrange this agreement. In 2018 the parish received £7,807 through this scheme.

Sleepover: Last Friday the Junior Liturgy group had a sleepover in the church. Not 12 hours of sleep, they focused on the importance of Bees to Ecology. They pollinate Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables but their numbers have greatly declined over the past 15 years. They make 3 times more honey than they require this is their gift to us to be used in our medicine and general wellbeing. Bees fly at 25klm per hour and flap their wings at 200 times per sec. In our parish garden we planted shrubs, the bees knees for pollination. The children donated 9 Easter Eggs for the Young Peoples at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and 9 for patients who don’t get visitors.

Lent 2019

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

Prayer Around the Cross:

In the church each Thursday of Lent from the 14th March at 7pm.

Lent Extra:

A day by day reflection during Lent - Take a copy home today.

The WEE Box:

Available at the back of the church.

Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist: If you are a Reader or Minister of the Eucharist and available for Holy Week Services, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, you are invited to scribe your name on the colour section of the A4 pages on the Altar. Pink for Readers and Yellow for Ministers of the Eucharist.

Anniversaries: : Pope John Paul II, Karen Rae, David Sutherland, Sean Cummings, Tom McHale, Br. Blackburne OMI, Gerry McDade, Mr. Kuczynski, Mary Loy, David Murphy, John Lang, Joseph Rodgers, Isobel Butchart, Donald Reid, John Henderson, John Ryan, Michael Ryan, Lesley Fraser, Patrick Kilty, Agnes Dougall and George Lavery.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 24 March 2019

Today is the Third Sunday of Lent, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 160)

"Out of Bondage "

Lenten Eco Carbon Footprint Challenge: If you didn't pick up a copy of the Lenten Challenge sheet last week some are available today at the back of the church. Don't forget to return your completed footprint challenge each week for display on the chart.

DID YOU KNOW - 6% of U.K. energy consumption is by goods left on standby - the output of one nuclear power station. Please don't leave electric goods on standby.

Water of Life: Too many people still do not have clean water - did you know that.....
One source claims that by turning off the tap while cleaning our teeth will save 25 gallons of water a month. Collectively our actions can make a difference.

WWF Earth Hour: On Saturday 30th Mach you are invited to take part in WWF's Earth Hour by switching off your lights for 1 hour between 8.30pm-9.30pm.

People who took part in last year's Earth Hour felt inspired to do more for their world. That's why, this year, WWF have launched #VoiceForThePlanet. This Earth Hour, you can pledge to change one thing in your everyday life that will help protect our planet.  Will you choose to reduce the amount of single-use plastic you use? Or maybe wash your clothes at 30°C to save energy?

For every pledge made, Ariel will give £1 to protect our planet. Make a pledge today and share it using the hashtag #VoiceForThePlanet.

Peace: Our thanks to the Parish Justice & Peace group who created an atmosphere of quiet prayer and led us in an hour of prayer for peace last Wednesday.

Pray to end Abortion: During Lent every day from 11.00 am to 12.00 Noon at 2a Chalmers Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9ES there will be a Prayer Vigil. This is a peaceful vigil of "Good Samaritans" praying and offering help to unborn children and their mothers. Over 3,000 mothers in the UK have kept their baby because of this work. Contact Patricia MacLennan or phone 07851-195-043.

Lent 2019

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

Prayer Around the Cross:

In the church each Thursday of Lent from the 14th March at 7pm.

Lent Extra:

A day by day reflection during Lent - Take a copy home today.

The WEE Box:

Available at the back of the church.

Parish Finance Committee: Meeting of the Parish Finance Committee at the Parish House on Wednesday next 27th March at 2.00 pm.

Readers: If you are a Reader and available for Holy Week Services, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, you are invited to scribe your name on the colour section of the A4 pages on the Altar.

Safeguarding Audit: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh has been chosen to be reviewed by an external audit team from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)/Children in Scotland from 26 – 28 March 2019. The audit team would like to hear from anyone who has disclosed abuse, shared concerns of unsafe people or practice and also from survivors of non-recent Church-related abuse, their families and friends. Copies of a notice containing further information and contact details for the SCIE are available at the back of the church.

Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC Thursday 4th April at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough [chair] of Anna Allen [secretary] before 29th March.

The Catholic App: is your smart Catholic companion that helps you find Mass, Confession, churches, online parish communities and more. It covers the whole diocese and works in English, Polish, French, Italian, German and Spanish. You can download it for iPhone/iPad or Android by searching for “The Catholic App, Musemantik” in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Facebook Page:

Anniversaries: : Margaret Flannery, Anna Gahagan, Pat McDade, Tony Paterson, Sharon Tscel opsuce, Thomas Waugh, James Duffy, John McDougall, David Nicholson, Madge Devine, Jim Berry, Baby Philip Reid, Rose Romaniak, Mary Sharkey, Peter Carroll and Suzanne Miller.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 17 March 2019

Today is the Second Sunday of Lent, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 156)

"On The Mountain "

Fr Oliver Barry omi: Today we welcome Fr. Oliver Barry omi Provincial, he will celebrate the 10.00am Mass and be available afterwards if any parishioner wishes to meet with him.

Liturgy Meeting – Tuesday 19th March, 7.30pm: Meeting of the Parish Liturgy Committee on Tuesday 19th March at 7.30pm. Agenda for meeting: Lent and Holy Week.

Prayer for Peace – Wednesday 20th March, 7.30pm: In our war torn troubled world you are invited to join in an hour of Prayer for Peace on Wednesday 20th March at 7.30pm followed by a cup of tea or coffee in the hall.

Lenten Sleepover for Children from P3+ - Friday, 22nd March: This year's sleepover will take place on Friday next 22nd March for children in P3 and above.

A Poster with details and sign-up sheet is at the back of the Church.

Lenten Eco Carbon Footprint Challenge: If you didn't pick up a copy of the Lenten Challenge sheet last week some are available today at the back of the church. Don't forget to return your completed footprint challenge each week for display on the chart.

DID YOU KNOW - 6% of U.K. energy consumption is by goods left on standby - the output of one nuclear power station. Please don't leave electric goods on standby.

Lent 2019

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

Prayer Around the Cross:

In the church each Thursday of Lent from the 14th March at 7pm.

Lent Extra:

A day by day reflection during Lent - Take a copy home today.

The WEE Box:

Available at the back of the church.

Jesuit Lenten Retreat: The Society of Jesus in Scotland invite you to participate in a Lenten retreat.

Online Lent Retreat: "Walking together with Jesus" from the Jesuits in Scotland. An online programme of daily prayer through Lent. Fuller details:-

Safeguarding Audit: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh has been chosen to be reviewed by an external audit team from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)/Children in Scotland from 26 – 28 March 2019. The audit team would like to hear from anyone who has disclosed abuse, shared concerns of unsafe people or practice and also from survivors of non-recent Church-related abuse, their families and friends. Copies of a notice containing further information and contact details for the SCIE are available at the back of the church.

Pray to end Abortion: During Lent every day from 11.00 am to 12.00 Noon at 2a Chalmers Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9ES there will be a Prayer Vigil. This is a peaceful vigil of "Good Samaritans" praying and offering help to unborn children and their mothers. Over 3,000 mothers in the UK have kept their baby because of this work. Contact Patricia MacLennan or phone 07851-195-043.

Anniversaries: : Michael McDonagh, Pat Donnehy, Rose Ann Curran, Margaret Conway, Helen and James Skirving, Martin Heffron, Jeannie O’Neill, Pat Kilpatrick, Ron Ferguson, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Mary Doyle, Fr. Liam Duffy, OMI, Anne Murphy, Andrew Iggulden, Joseph Crere, Alex Paterson, Ellizabeth Steel, Keith Farries, Sr. Sheelagh Stapleton, Isobella O’Farrell, Frances Robertson, James Nairn Fortune, James Henderson, Josephine Muir, Isa Cherry and Edward Smith.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 10 March 2019

Today is the First Sunday of Lent, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 153)

"In the Desert"

St. John Ogilvie: Today 10th March we keep the Feast of St. John Ogilvie, patron of our parish. John’s noble Scottish family was part Catholic and part Presbyterian. His father raised him as a Calvinist, sent him to the continent for education. There he became interested in the popular debates going on between Catholic and Calvinist scholars. Debates gave rise only to confusion, John turned to Scripture. Two texts became his particular focus:

"God wills all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth"
"Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you.

John concluded that the Catholic Church could embrace all people so at the age of 17 in Louvain, Belgium in 1596 he was received into the Catholic Church. In 1610 he was ordained a priest as a member of the Jesuit Order. Sent to Scotland as a missionary, where, due to penal laws, he posed as a horse trader and soldier but was betrayed. Brought before the courts, his trial dragged on until he had been without food for 26 hours. Deprived of sleep for eight days and nights he was dragged around, prodded with sharp sticks and his hair pulled out. Still he refused to reveal the names of Catholics. He underwent a second and third trial but held firm. Even on the scaffold he was offered freedom and a fine living if he would deny his faith. His courage in prison and his martyrdom was reported throughout Scotland.

John Ogilvie was canonized in 1976, becoming the first Scottish saint since 1250.

Lenten Eco Challenge: As stewards of God's creation you are invited to take part in a Lenten Eco Challenge to try and reduce our carbon footprint. With climate change and the destruction of our environment the time for change in our habits is more vital than ever. Every little change does make a difference. Sheets are available today with some challenge suggestions for you to try. Please try and complete one or more challenge each week during Lent and write your completed challenge on the footprint template for display on our chart. Thanks for your support.

Lent Extra: A day by day reflection during Lent - Take a copy home today.

SCIAF: Penelope Blackwell of SCIAF will speak on the work of SCIAF at all the Masses this weekend. The Annual Diocesan Collection for SCIAF will be taken TODAY.

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

Prayer Around the Cross:

In the church each Thursday of Lent from the 14th March at 7pm.

Sunday 17th March: Fr Oliver Barry OMI Provincial of the Anglo Irish Province will visit St. John Ogilvie’s. He will preside at the 10.00 am Mass.

Please note on Sunday 17th there will be ONLY ONE MASS - 10.00am.

Prayer for Peace – Wednesday 20th March, 7.30pm: In our war torn troubled world you are invited to join in an hour of Prayer for Peace on Wednesday 20th March at 7.30pm followed by a cup of tea or coffee in the hall.

Lenten Sleepover for Children from P3+ - Friday, 22nd March: This year's sleepover will take place on Friday 22nd March for children in P3 and above. Poster with details and sign-up sheet will be at the back of the Church.

The Wee Box: In Lent we are invited to live simply so that others may simply live. Our Fast or Abstinence should benefit those in need especially people living in areas of famine. A SCIAF Box in the home to contribute what you would have spent on luxuries might be of help during the season of Lent.

Boxes available at the back of the Church today.

Safeguarding Audit: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh has been chosen to be reviewed by an external audit team from the Social Care Institute for Excellence(SCIE)/Children in Scotland from 26 – 28 March 2019. The audit team would like to hear from anyone who has disclosed abuse, shared concerns of unsafe people or practice and also from survivors of non-recent Church-related abuse, their families and friends. Copies of a notice containing further information and contact details for the SCIE are available at the back of the church.

Anniversaries: : Rodger Marshall, Joseph Conway, Anne McCaffrey, Sr Winifred Cleary, Rudy Capavanni, James Tait, John O’Donnell, Mgr. Tony McNally, Olive Grogan, Peggy Cavanagh, Anne Wilson, Kathleen O’Kane, Sr Geraldine Kelly, Michael McDonagh and Helen Cairns Lumley.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 3 March 2019

Today is the Eighth Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 144)

"The Language of the Heart"

Welcome: Today we welcome to God’s Family William Bogdan Pychala of Murrayburn Park. Since his birth his mother has been unwell so he is presented today for Baptism by his granny Elfryda and great granny Gabriela. We pray for his mum that she will return to full health and for his grandparents who support William and his parents at this time.

Ash Wednesday: Wednesday next 6th March is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Masses at St. John Ogilvie’s on Wednesday at 9.00 am and 7.30 pm. Ashes will be distributed after the Gospel of Mass with the invitation: "Repent and believe in the Gospel".

Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Since Vatican II the Church does not detail from what you fast and abstain, it is up to each individual to decide on the form of fast and abstinence - e.g. cigarettes, alcohol, food, sweets, harassment, etc. An important aspect of the fast and abstinence is that your decision should benefit others. That can be done through the Wee Box available at the back of the church today.

The JPIC Group invite you to take part in a Lenten Eco Challenge to try and reduce our carbon footprint. A list of small challenges for you to try will be available next weekend. The idea is for you to complete one or more challenge each week and write it on the small footprint template for display on our chart. Our results will be collated and totalled at the end of Lent.

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

Sunday next 10th March: A representative from SCIAF will speak at all the Masses. The Annual Diocesan Collection for SCIAF will be taken next Sunday .

Lent Extra: A booklet with a daily reflection for Lent is available at the back of the church today. Please take a copy, the daily reading may be of help as you journey through Lent.

Keeping a heart free from all that tarnishes love.
That is Holiness.
(Pope Francis)

The Wee Box: In Lent we are invited to live simply so that others may simply live. Our Fast or Abstinence should benefit those in need especially people living in areas of famine. A SCIAF Box in the home to contribute what you would have spent on luxuries might be of help during the season of Lent.

Boxes available at the back of the Church today.

Sunday 17th March: Fr Oliver Barry OMI Provincial of the Anglo Irish Province will visit St. John Ogilvie’s. He will preside at the 10.00 am Mass.

Please note on Sunday 17th there will be ONLY ONE MASS - 10.00am.

Safeguarding Audit: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh has been chosen to be reviewed by an external audit team from the Social Care Institute for Excellence(SCIE)/Children in Scotland from 26 – 28 March 2019. The audit team would like to hear from anyone who has disclosed abuse, shared concerns of unsafe people or practice and also from survivors of non-recent Church-related abuse, their families and friends. Copies of a notice containing further information and contact details for the SCIE are available at the back of the church.

Anniversaries: : Mina McGhee, John Elwyn Jones, Denholm Isbister, Edward Taylor, Lillias Sikora, Annie Glancy, Mary Castle, Marion Sinclair, Mgr. David Gemmell, Kate Donald, Kathleen Mahon, Rose Calvey, Sr Mildred Ryan. Karen Thomas, Agnes Adams, Mary Garry, Vera Spence, Maria Pereirra, Philip Faccenda, Gerard McDonald, Pat McGilligan, Alison Welsh, Ian Allison, Minnie Bilberg, Shaun McAllister, Elsa Purcell, Leighann Miller and Patrick McQueen.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 24 February 2019

Today is the Seventh Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 141)

"Be Compassionate as your Father is Compassionate "

Fair Trade Stall Today: Thanks to everyone who very generously supported the Fair Trade Stall last weekend and agreed to post the cards to the PM in support of the campaign. Total sales amounted to £281.00 and as always, we are very grateful for your ongoing support.

Justice and Peace: Meeting of the Parish Justice and Peace group in the Chapel House on Wednesday next 27th February at 7.30 pm.

Eco Congregation: Today Trish Muirhead and Elaine Young will be missing from the 11.00am Mass as they have been invited to Leith to assist with the establishment of an Eco Community at Star of the Sea.

Craiglockhart Centenary Reunion 2019: To celebrate the centenary of the founding of Craiglockhart College of Education in 1919, there will be a reunion rally for alumni on Saturday 11 May 2019 at the Craiglockart Campus, now part of Napier University. The day will begin at 10.3oam and will included Holy Mass at 11.30am and a three course lunch at 1.15pm to be followed by other events. The cost is £40. For further information and an application form please email by 1 March 2019.

Jesuit Lenten Retreat: The Society of Jesus in Scotland invite you to participate in a Lenten retreat commencing Ash Wednesday 6th March.

Online Lent Retreat: "Walking together with Jesus"; from the Jesuits in Scotland. An online programme of daily prayer through Lent, with materials for running groups. Already there are many groups planned for Scotland. A free book is available. Fuller details:

Balfour Project: Father Basil Clark, Vicar Episcopal for Justice and Peace, has asked that we draw attention to an event organised by the Balfour Project, an initiative that aims to create a much greater public awareness of Britain’s historic and current responsibilities in the Middle East.

For more information go to:

Phillip Zimora: Phillip asked me to convey his sincere thanks to the 11.00am Mass congregation for the genuine welcome he received last Sunday on the occasion of the renewal of his vows. It was a privilege for him to share his commitment with such hospitable people.

Oblate Connections: The Spring edition of Oblate Connections is available at the back of the church today. Please take one FREE.

Anniversaries: : Patrick Murphy, Baby Rosemary Meagher, Ian Scott, William Robertson, Mary Barclay, Lee Duncan, Bro. Denis Kelly, O.M.I., Fr. McGough OMI, Ronnie Winton, Stephanie Clark, Mary Hannon, Patrick Carroll, Mary Clements, Catherine Abbott, John McTighe, Rose Tait, Fr. Charles Barclay, Baby Rachael Butler, Sandy Eadie, James McGhee, Danny McKinney, Michael McFadden, David Scott, Shaun McRitchie, Fr Eugene Forde OMI, Margaret Sharkey, Maureen Hunter and Catherine Coleridge.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 17 February 2019

Today is the Sixth Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 139)

"Description of the disciple as he/she walks through life"

The Congregation of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI): Was founded on January 25, 1816, by Saint Eugène de Mazenod, a French priest born in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France on August 1st, 1782. The congregation was given recognition by Pope Leo XII on February 17, 1826. On February 17th the Oblates worldwide keep this date as their birthday.

The congregation is composed of priests and brothers usually living in community. Their Motto is "He sent me to bring the Good News to the Poor". The congregation has approximately 3,900 men (including 580 in formation). On this day 17th February 2019 Phillip Zimora of Zimbabwe will renew his commitment/Profession at the 11.00am Mass.

Ministers of the Eucharist

Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Gillis 23rd February 11.00 am to 3.30 pm. Holy Hour and Confessions. Book with Anne Lamond (email address removed).

Pat Sweeney: We regret to announce the unexpected death of Pat Sweeney of Sighthill View. We offer our sincere sympathy to his daughter Norma and his friends and siblings. Requiem Thursday 21st February at 10.00 am followed by burial in Craigmillar. May he rest in peace.

Race Night

At St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street Leith.
In aid of St. Catherine’s Homeless Project, Lauriston.
Saturday 23rd February 7.30pm. Admission £5.00

Includes Hot Snack of Pie and Beans

Fair Trade Stall Today: In 2019 the Fair Trade theme is "Raising the Bar for Cocoa". When we choose to purchase Fair Trade cocoa or chocolate it means that the farmer who grew or produced the product benefits from the safety of the Fair Trade Minimum Price. By working together in co-operatives small scale farmers can help each other and grow better quality cocoa. This in turn allows the farmers to provide better care and education for their families. In support, a Fair Trade Stall will be held in the parish after all Masses today. Please come over and support the stall where you will have the opportunity to buy ethically produced goods and enjoy some delicious chocolate before Lent!

The Beginning Experience – 22nd – 24th March: The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 22nd - 24th March 2019 at St. Mary’s Monastry, Kinnoull, Perth. For details contact Catherine on: 0131-665-3383 or email (email address removed). Completed Applications must be returned by 9th March 2019.

During the weekend participants are given the opportunity to deal with their feelings; begin to come to terms with their loss and grief, start to live again and not just exist. The weekend, then, not only benefits the participants but also their families.

Congratulations: On Thursday last we had a Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Moira and Jim Hind. As well as thanking God for 50 years of happiness, we also thank Jim and Moira for their ongoing giving of themselves to this community of St. John Ogilvie’s where they both served in many ministries and devoted themselves and their family to the wellbeing of the community.

It is Love alone that gives worth to all things. (Teresa of Avila)

Anniversaries: : Kate Docherty, Alice Quinn, William Goodall, Janet Sinclair, Mary Devine, Thomas Summerville, Mary Goonan, Dante Donofrio, Alexander Ogilvie, John Lewis, John Muirhead, Jessie Kinnaird, Fr. Jack Collins, OMI, Mary Doran, Maureen Donaldson, Owen Power, Monica Winkel, John Kilpatrick, Pearl McPhail, Nellie Lukow, Elizabeth Paten, Tommy Robertson, Jimmy Boyle, Euen Dunlop, James McCarron, Alex Hunter, Josephine Pathmanathan, Frances Healy, Billy Cleghorn, Paul Shirpke, Frances Doherty and Julia Ness;

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 10 February 2019

Today is the Fifth Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 135)

"Working Hard: Catching Nothing"

Oblate Feast Day 17th February: On February 17th 1826 the Oblate Rule of Life was approved by the Church. Members of our Congregation renew their Vows on the anniversary of the approval of our Rule. Next Sunday 17th February, Phillip Zimora an Oblate student for the Priesthood will make his profession. When an Oblate makes his Perpetual Profession he is handed the Rule Book with the words:

"Do This and You Shall Live"

Phillip Zimora: Phillip, a native of Zimbabwe, is a student at the Institute of Theology, Cedara, Durban, South Africa. Currently he is on a 9 month placement at Star of the Sea, Leith. He will renew his Vows of Poverty, Chastity Obedience and Perseverance after the Gospel of our 11.00 am Mass at St. John Ogilvie’s next Sunday.

From Grief to Grace:

From Grief to Grace

The Effects & Treatment of Sexual Abuse at The Gillis Centre 11.00am to 3.00pm
Reflection led by Fr. Dominic Allain Saturday 16th February 2 -
Booking: click here.

Ministers of the Eucharist

Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Gillis 23rd February 11.00 am to 3.30 pm. Holy Hour and Confessions. Book with Anne Lamond (email address removed).

Pat Sweeney: We regret to announce the unexpected death of Pat Sweeney of Sighthill View. We offer our sincere sympathy to his daughter Norma and his friends and siblings. Requiem Thursday 21st February at 10.00 am followed by burial in Craigmillar. May he rest in peace.

Caring for Creation

How green is your church?
Speaker: David Bethune Programme Coordinator Eco-congregation Scotland
Saturday 23rd February 2019 at 10.30 am
St Columba’s Middle Hall Upper Gray Street

Coffee available from 10.00 am

World Day of the Sick – 11th February: Tomorrow Monday is 11th February the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes it is designated by Pope Francis as "World Day of the Sick". An opportunity to visit a sick friend, send a Get Well card or pray for a neighbour or relative who is struggling to cope with a mental or physical illness.

Lourdes Pilgrimage: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes July 5th to 12th. Flights direct from Edinburgh. For details etails of costs contact and

Pilgrims who require supported care should contact Accuel Saint Frai, Booking Secretary, 61 Hailes Gardens, EH13 OJN Tel: 0131-441-1939.

Fair Trade Stall: Fair Trade Fortnight runs between 25 February and 10 March 2019 with the theme "Raising the Bar for Cocoa". When we choose to purchase Fair Trade cocoa or chocolate it means that the farmer who grew or produced the product benefits from the safety of the Fair Trade Minimum Price. By working together in co-operatives small scale farmers can help each other and grow better quality cocoa. This in turn allows the farmers to provide better care and education for their families. In support, a Fair Trade Stall will be held in the parish after all Masses on the weekend of the 16th/17th February. Please come over and support the stall where you will have the opportunity to buy ethically produced goods and enjoy some delicious chocolate before Lent!

Anniversaries: : Shaun Roberts, Phyllis Robertson, Bridget McGonagle, Catherine Glynn, Mamie McTighe, Peter Allan, Mary Mancias, Effie Kay, Ann Gaughan, Margaret Roberts, Christine Kenny, Agnes Jamieson, Patrick McCann, Mary Slater, John Kidd, James Dalrymple, Nan McMahon, John Rodgers, Gina Binnie and Sarah McDonald.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 3 February 2019

Today is the Fourth Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 132)

"Rejection and Love"

Welcome: This weekend we welcome Ifeanyi Kevin and Azuka Michael Oji to God’s family. Sons of Collins and Ishimona Oji of Clovenstone Drive. Congratulations to their parents and we pray that what you begin at the Baptismal Font today will continue to bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday next 7th February at 7.30 pm. Members of the Council please collect agenda and correspondence after Mass today.

From the Archbishop:

Youth Leaders!

Information and Training Day
Saturday 9th February at The Gillis Centre 11.00am to 3.00pm
Book with Catherine Clark (email address removed).

From Grief to Grace

The Effects & Treatment of Sexual Abuse at The Gillis Centre 11.00am to 3.00pm
Reflection led by Fr. Dominic Allain Saturday 16th February 2 -
Booking: click here.

Is Leadership too Important to be left to Leaders?: Presentation by Fr. Xavier Jeyaraj sj [President of Jesuit Social Justice & Ecology] At Lauriston Jesuit Centre 25th February 7.30 pm .

Race Night

At St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street Leith.
In aid of St. Catherine’s Homeless Project, Lauriston.
Saturday 23rd February 7.30pm. Admission £5.00

If you wish to sponsor a race @ £25.00 ring Kathy at 544-2482

Senior Citizens Party: Saturday last we had a most enjoyable afternoon at our annual Senior Citizen’s Party. Much appreciation was expressed by both parishioners and visitors, a very fitting conclusion to Church Unity Week to share a meal with friends and neighbours.

Our thanks to the PPC and to so many volunteers who created such a joyful occasion. Purchasing, preparing and serving the victuals. The 4 course meal was most appetising, Long hours of rehearsal by our resident quartet provided dulcet sounds to suit all tastes. A special treat this year was Marie on the accordion rendering a nice touch of Scottish Airs.

A Remembering Service: For those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing. Ecumenical and open to all. Sunday 17th February 2019, 5pm, St John the Baptist RC Church, Corstorphine.

Safeguarding: Each year around this time we are required by the Bishops of Scotland to remind parishioners of the arrangements which are made to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in activities in the parish. The statement which comes with this newsletter sets out the position.

Rotas: New rotas for Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Church Cleaners available at the back of the church. Please take your copy.

Anniversaries: : Nell Williamson, Helen O’Neill, Annie O’Donnell, Peter Scott, Christopher Abbott, Peggy Scougall, Rose Benert, Daniel Thorpe, Margaret Gallen, Mary Sullivan, Moses Townsley, Catherine Carey, May Fitzpatrick, John Ndangali, Fred Bilgerg, May Tansey, Andrew Horne, Eddie O’Donnell, Edith Graham, James Farrell, Cathy Paterson, John Baxter and Sr Therese.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 27 January 2019

Today is the Third Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 129)

"Mission Statement of Jesus"

Sacramental Programme: Meeting of young people preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion on Saturday 9thFebruary at 10.30 am.

From the Archbishop:

Youth Leaders!

Information and Training Day
Saturday 9th February at The Gillis Centre 11.00am to 3.00pm
Book with Catherine Clark (email address removed).

Christian Unity Week:

Christian Unity Prayer

God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …” We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Parish Pastoral Council: Nominations for members to service on the PPC should be placed in the "Suggestion Box" before 7th February.

Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 7th February items for the agenda and nominations should be given to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] or placed in suggestion box before 31st January.

The Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood.

The weekend will take place from 22nd - 24th March 2019 at St Mary’s Monastry, Kinnoull, Perth. For details contact Catherine on 0131-665-3383 or email (email address removed).

During the weekend participants are given the opportunity to deal with their feelings; begin to come to terms with their loss and grief, start to live again and not just exist. The weekend, then, not only benefits the participants but also their families.

Television: A parishioner who was treated to a new wide-screen TV set at Christmas has offered a 32” colour TV for a family or Senior Citizen in need of a new set. See Fr Tony.

Congratulations: On Friday next 1st February Charlie and Patsy McGinley will Celebrate 50 happy years of Marriage. The married life of Patsy and Charlie began with Nuptial Mass at the Church of Our Lady & St. George on 1st February 1969. On Friday next they will return to the same church to give thanks for their shared lives and to celebrate with their family and friends.

We pray that you may enjoy many more happy years in our community. We appreciate the joy, hope and lifegiving of your presence. May you and your family continue to be a positive influence on our community.

The Just World Shop, 1993 to 2018: The Just World Shop in Portobello celebrates 25 years of work in support of FairTrade. They wish to say “Thank You” to churches and schools who provide 40% of their income.

Their turnover this year was £55k an increase of £2k on last year. Over the 25 years we have sold £1.3 million of goods which have helped our producers work their way out of poverty and provide food, shelter, education and health care for their families.

Anniversaries: : Brian Sprott, Francis Rickis, Elsa Barrett, Raymond Duval, David Whyte, Charlie Parry, Baby Rosie Fyfe, Mary Mansfield, Dario Zappa, Martina Feeney, Philip Puzey, Mary Ann Baillie, Marie Annis, Philip Ewing, John Gallagher, Irene Koning, Fr. Smits OMI, Ina Dawson, Isabella Connor, Jim Ryan, Rose McMaster, Cilla Mitchell, Elizabeth Dewar, Agnes Morris, Martha Shiels and John Glasgow.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 20 January 2019

Today is the Second Sunday of the Year, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 127)

"First of the Seven Signs - Abundance"

From the Archbishop:

Youth Leaders!

Information and Training Day
Saturday 9th February at The Gillis Centre 11.00am to 3.00pm
Book with Catherine Clark (email address removed)

From Grief to Grace

The Effects & Treatment of Sexual Abuse at The Gillis Centre 11.00am to 3.00pm
Reflection led by Fr. Dominic Allain Saturday 16th February 2 -
Booking: click here.

Ministers of the Eucharist

Gillis 23rd February 11.00 am to 3.30 pm. Holy Hour & Confessions
Book with Anne Lamond (email address removed).

Christian Unity Week:

Edinburgh Churches Together is holding a special service
of prayer and worship for Christian Unity Week.
Tomorrow, Monday 21st January 2019 at Palmerston Place Church 7.30pm.
Everyone is most welcome to come to the service and to the reception afterwards.

Sacramental Programme for Reconciliation and Holy Communion: Saturday 19th January and Saturday 9th February at 10.30am.

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 26th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

We have sent invitations to Leith, St. Nicholas’, St. Joseph’s, The Bingo, Dove and Chai. This is part of our effort to engage in Ecumenism and a welcome to our neighbours.

As a parishioner you don’t need a special invitation, but come and welcome our visitors.

If you are able to help with Serving etc. please put your name on List at the back of the Church. Thanks

Christian Unity Week 21st to 28th January:

Christian Unity Prayer

God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …” We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Parish Pastoral Council: According to the PPC constitution, every year the three longest serving members of the council retire and are replaced by nomination or ballot by parishioners. This change is important, it brings fresh ideas to the council and also ensures it is not a job for life.

Please place nominations in the suggestion box at the back of the church. We have Polish, German, Filipino, Irish, English, Spanish and African families in the parish, from that group of seven different nationalities only three men are represented on the council, please help to make the PPC multi-cultural.

Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 7th February items for the agenda and nominations should be given to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] or placed in suggestion box before 31st January.

Anniversaries: : James Fielding, Jean Power, Josephine Nichol, Maggie McSparron, Christine Murphy, John McDonald, Neil Harkins, Michael Henry, Gina Fortune, Mary McLaren, Salvatore Peschiera, Derek Sweeney, Patrick Mullan, Rose Downie, Teresa Nicol, Tony Boak, John Donoghue, Allen Young, Patrick Daly, Peter Donald, Jonathan Johnston McHugh, Nora Gielty, Fr Jim Ryan, Frances Rennie, Nancy Thomson, Fr. O’Dowd OMI, Fr. Feigherty OMI and William Findlayson.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 13 January 2019

Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 118)

"The Public Beginning"

Justice and Peace Scotland: Justice and Peace Scotland Celebrates its 40th Anniversary this year. Second Collection at Masses throughout Scotland today to support the work of Justice & Peace at Diocesan Level.

Parish Bingo: Returns from Christmas Break on Tuesday 15.01.2019.

Christian Unity Week:

Edinburgh Churches Together is holding a special service
of prayer and worship for Christian Unity Week.
Monday 21st January 2019 at Palmerston Place Church 7.30pm.
Everyone is most welcome to come to the service and to the reception afterwards.

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 26th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

We have sent invitations to Leith, St. Nicholas’, St. Joseph’s, The Bingo, Dove and Chai. This is part of our effort to engage in Ecumenism and a welcome to our neighbours.

As a parishioner you don’t need a special invitation, but come and welcome our visitors.

Catholic Directory: The 2019 Catholic Directory for the Archdiocese of Edinburgh is available at the back of the church. Cost £2.50.

Lauriston Jesuit Centre Philippa Bonella has just returned from 3 months working as a human rights monitor. Based in a small village in the occupied West Bank, her role was to report on human rights violations, provide a protective presence to local communities, and support Palestinians and Israelis working for peace. She will share stories of some of the people she met, true tales set against a backdrop of the beautiful scenery and ancient sites of the Holy Land.

Thursday 31st January, 7.30pm Lauriston Hall.

Pax Christi Scotland: Bruce Kent, one of Britain's most prominent and internationally acknowledged peace campaigners will present on the work of Pax Christi (International Catholic Movement for Peace) at Our Lady of Loretto, Musselburgh, on Saturday 19th January 2019. The day, open to all to attend, will begin with Mass for Peace and Reconciliation at 10.00am and end at 1.30pm with closing prayers. Further details are available on the JPIC table at the back of the church. For catering purposes please register by emailing or speak to a member of the JPIC team.

St. Andrew’s Children’s Society - Adoption and Foster Care: There are many children across Scotland who need stable, loving families to care for them on a long term or permanent basis. Could you provide the stability and love these children deserve?

Their birth families are not able to provide the nurturing or safe environment that would allow them to flourish and become confident and well balanced adults.

Could you provide the stability and love these children deserve? Would you like to hear more about whether adopting or fostering a child could be an option for you?

Contact us on 0131 454 3370 or

Anniversaries: : Fr. Ray McEvoy, OMI, Mary Scott, Jack Glen, Sarah Baxter, Owen McLeod, Archie Donald, George Blaney, Arthur McKay, Mary Hanlon, Margaret Deans, Frank Nagel, John Gahagan, Veronica Turner, Hugh McGonagle, Rose Jones, Frank Masson, David Norris, Keith Tranent, Francis Sawyer, William Dalrymple, Arthur James Davie, Alexander Moore, Aileen Goll, Vincent McDevitt, Fr Noel Coughlan, Frank Chalmers, Edward McKay-Ferguson and Terry Cuthbert.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 6 January 2019

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, Year C

(Prayers & Readings Page 115)

"Finding Out where Jesus is"

Justice and Peace Scotland: Justice and Peace Scotland Celebrates its’ 40th Anniversary this year. Bishop William Nolan of Galloway holds the JPIC portfolio for the Scottish Hierarchy. At the back of the church today you will find a letter from Bishop Nolan. Next Sunday 13th January the Prayers of the Faithful will be offered for JPIC and a second collection will be taken for promotion of JPIC in Scotland.

The objectives of JPIC are; Social Justice, Human Rights, Care of Creation, Nonviolence and Peacemaking, Development and Nuclear Disarmament.

Parish JPIC: Meeting in Chapel House Wednesday 9th January at 7.30 pm.

Catholic Directory: The 2019 Catholic Directory for the Archdiocese of Edinburgh is available at the back of the church. Cost £2.50.

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 26th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

Parish Bingo: Returns from Christmas break on Tuesday January 15th January.

Pope Francis - Rejoice and be Glad: St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us that the precepts added to the Gospel by the Church should be imposed with moderation “lest the conduct of the faithful become burdensome” for then our religion would become a form of servitude.

May the Lord set the Church free from these new forms of Gnosticism and Pelagianism that weigh her down and block her progress along the path to holiness.

From Archbishop Cushley: I have recently returned from a prolonged stay in Rome at the Synod on the Youth and Vocational Discernment. It was a very fruitful time.

Having the opportunity to make some contribution to the Synod debate, I felt compelled to address the topic of pastoral accompaniment of our young people. I have a vision that this Archdiocese, through her priests and her people, be an instrument which brings our young people to Jesus Christ, opening up to them the great joy of knowing Jesus and living life in him. That vision involves each of our parishes being places where our young people can be brought to the Lord, and I believe that the most obvious way of doing this would be for each parish to have a youth group.

I am aware that many of us are apprehensive about working with our young people, or even that we feel that we are simply unable. I believe that we are all capable of helping our young people come to Christ, and I also believe that it greatly enriches our ministry to do so.

I am also aware that many of us are over-stretched and that the idea of doing specific "youth work" might seem impossible given all of our other obligations. With this in mind, I am considering how we might go about starting a youth group in parishes. The event will take place on Saturday 9th February at Gillis. You are asked to send two or three parishioners to this event, I have asked two parishioners to attend I would appreciate if at least one other interested parishioner would volunteer to join them.

Nunraw: The Cistercian Monks of Nunraw Abbey have now opened a part of the Monastery as their new guest house. They can be contacted by telephone on 01620 830 223 between the hours of 9.00 to 11.00 am and 2:30 to 4:30 pm.

These restricted hours reflect the need for us to give precedence to the liturgical services which are our priority as monks. Please note that there is now a tariff for guests which is set at commercial rates.

Anniversaries: : Baby Connie Kimberley Wright, Agnes McWilliams, Hugh Boyle, Mary Birmingham, Peggy Paddock, James Kidd, John Cochrane, Bernard O’Donnell, Nnabyenyi Peter Ugwu, Cathy Sweeney, Alice Payne, John Brogan, Daniel McManus, Bett Sutherland, Nicholas Saddler, David Bowman, Teresa Inglis, Richard Hughes, Terry Tinney, Mary & Robert Smith, Bella Ward, John Hunter, Michael Quinn, Evan Jones, Patricia Agu, Kitty O’Donnell, Vera Walker, Adeline Dewar and Bill Docherty,